2024-1-S-NFS284: Three-Day Food Record & Diet Quality Assessment (8% of final grade)
Due online Feb 2 @ 9am
The purpose of this assignment, which is worth 12% of your final grade and is due on Feb 2 @ 9am, is to:
a) Complete a three-day food record. You can begin this part of the assignment on the first day of classes.
b) Evaluate the quality of your diet by comparing it to Canada’s Food Guide (CFG) recommendations.
Please note: You are NOT being graded on the quality of your diet, but on how you evaluate it.
c) Plan a personalized menu based on CFG.
Background Information:
In January 2019 Health Canada released a new version of CFG to replace the 2007 version of CFG. The new food guide is a web-based tool available at Canada's Food Guide. One of the distinguishing features of this new guide is the plate snapshot and a move away from the prescriptive serving sizes, found in the 2007 version of CFG, to an emphasis on selecting foods based on proportions, e.g. fill half your plate with vegetables and fruit, one quarter with whole grains and one quarter with protein. Health Canada chose this approach because surveys of consumers found they preferred it to the more quantitative approach of the 2007 guide, for the planning of meals.
While the 2019 food guide simplifies meal planning for the individual consumer, there is an ongoing need to develop indices to measure adherence to these updated dietary recommendations for Canadians. The Healthy Eating Food Index (HEFI) was developed and published in 2022; It includes 10 components, of which 5 are based on foods, 1 on beverages, and 4 on nutrients, for a total of 80 points where a higher score depicts a higher level of alignment with the healthy food choice (CFG-2019) recommendation.
In this assignment, the food groups and the number of CFG servings recommended by 2007 CFG will be included in the assessment of diet quality.
To complete this assignment two food guides and the beverages component of the Healthy Eating Food Index (HEFI-2019) will be used:
1) 2007 Canada’s Food Guide: You will record your food intake by estimating the amount of food consumed, converting it to numbers of Canada’s Food Guide servings, and comparing your intake to recommendations in the 2007 CFG.
2) 2019 Canada’s Food guide: You will also use the results you tabulate using the 2007 guide in combination with the messages from the new 2019 food guide to assess the overall quality of your diet. The 2019 food guide will also be used for planning a menu that conforms to the plate snapshot.
3) Healthy Eating Food Index (HEFI-2019): One of the ten components (Beverages) of the HEFI-2019 will be used to assess one of the 2019 guidelines: “Make water your drink of choice”.
This assignment takes a food-based approach. You will be assessing your diet (three-day food record) based on the types and quantities of food selected. You will be estimating the gram value of beverages consumed for one of the three days your dietary intake is recorded. Individual nutrient intakes, such as protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, will not be considered here.
Course Content: In order to complete this assignment you need to be familiar with both versions of Canada’s Food Guide and the beverages component of the Healthy Eating Food Index. These topics are covered in lectures during week 2. Sections in the textbook that are useful are shown below.
Second Canadian Edition: More information about the 2007 Food Guide can be found in the textbook: Section 2.3: Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide (pg 43-56 2ce). The link to the online 2019 guide is given above.
Third Canadian Edition: Information about the 2019 food guide is found in Section 2.3 Canada’s Food Guide 2019 (pg 53 – 60 3ce). The 2007 guide is described in Appendix D (pg A7-A15)
Required documents:
In addition to this handout you will need the following documents, which can be found in the 3 day record assignment page online.
a) 2007-Canada’s Food Guide.
b) Answers to Questions: Blank Tables Document: Word document containing tables referred to in questions. Use this document to enter your data and type your answers to ALL questions. THIS FILLED DOCUMENT WILL BE HANDED IN AS PART OF THE COMPLETED ASSIGNMENT.
c) Food Record Sheet: The food record sheet can be found on page 12. THIS FILLED DOCUMENT WILL BE HANDED IN AS PART OF THE COMPLETED ASSIGNMENT.
d) Calculating Health Eating Food Index – 2019 Scores (HEFI-2019)- Pgs 1-2. The link is provided above. Use https://www.aqua-calc.com/calculate/food-volume-to-weight to calculate all gram values of beverages if needed.
