Hello, if you have any need, please feel free to consult us, this is my wechat: wx91due
1. Copy Files
Please, copy the files from the downloaded lab directory to your cs440 directory. You can just drag and drop them in your file explorer.
• Copy Downloads/lab5/lib/rl-viter-maze.jar to cs440/lib/rl-viter-maze.jar.This file is the custom jarfile that I created for you.
• Copy Downloads/lab5/data/labs/rl to cs440/data/labs/rl.This directory contains a game configuration and map files.
• Copy Downloads/lab5/src/labs to cs444/src/labs.This directory contains our source code .java files.
• Copy Downloads/lab5/viter.srcs to cs440/viter.srcs.
This file contains the paths to the .java files we are working with in this lab. Just like last lab, files like these are used to speed up the compilation process by preventing you from listing all source files you want to compile manually.
• Copy Downloads/lab5/doc/labs to cs440/doc/labs. This is the documentation generated from rl-viter-maze.jar and will be extremely useful in this assignment. After copying, if you double-click on cs440/doc/labs/rl/maze/index.html, the documentation should open in your browser.
2. Test run
Task 1: Value Iteration (50 points)
Note that there is one change I want you to make from the value iteration algorithm in the lecture slides. In the lecture slides, we repeat until . In your value iteration algorithm you should repeat until .
- Testing this agent is really easy: I have implemented (and imported the TransitionModel and RewardFunction for you as static classes with static methods. Using the rewards and transition probabilities in the implementation (which match the ones from the lecture), the lecture slides have the true utilities that you should be getting! So, whenever you want to check, print out your utilities and compare them against what they should be in the slides.
- You may create whatever helper methods you want in order to accomplish this goal, however I am not sure that you will need to create any in ValueIterationAgent.java.
Task 2: Submitting your lab
Please submit ValueIteration.java on gradescope (just drag and drop in the file)