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CS 2110 - Fall 2024
Project 2: LC-3 Datapath
1 Introduction
Welcome everyone to Project 2! Please read through the entire document before starting. Things are often explained in more detail after they are introduced, so reading the entire document first can give you a better understanding of how the document is structured and of the overall goals for this project. Start early, and remember to utilize Office Hours and Piazza as needed.
In this project, you’ll be doing the following:
• Implementing some basic sequential logic elements (3.1).
• Building three missing pieces of the LC-3 hardware (3.2).
• Writing the microcode for the bulk of the LC-3 instructions (3.4).
1.1 Latches
The first thing you’ll implement are logical elements that allow us to retain data in a circuit, and — in other words — “remember” previous values. This allows us to build more complex systems that depend on current input values along with previous events such as the previous state of the system - in other words, sequential logic.
The goal of this section is to produce a register. A register is an edge-triggered sequential logic circuit element that can store a binary value. For more on this section, see Implementation: Latches
1.2 The LC-3
The LC-3 datapath we’ve discussed in class contains a lot of pieces very similar to circuits we’ve seen or even made before (e.g. an ALU, a register file with 8 edge-triggered general purpose registers, a RAM unit, etc.). One piece that we’ve mostly referred to as a “black-box” in the past is the micro-controller. It’s responsible for controlling the entire datapath and getting it to properly execute the instructions that we give it. That’s a big task! So, how does the micro-controller actually work? In this project, we’ll build a few datapath components to develop some familiarity with the LC-3, and then we’ll actually write the “microcode” which allows the micro-controller to function.
The micro-controller, shown above, is a finite state machine. It has 59 possible states (holy cow!) and, thus, needs 6 bits to store all its possible states. It also has 49 output bits composed of output flags. 10 of these bits are used to determine the next state and the remaining 39 extend throughout the datapath to control other pieces of the LC-3. That would be a lot of very complex hardware—if it were built entirely in hardware.
As it turns out, there is an easier way. We can actually use a ROM (Read-Only Memory) in order to specify the behavior of each distinct state in the state machine (e.g. each instruction will map to a series of entries in the ROM. Each entry in the ROM represents a micro-state, which is an individual state of the finite state machine and a component of a larger sequence of states known as a macro-state. There are 3 macro-states in the LC-3: FETCH, DECODE, and EXECUTE. Each macro-state requires between 1-5 micro-states to complete, depending on the complexity of the instruction.
What does a ROM entry look like? We encourage you to go ahead and open up microcode .xlsx, on the microcode sheet, to follow along.
A ROM entry is basically a long binary string. The last few bits of it handle the transition to the next state—you don’t need to worry about this at all during this project, so we’ve covered it in dark grey on the right. Do NOT modify the NEXT bits. Each of the other bits corresponds to a signal asserted onto the datapath during that clock cycle—this is what you will fill out!.
We’ve simplified and removed a number of micro-states and control signals which aren’t directly a part of the LC-3’s main instructions. You are given the microcode for some of these micro-states, along with entries for the DRMUX and SR1MUX—do NOT change these. Your task is to fill in the rest and finish the LC-3 micro-controller!
1.3 Assignment Files
• latches .sim - a CircuitSim file in which you will build sequential logic components.
• LC3 .sim - a large CircuitSim file containing the LC-3 AND a “Manual LC-3” which does not need to be modified in any way but is simply present as a tool for you while writing microcode. You should only modify the PC, CC-logic, and ALU sub-circuits in this file.
• microcode .xlsx - an Excel document in which you will write your microcode. Do not touch cells that have been blacked out.
• ROM.dat - a text file which you can paste your microcode into and then import into the LC-3.
• tests/ - a subdirectory which contains a number of test cases you can use to verify the functionality of your circuit and microcode.
• proj2-tester.jar - a local tester that you can use to test all of the components of the project. This official tester is available on Gradescope (where it will be return your grade).
• LC-3InstructionsDetail.pdf - a PDF with descriptions and pseudocode for each instruction.
1.4 Elements to complete
1. Implement the RS Latch, Gated D Latch, D Flip-Flop, and Register sub-circuits in latches .sim.
2. Implement the ALU, PC, and CC-Logic sub-circuits in LC3 .sim.
3. Complete the LC-3 microcode in microcode .xlsx.
2 Setup
The software you will be using for this project and all future circuit based assignments is called CircuitSim
- an interactive circuit simulation package.
CircuitSim is a powerful simulation tool designed for educational use. This gives it the advantage of being a little more forgiving than some of the more commercial simulators. However, it still requires some time and effort to be able to use the program efficiently.
Please follow the instructions in the file ”CircuitSim Installation Guide.pdf” in Canvas, under ”Files > Course Software > CircuitSim” to install CircuitSim.
All .sim files should be opened in CircuitSim.
