STATISTICS: 1450.02 (28831)
Course Overview
Course Description
Algebra-based introduction to data analysis, experimental design, sampling, probability, inference, and linear regression. The inference practices will involve confidence intervals and hypothesis tests for a population mean (both with sigma known and unknown) and a population proportion, the difference between 2 population means and 2 population proportions, paired data, and the Chi-square test of independence. Emphasis will be put on applications, statistical reasoning, and data analysis using statistical software. This 3-credit hour course expects all students to have completed a baccalaureate-level mathematics course.
Please note that the method of delivery for lecture is asynchronously online while the recitation will meet synchronously online.
Your Support System
1450.02 Coordinator and Instructor
Professor Jones keeps all STAT 1450.02 students abreast of updates and important developments with the course along with managing the overall course structure with instructional resources and lecture presentations.
Weekly announcements will be sent out via Carmen. It is very important that you stay up to date on their details.
Teaching Assistants
The TAs will use weekly recitations to reinforce and extend content covered in lecture. Students are expected to be active participants in these sessions.
The TAs and Professor Jones will provide support through office hours. Although you are assigned a specific TA for recitation, you are welcome to attend any of the scheduled office hours for STAT 1450.02. Once the schedule is finalized, all office hour offerings will be posted on the Carmen homepage.
The Statistics Department (Cockins 404) does keep a list of private tutors if necessary. Students currently enrolled in a statistics course offered by the Ohio State Department of Statistics may contact Jean Scott, Statistics Program Coordinator, about hiring a private tutor. She can be reached at 614-688-5913 or [email protected].
Course Goals and Learning Outcomes
This course satisfies the General Education foundation requirement in Mathematical and
Quantitative Reasoning or Data Analysis which has the following goals and expected learning outcomes:
Goals: Successful students will be able to apply quantitative or logical reasoning and/or mathematical/ statistical methods to understand and solve problems and will be able to communicate their results.
Expected Learning Outcomes (ELOs): Successful students are able to:
1.1 Use logical, mathematical and/or statistical concepts and methods to represent real-world situations.
1.2 Use diverse logical, mathematical and/or statistical approaches, technologies and tools to communicate about data symbolically, visually, numerically and verbally.
1.3 Draw appropriate inferences from databasedon quantitative analysis and/or logical reasoning.
1.4 Make and evaluate important assumptions in estimation, modeling, logical argumentation and/or data analysis.
1.5 Evaluate social and ethical implications in mathematical and quantitative reasoning.
This course also satisfies the Legacy General Education requirement in Data Analysis. which has the following goals and expected learning outcomes:
Goals: Students develop skills in drawing conclusions and critically evaluating results based on data.
Expected Learning Outcomes:
1. Students understand basic concepts of statistics and probability.
2. Students comprehend methods needed to analyze and critically evaluate statistical arguments.
3. Students recognize the importance of statistical ideas.
Professor Jones’s Vision for Your Completion of STAT 1450.02
• You will become proficient in collecting, organizing, analyzing, and interpreting data
• You will become competent in the use of data analysis software.
• You will interpret findings and improve in your ability to justify your results.
• Your metacognition and desire to reflect upon what you have learned will be heightened.
• You will respond to a problem by: considering any relevant assumptions, analyzing, and effectively communicating your results.
• You will gain a greater appreciation for statistics (and the mathematics that underpins our work)
• You will complete the Data Analysis General Education (GE) requirement.
Personal Vision Statement and Commitment
Personal Vision Statement for STAT 1450.02: By successfully completing STAT 1450.02, I will: • • • |
Personal Commitment to STAT 1450.02: To successfully complete STAT 1450.02, I must: • • • |
Required Course Materials
Textbook and Online System
The textbook and courseware for this course is being provided via CarmenBooks. Through
CarmenBooks, students obtain publisher materials electronically through CarmenCanvas, saving them up to 80% per title. The fee for our material is included as part of tuition and is listed as
CarmenBooks fee on your Statement of Account. In addition to cost-savings, materials provided through CarmenBooks are available immediately on or before the first day of class. There is no need to wait for financial aid or scholarship money to purchase your textbook.