Information on how to complete this assignment has been organized into various appendices, which appear later in this document. Be sure to read these appendices carefully to ensure that you have completed the assignment correctly.
Questions about the assignment:
If you have questions about the assignment you can post them on the course discussion board. Dr Laar or a TA will answer questions posted there until September 30 at 9 AM. After that time, it will not be possible to answer questions on the discussion board. Alternatively, you can make a virtual appointment with Dr Laar (Book a time) to specifically discuss any questions you might have about the assignment. Please check Quercus for details on available appointment dates and times and how to book an appointment.
1) Begin this assignment by recording your food intake for three days, i.e. Day 1, 2, and 3. (See Appendix 1: Keeping a three-day food record). Select one of these days to record the amounts (g) of all beverages consumed. You can start this on the first day of classes.
2) For each day convert the amount of food consumed into CFG servings and determine the food group into which your food belongs based on the 2007 CFG food groups. Foods such as oils, processed foods, and other foods that don’t fit in the 4 food groups will be entered in tables 3 & 4 of the Answers to Questions: Blank Tables Document.
3) Use the amounts (g) of all beverages (water included) consumed (for one day) to calculate the beverages component score. Use the HEFI link above to access the “Calculate HEFI document” document from Canada.ca. Refer to pages 1 & 2 for relevant information for calculating the Beverages component score. Use https://www.aqua-calc.com/calculate/food-volume-to-weight to calculate all gram values of beverages.
4) Use the Answers to Questions, Blank Tables Document to tabulate your results and answer the questions below.
Due date: Online Feb 2 at 09:00am (12% of final grade)
Complete Table 1: Personal Data, using the Answers to Questions: Blank Tables Document. This information is required only to ensure that your assignment is graded accurately, as 2007-Canada Food Guide recommendations vary with age and sex.
Table 1: Personal Data |
Name: |
Student #: |
Sex M/F |
Age(yrs) |
Grading for Q1: Table 1 should be fully filled-in. Q1: 1 Mark
QUESTION 2: DIETARY ASSESSMENT: Table 2: Conformance to 2007 Canada’s Food Guide
Complete Table 2, using the Answers to Questions: Blank Tables Document, to determine how well your food intake conforms to 2007 Canada’s Food Guide. Determine the number of CFG servings consumed for each food group, from your food record sheets (See Appendix 2 for details). Calculate your 3-day average intake for each food group and compare it to the recommended intake from the 2007 Canada’s Food Guide. Indicate whether you consumed the correct number of servings, more than recommended by CFG, or less than recommended by CFG in the assessment row of the table. For this assignment the number of servings is considered correct if it is within 0.5 servings of the recommended amount for the food group e.g. if you should consume 6 servings, any amount between 5.5 to 6.5 is correct. Note that eating more of a specific food group is not necessarily a concern unless it adds excessive kcalories and/or results in less of another food group being consumed e.g. too many Meat & Alternatives servings at the expense of Vegetables and Fruits. Eating less of specific food group may be a concern as it may result in an inadequate nutrient intake.
Table 2: Conformance to Canada’s Food Guide |
Vegetables & Fruits (# CFG servings) |
Grain Products (# CFG servings) |
Milk & Alternatives (# CFG servings) |
Meat & Alternatives (# CFG servings) |
Day 1 |
Day 2 |
Day 3 |
3-day average |
Recommended # servings as indicated on 2007 CFG |
Assessment of 3-day average |
Grading for Q2: Table should be complete with correct recommendations and assessments of food group intake.