Please do not move, rename, or remove any of the provided inputs/outputs.
3 Implementation
3.1 Latches
For this part of the assignment, you will build your own register from the ground up. For more information about each sub-circuit, refer to your textbook. All work for this portion of the assignment will be done in the latches .sim file.
3.1.1 RS Latch
In the “RS Latch” sub-circuit in the latches .sim file, you will start by building a RS latch using NAND gates, as described in your textbook. RS Latch is the basic circuit for sequential logic. It stores one bit of information and has 3 important states:
1. S=1, R=1: This is called the Quiescent State. In this state the latch is storing a value, and nothing is trying to change that value.
2. S=0, R=1: By changing momentarily from the Quiescent State to this state, the value of the latch is changed so that the output Q now stores a 1.
3. S=1, R=0: By changing momentarily from the Quiescent State to this state, the value of the latch is changed so that the output Q now stores a 0.
Note: In order for the RS Latch to work properly (for testing purposes, not for building), both R and S cannot be 0 at the same time (illegal state).
Once you set the bit you wish to store, change back to the Quiescent State to keep that value stored.
Notice that the circuit has two output pins; one is the bit the latch is currently storing, and the other is the opposite of that bit.
3.1.2 Gated D Latch
In the “Gated D Latch” sub-circuit in the latches .sim file, using your RS latch sub-circuit (in the
Circuits tab), implement a Gated D Latch as described in the textbook. You are not allowed to use the built-in SR Latch in CircuitSim to build this circuit.
The Gated D Latch is made up of an RS Latch as well as two additional gates that control when a value can be stored.
The value of the output can only be changed when Write Enable is set to 1. Notice that the Gated D Latch sub-circuit only has one output pin, so you should disregard the inverse output Q’ of your RS Latch.
3.1.3 D Flip-Flop
In the “D Flip-Flop” sub-circuit in the latches .sim file, using the Gated D Latch circuit you built (in the Circuits tab), create a D Flip-Flop.
A D Flip-Flop is composed of two Gated D Latches back to back, and it implements edge triggered logic.
Your D Flip-Flop output should be able to change on the rising edge, which means that the state of the D Flip-Flop should only be able to change at the exact instant the clock goes from 0 to 1.
3.1.4 Register
In the “Register” sub-circuit in the latches .sim file, using the D Flip-Flop you just created (in the Circuits tab), build a 4-bit Register.
Your register should also use edge-triggered logic. The value of the register should change on the rising edge.
3.2 Completing the LC-3 Sub-Circuits
All work for this section of the assignment will be done in the LC3 .sim file.
Note: DO NOT move the position of the inputs and outputs in the LC-3 sub-circuits; this could break the rest of the LC-3 simulator.
You will need to build the ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) sub-circuit in LC3 .sim. Note: You may use the built-in adder under the Arithmetic tab!
The ALU will perform one of 4 functions and Output it depending on the ALUK signal:
1. ALUK = 0b00: A + B
2. ALUK = 0b01: A & B
3. ALUK = 0b10: NOT A
4. ALUK = 0b11: PASS A
You should be able to use what you learned from Project 1 to populate this sub-circuit easily.
3.2.2 PC
You will need to build the PC (Program Counter) sub-circuit in LC3 .sim.
Note: You may use the built-in multiplexer under the Plexer tab!
The PC is a 16 bit register that holds the address of the next instruction to be executed. During the FETCH stage, the contents of the PC are loaded into the memory address register (MAR), and the PC is updated with the address of the next instruction. There are three scenarios for updating the PC:
1. The contents of the PC are incremented by 1. Selected when PCMUX = 0b00.
2. The result of the ADDR (an address-adding unit) is the address of the next instruction. The output from the ADDR should be stored in the PC. This occurs if we use the branching instruction (BR).
Selected when PCMUX = 0b01.
3. The value on the BUS is the address of the next instruction. The value on the BUS should be stored
into the PC. For example, this is used during the JMP instruction. Selected when PCMUX = 0b10.
The PC should only be loaded on a rising clock edge and when the LD.PC signal is on.
Ensure that you don’t reach the unused case (PCMUX = 0b11) of the circuit, or else spooky stuff might happen (undefined behavior in LC-3).
3.2.3 CC-Logic
You will implement the CC-Logic sub-circuit in LC3 .sim.
The LC-3 has three condition codes: N (negative), Z (zero), and P (positive). These codes are saved on the next rising edge after the LC-3 executes Operate or Load instructions that include loading a result into a general purpose register, such as ADD and LDR.
For example, if ADD R2, R0, R1 results in a positive number, then NZP = 001.
The CC sub-circuit should set N to 1 if the input is negative, set Z to 1 if the input is zero, and set P to 1 if the input is positive. Only 1 bit in NZP should be set at any given time. Zero is not considered a positive number.
