object oriented programming language


The following Learning outcomes will be assessed in this assessment

· 1. Develop appropriate software solutions to technological problems.

· 2. Describe and apply features of an object oriented programming language.

· 3. Effectively exploit the programming language and development environments.

· 4. Effectively apply software design and development principles.

Overall Aim.

To implement a software system in C#, that can read and write data in standard XML, store and retrieve data from an SQL database in a user friendly manner.

Assignment Aims

Students will be provided with the following software (on blackboard) :

An SQLite database file.

The aim of the coursework is to give students practical experience in object oriented software development by implementing a system in an object oriented language (C#) that involves a number of real-world engineering applications (reading and writing standard data format (XML), database access and storage, user interface design).

The System.

A company has developed an autonomous robot system that has the capability to deliver small to medium sized objects over a short distance.  The robots are to be used in a large warehouse environment to move small parts, tools, orders etc.  An empty robot can travel for 1000m before it has to re-charge, for each 5kg the robot carries it operates 5% less efficiently E.G.

Empty / lightly laden robot (0 - 5.0kg) can travel for 1000m.

Therefore a robot carrying 5.1 to 10.0kg

100% / 95% = 1000 / x.  x = 950 therefore a robot operating at 95% efficiency could travel 950m

At 95% efficiency 1% of battery moves the robot 950 / 100 = 9.5m

Or moving 1m uses 1/9.5 = 0.1053% of the battery (rounded to 4 decimal places)

The maximum weight a robot can carry is 25.0 kg.  It is assumed that size is not an issue.

All robots always move at their maximum speed of 5m/s regardless of cargo weight.

The warehouse is assumed to be a simple square, 100m along each side.  There is a re-charging station in each corner and robots are assumed to be able to move in a straight line at all times and never collide.

A full charge of a robot (robots never charge less than fully) takes 3 minutes.  Robots will recharge during a job but not between jobs.

The company owns 5 of these robots.

The student is supplied with an empty SQLite database, on Blackboard, containing three tables, Jobs and RobotHistory, RobotStatus.

The Tables are as follows:







JobID – Primary key, Integer – Uniquely identifies a Job.

StartPos – Text – Starting point for the job where the object is collected.

EndPos – Text – End point for the job where the object is delivered.

Weight – Real – Weight of the object being transported.


· XML file handling was covered in lab 12

· Database access / SQL was covered in labs 13 and 14, students should use the code given in these labs for this work.

· Students will be given time during lab sessions to work on the assignment with guided assistance.

The assignment will be explained and students given the opportunity to clarify any points in a lab session, and the recording will be placed on Blackboard.


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