COM00148M Department of Computer Science Big Data Analytics


Department of Computer Science

Big Data Analytics



Dr Phoebe Barraclough /Dr Dawn Wood

Assessment type

Summative assignment




Week 3


Monday following Week 8, 13:00 (UK time) *

* If this date falls on a UK public holiday or a University of York closure day, the submission date will change. Please check the submission point in the ‘Assignments’ area of the module in Canvas for the exact submission deadline.

I. Module Learning Outcomes

The module learning outcomes (MLO’s) for this module are as follows:

MLO 1. Create a data set using modern database models and technology.

MLO 2. Manipulate a data set to extract statistics and features.

MLO 3. Critically evaluate and apply data mining techniques/tools to build a classifier or regression model and predict values for new examples.

MLO 4. Analyse and communicate issues with scaling up to large data sets and use appropriate techniques to scale up the computation.

MLO 5. Critically discuss the need for privacy, identify privacy risks in releasing information, and design techniques to mediate these risks.

This assessment addresses all the module learning outcomes listed above.

II. Assessment Background/Scenario

The demand for rental housing decreased from 12.3% to 11.1% in mid-2022, and is predicted to further decline to 4.5% by the end of 2024 [1]. A company housing manager is concerned by this downward trend, and you have been assigned tasks to identify and investigate three problem areas and develop potential solutions to these problems. You are required to utilise the data mining techniques (regression/classification) and tools (WEKA version 3.8.5) that have been taught in the Big Data Analytics module and only use the “Housing” data set provided, which can be cleaned and used to generate specific output.

Data Set (.CSV)

The data set titled “Housing” is provided under License CC0: Public Domain. The data consists of two CSV files – housing_train and housing_test – one suitable for training and the other for testing.


[1] R. Donnell (2023, Nov. 3). Rental Market report: what’s happening to rents? [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Nov. 3, 2023]

III. Assessment Tasks

1) Rental “demand” investigation: (ML02 & MLO3) (40%)

The housing manager has the following question: which characteristics of a property determine the level of customer demand? To answer this, the manager proposes looking into the following:

a. Which of the “discrete variables” (e.g. bedrooms, smoking_allowed) have the potential to predict a “low demand” property? Do these variables also have the potential to predict a “high demand” property?

b. Ascertain if there is a correlation (either positive or negative) between the “demand” for a property and its “rent” and “type”.

c. Identify if the size of the property “sqfeet” has an optimal range for generating high “demand”.

You should utilise Weka and build a classifier or regression model to perform this analysis.

2) Storing data and scalable solutions: (MLO1 & MLO4) (40%)

Part 1: Design a relational database

The housing manager is considering an alternative to the current flat file (CSV) system that stores the majority of their data. You have been tasked with designing a relational database to store the provided dataset ‘Housing’ in the flat file system. You will need to decide, and justify, which features to include and/or adapt to store all the provided data. To allow the housing manger to assess the feasibility of this you should provide the following:

a. Produce a database design (in the form of a UML standard ER diagram with normalisation to 3NF) for the given data.

b. Present sample SQL for the database you have created (given your ER diagram diagram) as follows:

i. Demonstrate the SQL that you would write to enter a new line of data, covering all relevant attributes.

ii. Extract the ‘description’ for all properties with a rent equal to or less than 1000*, allows both cats and dogs, and is in the state represented by ‘ca’.

iii. Extract the average rental value for each state so they can be compared.

* No currency is specified in the dataset.

Part 2: Consider scaling

The housing manger is also considering longer term solutions for their business, given their intention to set up international offices across the globe. This would generate considerably more data (tens of megabytes). To be able to utilise this data effectively requires a rapid-response system for the business to be responsive in a global rental environment. Assume certain messages are required to be sent as soon as certain automated analysis results are returned of a certain value (e.g. a count of items of a particular type exceeds a pre-determined threshold). With reference to specific details in the data set, present a way that you could use appropriate technologies to spread the load over multiple computers and justify why this would be a good approach.

3) Considering public-facing application: (MLO5) (20%)

The housing manager is considering the development of a public-facing application, to assist in promoting the expansion of his business, and to make it easier for potential clients to view and select from current offerings. As part of this, he is also considering capturing (via an online form) the personal details of potential clients so he can provide recommendations to revisiting clients.

Identify the three most salient privacy issues that he needs to consider before embarking on this new venture. You should consider the potential issues in the context of the new application, the rental agencies’ intentions regarding data analysis (Task 1), and the move towards permanent data storage (Task 2). For each of the issues you have identified, discuss the strategies that could be employed to address each of them in the context of the given scenario and data set.

IV. Deliverables

Your assignment should be laid out following the formatting guidelines that are specified in the ‘Submission Formatting’ page in Canvas. This includes restrictions on the length of the appendices, expectations on how your work should be presented and any penalties when these expectations are not met.

● Your submission should consist of a report and final data files in ARFF format. ARFF files should be submitted as part of a .zip archive.

Given the tasks above you should produce a report detailing solutions and justifying your decisions. You will need to provide supporting evidence for each solution in the form of images/screenshots of the practical work you should have undertaken to complete this assessment, including anything that is specifically requested. Your decisions and justifications should be supported by the current literature.

Your report should not exceed 3,000 words in total and consist of three clear sections – one for each task. Your response to one section/task will not contribute to grades in another. Further formatting details and essential points are given below.