Bit 2 (the MSB) is N, Bit 1 is Z, Bit 0 is P.
With that in mind, set the correct bit and implement this circuit in the CC-Logic sub-circuit.
Hint: you can use a comparator for this sub-circuit! They are found in the Arithmetic tab in CircuitSim.
3.3 Using Manual LC-3 (for testing only)
• Once you have your PC, CC-Logic, and ALU complete, you can begin playing around with the in- structions and control signals to understand how the LC-3 works.
• In lecture and in lab, we have covered the control signals in the datapath and how to use them when tracing an instruction.
• The first thing you will want to do is use the Custom-Bus, GateBUS, and LD.IR signals to set a custom IR value on the next rising edge. Until you figure out the micro-states for FETCH, you can use these
steps to set your IR with any instruction you want to work on.
• Once you have an idea of how FETCH works, you can load some instruction(s) in the RAM. In order to do that:
1. right-click the RAM near the bottom of the Manual LC-3 circuit
2. select “edit contents”
3. click “Load from file”
4. locate and select one of the provided test files in the project (ex: add.dat)
5. close the edit contents menu
• Now that you have loaded the RAM with a program, you can fetch instructions into the IR.
• Now that you have an instruction in the IR, you can start executing it. In order to do that you can turn on the different signal pins on the right in order to control the datapath and move data around like we did in lecture/lab. Once you think you know how an instruction is executed, you can enter it into the microcode spreadsheet, the process for which is outlined below.
– Tests inside the tests/ directory have a comment at the end of the .asm file which explains the system state after the end of the program’s execution. You must ensure that this is the system state after you have run every instruction sequentially through the simulator.
– To test whether the program acted correctly, go to the ‘LC-3’ circuit and double-click into the ‘REG FILE’ element that is placed in the datapath. Note: you should not just click into the ‘REG FILE’ subcircuit, as this will not properly load the state of the specific ‘REG FILE’ element that’s built into the LC-3, just some generic REG FILE.
– Bonus tip: Use Ctrl-R to reset the simulator state and easily clear RAM and registers to 0 in order to test again.
• If you are familiar with LC-3 assembly (you will learn it throughout the next few weeks), you are welcome to write your own test programs to verify your code. Make sure that your programs do not start at x3000, as in this project only we will start execution at x0000 for simplicity’s sake. You can compile LC-3 assembly projects to machine code by following the LC-3 ISA, and then create your own RAM.dat files. However, we can’t guarantee that we’ll be able to help with these test cases in office hours.
3.4 Writing the Microcode
ONLY open this Excel Sheet in Microsoft Excel. Do NOT use other applications.
If need help accessing Excel: https://oit.gatech.edu/email
Note: We recommend you read this entire section before starting to fill out the microcode sheet.
– NEXT bits (the 6 greyed out bits on the right side)
– Values for DRMUX and SR1MUX (aleady filled in)
– Any microstates that are already filled out for you
As a general rule of thumb, try not to break the spreadsheet :).
• Throughout this assignment, you will find the LC-3 Datapath Reference.pdf to be very helpful (Canvas → Modules → Shared Resources → LC-3 Datapath Reference.pdf).
• For information on filling out LDSR and STII, see below.
• For more information on each of the control signals, see the Appendix at the end of this PDF.
• For the Store instructions, ensure that you prioritize loading the address we want to write to into the MAR over loading the value we want to write with into the MDR. The autograder is expecting that
you load the address first and then the value.
• Now that you’ve developed some familiarity with the datapath, gotten a chance to “act as the micro- controller”, and run the execute stage of instructions on the Manual LC-3, you can complete the final part of the project: writing the microcode for a number of micro-instructions on the LC-3!
• In the microcode .xlsx Excel spreadsheet, there exists a number of macro-states. Among them are FETCH, DECODE, and the EXECUTE stages for most instructions supported by the LC-3 (we’ve removed several macro-states related to trap and interrupt handling). For each macro-state, we’ve provided space for the micro-states which will make up that macro-state. For each micro-state, we’ve handled all of the logic related to transitioning to the next micro-state. We’ve also implemented a small subset of the macro-states in order to provide inspiration to you, our students (you’re welcome).
• You should complete all the remaining macro-states by filling in their micro-states.
– We recommend that you fill out the micro-states for FETCH first; however, the autograder does not depend on FETCH being implemented first.
– If you notice that the output column to the right of the blacked-out columns (column AH) is showing artifacts like #NAME?, try opening the Excel spreadsheet in your Georgia Tech Office 365 Online Excel workspace. Sign in to Office 365 with Georgia Tech credentials, select ‘Excel’, and then choose ‘Upload and open’ to edit the excel sheet online.
– Your fellow TAs are trying to create a new LC-3 instruction! We’re calling it - STIRSUM - Store Indirect Register Sum.
