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CS 167 - Introduction to Applied Cryptography Midterm 2
1. (20 points). Short Answers.
(a) What is the running time for computing gcd(a, b) using Euclid’s algorithm?
(b) What is a composite number?
(c) What is a public-key cryptosystem?
(d) How can a public key encryption scheme, like the RSA algorithm, be used to compute a digital signature on a message M?
2. (20 points). Explain how to compute a −1 mod n when gcd(a, n) = 1.
3. (20 points). Briefly sketch the main steps of the repeated squaring algorithm for computing a b mod n.
4. (20 points). Explain how encryption and decryption is done in the RSA cyptosystem.
5. (20 points). Alice wants to send Bob a message M that is the price she is willing to pay for his used car (M is just an integer in binary). She uses the RSA algorithm to encrypt M into the ciphertext C using Bob’s public key, so only he can decrypt it. But Eve has intercepted C and she also knows Bob’s public key. Explain how Eve can alter the ciphertext C to change it into C 0 so that if she sends C 0 to Bob (with Eve pretending to be Alice), then, after Bob has decrypted C 0 , he will get a plaintext message that is twice the value of M.