Task 1: Rental “demand” investigation (MLO2 & MLO3 40%)

(Suggested word count for this section: 1500, i.e. 500 words per solution)

You can import the given data files into a spreadsheet to initially scrutinise and review the data, as well as perform any cleaning before you translate it into the .ARRF format for use in Weka. A notepad application can also be used to do this.

You are required to submit the .ARRF (or files) that you have used to perform the required analysis so we are able to verify your results where necessary.

Your report should discuss and present the following for this task:

· Any assumptions you made about the scenario or areas of investigation.

· Any pre-processing you have undertaken to make the data fit for purpose.

· Clearly state the specific analysis techniques you have employed in your solutions.

· Justification for the selection of techniques/approach, given the nature of the data and the requirements of the investigation, which is effectively supported by the literature.

· Provide a general summary of the results of your analysis, along with the specific results (in the appendix).

· Consider how your results, individually and as a whole, answer the question posed by the housing manager.

· Critically evaluate the approach you have taken, and the techniques selected in the context of the given data set and scenario. You should reflect on what you have learned from the process and identify what was effective/ineffective. An honest appraisal of an ineffective approach will gain credit. This discussion should be supported by the literature.

· For each solution you should provide images/screenshots that demonstrate the tool you have selected in Weka, any relevant settings, and the output produced by that tool.

· For each solution you should provide (an) additional file(s) containing the final data structure you used in Weka. This should be in Weka’s .ARFF format.

All diagrams and images/screenshots should be presented in the appendices which must be referred to and discussed in the body of the report.

To attain any Grade in this task you MUST present evidence of your work in Weka and the final data files you used to undertake this in .ARFF format only. This is required to verify your results, and therefore your discussion. Failure to do so will result in a grade of zero for this task/section.

Task 2: Storing data and possible solutions (MLO1 & MLO4) (40%)

(Suggested word count for this section: 1000, i.e. 400 words for Part 1, 600 for Part 2)

Part 1:

You can either type out SQL statements OR build and screen capture (image) the SQL from a live database. You should present the ER diagram and the SQL statements in the appendices of your report and refer to each in your brief discussion of your approach.

You may choose to demonstrate the normalisation process using specific examples of your approach. Any further visual aids (tables/models/diagrams etc.) should also be presented in the appendices, not in the main body of the report.

You should discuss the approach you have taken to creating the relational database structure, referring to the key aspects of your design, such as why an attribute/variable was selected as a primary key, or why you have elected to contain a specific set of variables/attributes with the same table.

Part 2:

You should discuss and present the following for this task:

· Any further assumptions you made about the scenario, or potential analysis requirements, or reiterate those that are specifically relevant here from Task 1.

· Justification for the technology/technique selected, and the approach to your solution(s), given the nature of the data set and the context of the scenario.

· Clear comparison of benefits and limitations against other potential technology/technique/solutions.

· It is expected that this section will be supported by the literature, with effective use of citations (and attached reference list) to support your claims.

To attain any Grade in this task you MUST present the requested ERD design and sample SQL in the appendices and use correctly formatted citations and a supporting reference list. Failure to do so will result in a grade of ZERO for this task.

Task 3: Considering web-based application (ML05) (20%)

(Suggested word count for this section: 500)

· Clear statement(s) of the three privacy issues you intend to discuss.

· Clear reasoning as to why these are potential issues, and what evidence you have drawn on to identify them.

· Clear presentation of potential mitigations for each of these issues, and where applicable, a comparison with other similar scenarios/issues to support their potential.

· Effective use of citations (and attached reference list) to support your claims.

To attain a Pass in this task you MUST support your discussion with relevant literature using citations and a reference list, using the IEEE format.


You are required to use the IEEE referencing style for citing books, articles, and all other sources (such as websites) used in your assignment.

Good referencing is essential in order to meet the standards of academic integrity set by the University. All your sources must be acknowledged, regardless of whether you included direct quotes or not. Visit your Academic Integrity Tutorial module in Canvas for additional guidance on effective referencing.

V. Marking Criteria

Learning Outcome



Available marks





Task 1: Rental “demand” investigation



Evidence of the work in Weka and the final data files (in ARFF format only) have been presented.




Approach and results:

The evidence and discussion present a clear investigation of the data as requested.

Appropriate techniques and pre-processing have been utilised to undertake this.

Results are clear and credible (i.e. not obviously invalid).





There is a clear and appropriate justification of the approach/techniques used.

This is supported by the literature.




Critical evaluation:

The approach has been critically evaluated, which is in alignment with the results generated.

Any identified issues are valid, accurately described, and of genuine concern.

This is supported by the literature.


Task 2:  Storing data and scalable solutions



Database design:

Is correctly presented, and appropriately normalised to 3NF.

The discussion supports and clarifies the approach taken and the decisions made.




Sample SQL statements:

Are correct in relation to the presented design.




Scalable solution:

A viable approach is described that uses multiple technologies and would be likely to achieve a worthwhile improvement in performance (given coordination overhead etc).


Task 3: Considering public-facing application



Privacy issues:

Are of genuine concern and are appropriate given the context of the scenario and tasks.




Mitigation strategies:

The strategies discussed to deal with the privacy issues offer realistic solutions and are supported by the literature and current standards.





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