– This instruction accesses memory twice–the first loading the value at address SR1 + SR2 and second storing SR1 at the address found from the original load.
– Mem[Mem[SR1 + SR2]] = SR1
– The 16-bit instruction is formatted in the following:
[ OPCODE | SR1 (3 bits) | 000000 (6 bits) | SR2 (3 bits) ]
– Note: We do not care about the value that is left in SR when this instruction is completed; however, the values in any of the other registers must remain the same.
– Note: You do NOT need to set the condition codes (CC) for this instruction.
– The TAs got together again (yikes) and decided to make another function - PCHOP - Program Counter Hop.
– This instruction sets the program counter (PC) to the value in SR multiplied by 8.
– PC = SR * 8
– The 16-bit instruction is formatted in the following:
[ OPCODE | SR (3 bits) | SR (3 bits) | 000 (3 bits) | SR (3 bits) ]
– Note: You do NOT need to set the condition codes (CC) for this instruction.
We could really use your help! Fill out the micro-states for STIRSUM and PCHOP in the microcode .xlsx excel sheet.
3.4.1 How to Test your Microcode
At any time that you want to test your microcode, you can export it from the .xlsx file and apply it to LC-3 hardware by following these steps. IMPORTANT NOTE: Passing all of the tests provided does not guarantee that you have a functional datapath, any number of coincidences could cause you to get the correct output with incorrect functionality. As always, we reserve the right to grade with additional test cases.
To manually test your microcode in the LC-3:
1. At the bottom of the microcode .xlsx file select the output tab.
2. Copy all of column D from row 1 through row 64.
3. In CircuitSim, open LC3.sim. Navigate to the ‘Fsm’ sub-circuit. This circuit contains the micro- controller. To enter the sub-circuit, either double-click on it inside the LC-3 sub-circuit or right-click it in the LC-3 and select “View internal state.”
4. Right-click on the ROM in the ‘Fsm’ and select “Edit contents.”
5. Select the top left cell and paste into the ROM. You should see the values in the ROM change.
6. Navigate to the ‘LC-3’ sub-circuit.
7. You can now load a program into the RAM, following the instructions above in the Manual LC-3 section (Section 3.3 of this PDF).
8. To run the LC-3, you can manually click through the CLK signal or use ‘Ctrl-K’ to start or stop the automatic clock. After your program has stopped executing (you can tell when it’s finished running because it will HALT and the datapath will stop changing).
9. Tests inside the tests/ directory have a comment at the end of the .asm file which explains the system state after the end of the program’s execution. To test whether the program acted correctly, go to the ‘LC-3’ circuit and double-click into the ‘REG FILE’ element that is placed in the datapath. Note: you should not just click into the ‘REG FILE’ sub-circuit, as this will not properly load the state of the specific ‘REG FILE’ element that’s built into the LC-3, just some generic REG FILE.
3.4.2 Tips, Tricks, Resources
This is all pretty crazy to take in at first. But it’s not the end of the world if you make sure to use the resources available to you. Here are some options:
• LC-3 Datapath Reference Sheet: Canvas → Modules → Shared Resources → LC-3 Datapath Refer- ence.pdf
• LC-3 Instructions Detail Sheet: LC-3InstructionsDetail.pdf, in this project.zip
• The Manual LC-3!
• Your friendly TAs (Office Hours, Piazza, etc.)
• Textbook
• Appendix on Datapath Control Signals in this PDF.
4 Autograder
To run the autograder, run
java -jar proj2-tester.jar
at a command prompt in the same directory as all your deliverable files (see next section for a list). This is the same autograder that Gradescope uses, but is much easier and faster to use. The autograder should be run from the terminal. Additionally, the autograder will grade each instruction individually, so issues will not cascade.
5 Deliverables
Please submit the follow files:
1. latches .sim
2. LC3 .sim
3. microcode .xlsx
to Gradescope under the assignment “Project 2 - LC-3 Datapath” .
Note: The autograder may not reflect your final grade on this assignment. We reserve the right to update the autograder as we see fit when grading.
6 Demos
This project will be demoed. Demos are designed to make sure that you understand the content of the project and related topics. They may include technical and/or conceptual questions.
• Sign up for a demo time slot via Canvas before the beginning of the first demo slot. This is the only way you can ensure you will have a slot.
• If you cannot attend any of the predetermined demo timeslots, email one of the Head TAs before the beginning of the first demo slot.
• If you know you are going to miss your demo, you can cancel your slot on Canvas with no penalty; however, you are not guaranteed another time slot. You cannot cancel your demo within 24 hours or
else it will be counted as a missed demo.
• Your overall project score will be ((submission_score * 0.7) + (demo_score * 0.3)), meaning if you received a 100% on your submission, but a 50% on the demo you would receive an overall score of 85%. If you miss your demo you will not receive any of these points and the maximum you can receive on the project is 70%.