Q2: 4 marks
QUESTION 3: DIETARY ASSESSMENT: Table 3: Highly processed foods
Both versions of Canada’s Food Guide recommended against highly processed foods that are high in salt, sugar, unhealthy fats (saturated and trans fat), and list examples of such foods. The list of foods to avoid from the 2019 CFG includes:
· sugary drinks
· salty snacks
· chocolate and candies
· ice cream and frozen desserts
· fast foods like French fries and burgers
· frozen entrées like pasta dishes and pizzas (Unfrozen versions are also considered highly processed )
· bakery products like muffins, buns and cakes
· processed meats like sausages and deli meats
Referring to your Food Record Sheet (pg 10), check the highly processed food column for any food that is on the list above (See Appendix 2). Complete table 3 (using the Answers to Questions: Blank Tables Document) listing which of the highly processed foods you consumed on each day, as shown in the examples below. If you did not consume any foods on the list, enter “0”.
Table 3: Highly Processed foods |
Day 1 |
Day 2 |
Day 3 |
Number of times highly processed foods were eaten |
e.g. 2 |
e.g. 0 |
e.g. 1 |
Food selected |
e.g. 1) Regular soft drink 2) fast food hamburger |
Potato chips |
Grading for Q3: Table should be complete. Q3: 3 marks
Referring to your food record sheet put an X in the oils column each time oils (e.g.olive, canola, soybean, corn oil, peanut, sunflower, flaxseed) or one of the following oil-containing products, such are trans-fat free margarine, mayonnaise, or salad dressing were consumed.
The 2019 CFG also indicates the following foods contain healthy fats: nuts, seeds, avocado, fatty fish. Indicate the number of times these foods have been consumed. If you did not consume any foods, enter “0.”
Table 4: healthy fats |
Day 1 |
Day 2 |
Day 3 |
Number of times oil, mayonnaise, margarine, or salad dressing were eaten |
Number of times nuts, seeds, avocado, or fatty fish were eaten |
Grading for Q4: Table should be complete. Q4: 3 marks
Review your food intake as shown in tables 2, 3, 4. Assess how well your food intake complies with the following messages from 2019 CFG by answering the questions below. Insert your answers into table 5, using the Answers to Questions: Blank Tables Document. A well-answered question will include detailed elaboration such as specific references to food that you should or should not eat. e.g.
not “I need to consume more vegetables and a greater variety of vegetables and add them to half my plate.”
instead “I need to increase the quantity of vegetables consumed, as I only consumed half the CFG servings recommended. I also need to consume a greater variety of vegetables, as I consume few vegetables beside potatoes; also I consume potatoes, mainly as French fries, which are high in saturated fat. I can improve this by adding non-starchy vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, and spinach in the form of salads and stir-fries and avoid deep-frying. I need to add these to half my plate at each meal to improve overall amounts consumed.”
· Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits: https://food-guide.canada.ca/en/healthy-eating-recommendations/make-it-a-habit-to-eat-vegetables-fruit-whole-grains-and-protein-foods/eat-vegetables-and-fruits/
· Describe the quantity of vegetables and fruits consumed and the variety.
· Also indicate whether you were eating vegetables and fruits that were high in sodium (e.g. some canned vegetables), saturated fats (e.g. restaurant-purchased French fries) or added sugar ( e.g. canned fruit in sugar-containing syrup).
· Both the 2007 and 2019 CFG indicate that vegetables & fruit should be the most widely consumed food category. Indicate how you would improve fruit and vegetable intake; if no improvement is needed, indicate what you would continue eat to maintain current levels of intake (3 marks)
· Choose whole grain foods: https://food-guide.canada.ca/en/healthy-eating-recommendations/make-it-a-habit-to-eat-vegetables-fruit-whole-grains-and-protein-foods/eat-whole-grain-foods/
· Describe whether you eat mainly whole grains or mainly foods made from refined grains e.g. white flour.
· Also indicate whether the grain products eaten were high in fat and sugar or not.
· Indicate how you would improve your whole grain intake to conform with the 2019 guide. If no improvement is needed, indicate what you would continue eat to maintain current levels of intake (3 marks)
· Eat protein foods: https://food-guide.canada.ca/en/healthy-eating-recommendations/make-it-a-habit-to-eat-vegetables-fruit-whole-grains-and-protein-foods/eat-protein-foods/
· Indicate any animal-based proteins that you eat that are high in saturated fat. For a list of foods high in saturated fat: https://food-guide.canada.ca/en/healthy-eating-recommendations/make-it-a-habit-to-eat-vegetables-fruit-whole-grains-and-protein-foods/choosing-foods-with-healthy-fats/
· Indicate what plant-based protein you eat.
