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BEX 3000 - Professional Development for Business
The report accounts for 40% of your total marks for the unit. It is directly connected to the following assessment tasks:
- Research Plan
Assessment task purpose
You, as an external consultant, will write a 1000-word report for the Board identifying the 3 most important issues for the company going forward based on its Australian operations. Your report includes evidence as to why these 3 issues have been chosen. Your report will provide advice on what the company should do in order to improve in these 3 key areas, along with supporting reasons for the suggested courses of action.
Learning Outcomes
2. Synthesise high quality industry information (reports, publications, statistics) to provide relevant business insights and make informed decisions
3. Analyse and evaluate business related inputs in order to identify areas of growth, differentiation and improvement
4. Communicate in written and verbal form to produce professional artefacts
Your assessment task
Your report should be concise and can be written, where beneficial, in dot points. It should have a professional design and layout that is tailored to its intended audience, the board.
Text should be 12pt, double spaced and submitted as either a Word Document of PDF.
Word Limit & conditions
1000 words plus an appendix. The appendix can be large. The appendix should be a written document synthesising the main supporting evidence. While there is no minimum or maximum length, it would be expected that it will be around 5000 words.
Due Date
Friday 11.55PM in Week 12
● Via Moodle Assignment Submission.
● Turnitin will be used for similarity checking of all submissions.
Assessment Criteria
You will be assessed on your ability to demonstrate the following:
- Analyse and evaluate of business related inputs
- Synthesize information
- Produce professional communication
Late Penalties
● 10% deduction per calendar day or part thereof for up to one week
● Submissions more than 7 calendar days after the due date will receive a mark of zero (0) and may not receive assessment feedback
Feedback will be provided on student work via:
● general cohort performance
● specific student feedback ten working days post submission
You will carry out your research plan in order to submit a high quality professional report to the board. Your research plan identified 3 issues to conduct more detailed research on. Use the feedback you received to inform your next steps. You might find, upon conducting deeper research on one of the issues, that the available information is insufficient. You can then go back to the additional issues your team identified and preliminarily researched and select one of them instead.
For each of the 3 issues you need to address:
- What it is
- What is causing it/ What its ramifications are (with evidence)
- What can be done to rectify it (include evidence for your chosen strategy if possible)
You may also identify other areas to include so as to offer a more comprehensive report. Your report has a word limit of 1000 words +/-10%, however, you are able to include an appendix, and can reference its inclusions in your report.
Learning Objectives & Criteria |
HD (80-100%) Demonstration of extended knowledge, skills and attributes at an exceptional level, showing fluency, originality and integration of concepts |
D (70-79%) Demonstration of extended knowledge, skills and attributes at a superior level, showing fluency and emerging originality and integration of concepts. |
C (65-74%) Demonstration of fundamental knowledge, skills and attributes at a proficient level, showing fluency in concepts. |
P (50-59%) Demonstration of fundamental knowledge, skills and attributes at a satisfactory level. |
N (0-49%) Lack of satisfactory demonstration of fundamental knowledge, skills and expected attributes. |
Identify 3 key areas which you think are important for the company and provide evidence for your choice. 40% |
Clearly demonstrates evidence of expert, critical and highly systematic evaluation of business needs in order to accurately identify distinct, meaningful and impactful issues, which are clearly and accurately supported by high quality research. |
Clearly demonstrates evidence of critical and highly systematic evaluation of business needs in order to identify distinct, meaningful and impactful issues, which are well supported by high quality research. |
Produces evidence of a critical evaluation of business needs with the aim of identifying distinct, meaningful and impactful issues, which are supported by high quality research. |
Produces an adequate evaluation of business needs with the aim of identifying relevant issues, which are supported with satisfactory research. |
Produces a disconnected, incomplete, or insufficient evaluation of business needs with a limited number and range of sources. |
Synthesise high quality industry information (reports, publications, statistics) to provide relevant business insights and make informed decisions 30% |
The report presents the issues concisely and comprehensively, with clear, actionable and insightful courses of action provided. High quality sources of evidence are used throughout |
The report presents the issues concisely and/or comprehensively, with clear and actionable courses of action provided. High quality sources of evidence are used throughout |
The report presents the issues effectively, with valid courses of action provided. Some high quality sources of evidence are used. |
The report presents the issues adequately, with attempts to provide meaningful courses of action. Few high quality sources of evidence are used. |
The report communicates information or ideas with limited clarity and may lack the inclusion of all elements. Very few if any high quality sources of evidence are used. |
Communicate in written form to produce professional artefacts 30% |
Exploits the conventions of the discipline to communicate at an expert level, with highly developed skills in structure, flow and presentation of content. All sources are appropriately acknowledged with consistent & accurate referencing. |
Exploits the conventions of the discipline to communicate at a professional level, with well-developed skills in structure, flow and presentation of content. Sources are appropriately acknowledged with a high level of accuracy in referencing. |
Uses the conventions of the discipline to communicate at an effective level, with adequate skills in structure, flow and presentation of content. Sources are appropriately acknowledged with minor inaccuracies in referencing. |
Uses some of the conventions of the discipline to communicate appropriately, with basic skills in structure and presentation of content. Sources are acknowledged with some minor inaccuracies in referencing. |
Has inadequate skills in presentation of content, and structure. Some sources are not acknowledged, and there are major inaccuracies in referencing. |