· Indicate how to improve your protein intake to conform with the 2019 guide. If no improvement is needed, indicate what you would continue eat to maintain current levels of intake. (3 marks)
· Limit highly processed food: https://food-guide.canada.ca/en/healthy-eating-recommendations/limit-highly-processed-foods/ AND
· Choose fats with healthy fats: https://food-guide.canada.ca/en/healthy-eating-recommendations/make-it-a-habit-to-eat-vegetables-fruit-whole-grains-and-protein-foods/choosing-foods-with-healthy-fats/
· Indicate how you would reduce your intake of highly processed food i.e. what foods would you remove from your diet and with what foods would you replace them.
· Indicate how you would increase your intake of healthy fats.
· If no improvement is needed in either reduction of saturated fats or increase in healthy unsaturated fat, indicate what you would continue eat to maintain current levels of intake (2 marks)
· Make water your drink of choice. https://food-guide.canada.ca/en/healthy-eating-recommendations/make-water-your-drink-of-choice/
· Describe the quantity and quality of the beverages you consumed.
· Do you need to change your intake? If no, explain why; if yes, what changes you would make. (2 marks)
Table 5: Dietary Assessment and Areas for Improvement |
1)Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits: |
2)Choose whole grain foods |
3)Eat protein foods |
4)Limit highly processed food & choose healthy fats |
5)Make water your drink of choice |
Grading for Q5: All questions have been addressed.
Q5: 12 marks
Complete a 1-day, 3-meal menu (table 6, using the Answers to Questions: Blank Tables Document) based on the 2019-CFG recommendations and your food preferences using the table below. You do NOT have to indicate food quantities. Just list the foods you would put on your plate. See the video:
• https://food-guide.canada.ca/en/tips-for-healthy-eating/make-healthy-meals-with-the-eat-well-plate/
Table 6: One day menu |
Breakfast |
Lunch |
Supper |
Have plenty of vegetables and fruit:
Have plenty of vegetables and fruit: |
Have plenty of vegetables and fruit: |
Eat protein foods:
Eat protein foods: |
Eat protein foods: |
Choose whole grain foods:
Choose whole grain foods: |
Choose whole grain foods: |
Make water your drink of choice (or acceptable alternatives):
Make water your drink of choice (or acceptable alternatives):
Make water your drink of choice (or acceptable alternatives):
Grading for Q6: Menu should have a good selection of nutrient-dense foods from the categories recommended by 2019-Canada’s Food Guide.
Q6: 15 marks
1) Use the HEFI link above to access the “Calculate HEFI document” document from Canada.ca. Refer to pages 1 & 2 for relevant information for calculating the Beverages component score. Use https://www.aqua-calc.com/calculate/food-volume-to-weight to calculate all gram values of beverages.
Table 7: HEFI-2019 - Beverages score |
Total beverage intake (g) for one day:
Unsweetened beverage intake for one day (g):
Calculate the measurement ratio for beverages: (show formula used) |
In 2-3 sentences briefly describe how your score compares to the maximum score. Discuss the score in relation to Table 5: Dietary Assessment and Areas for Improvement - Make water your drink of choice.
Grading for Q7: Food record for one day should show the amount (g) of all beverages consumed. The total water/unsweetened beverage intake and the total beverage intake for the day is stated. Beverage measurement ratio is calculated and score is discussed in relation to the recommendation:Make water your drink of choice in Table 5.
Q7: 5 marks
Along with the answers to your questions be sure to also upload the three Food Record Sheets: Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3 Upload as FOUR separate files: Answers to questions document, Day 1, Day 2, Day 3
If you hand wrote the record sheet, you may photograph or scan and upload a jpg of the sheet. Be sure the photo is in focus and readable.
Grading for Q8: All files present: 4 marks
One for more files missing: deduct 1 mark/file
Q8: 4 marks
Total: 48 marks