Unless you choose to opt-out of the program, you do NOT need to purchase any materials for this course at the bookstore. For more information on the program or information on how to opt out, please visit theCarmenBooks website.
CarmenBooks will include ane-book of the textbook (The Basic Practice of Statistics, 9th ed. by Moore, Notz, and Fligner) along with access to Achieve (our online quiz and homework system). In addition to the e-book, if you would like a hard copy of the textbook, please visit the OSU Bookstore:
• Loginto STAT 1450.02 through Carmen.
• Click on “ MacMillan Higher Education” in the left navigation panel.
• Click the Achieve link (note: if you encounter an error message or blank screen, you will need to adjust your browser settings and/or disable pop-up blockers).
• Agree to Macmillan Learning terms of use and end user agreement.
• Click on any Achieve assignment link to launch the assignment. Follow the associated steps and continue to your assignment page.
• You are now enrolled in the course and can access future assignments through the Carmen links.
• To access youre-book, select the down arrow next to your name in the upper right corner.
• Need Help? The technical support team can be reached by phone, chat, or by email via the Student Support Community. To contact support please open a service request by
filling out the webform:
Recitation Device
For your weekly recitation, you must login to Zoom with a device that is compatible with the JMP software (see necessary equipment under course technology below) to complete the assigned activity. Within 10 minutes of the conclusion of the session, you must submit the activity online via Carmen. You will be expected to enable your webcam and microphone to fully engage in group work.
JMP is the statistical software for this course. JMP is free via the following:
Request it through the university at OR
Enter F1319244378MOORE as the authorization code.
Proceed to download and install JMP-Student Edition.
Highly Recommended Materials
Texas Instruments 84 (or higher) Graphing Calculator. Note that at least a basic calculator is required.
Course Technology
For help with your password, university e-mail, Carmen, or any other technology issues, questions, or
requests, contact the OSU IT Service Desk. Standard support hours are available
at, and support for urgent issues is available 24/7.
• Self-Service and Chat support:
• Phone: 614-688-HELP (4357)
• TDD: 614-688-8743
Baseline Technical Skills Necessary for Online Courses
• Successful students will possess basic computer and web-browsing skills
• Students will be familiar with navigating Carmen
• Students will need to be proficient with the MS Office Suite (in particular Word and PowerPoint)
Technology Skills Necessary for this Specific Course
• CarmenZoom text, audio, webcam, and screen share. If you need technical assistance,
either call 614-688-HELP, or refer to the online instructions:
• Use of Achieve, which you must purchase (see above). If you need technical assistance,
either call tech support at 1-800-936-6899 or fill out the form located at
Necessary Equipment
• Computer: Macor PC
o For specific system requirements, please see
• Internet Browser: Chrome
• Robust high-speed internet connection
• Webcam: built-in or external webcam, fully installed
• Microphone: built-in laptop or tablet mic or external microphone
• Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus - All Ohio State students are eligible for free Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus through Microsoft’s Student Advantage program. Office 365 is installed within your BuckeyeMail account. Full instructions for downloading and installation can be found
• All Ohio State students now have access toAdobe Creative Cloudas part of the university suite oftech tools and programs.
Grades - The following is the ONLY credit that will be offered. Please refrain from asking for additional work as a means to boost your grade. This is unfair to offer to 1 student and is impractical to offer to the whole class.
Assignment or Category |
Percentage |
Exam 1 (Mon, Feb 19th, 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm through CarmenZoom) |
21% |
Exam 2 (Mon, April 1st, 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm through CarmenZoom) |
21% |
Final Exam (Fri, April 26th, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm through CarmenZoom) |
21% |
Participation in Learning Environment (5% Recitation Activities, 1% Recitation Surveys, and 5% Checkpoints) |
11% |
Homework Assignments (11 total, 1.67% each, 2 are dropped) |
15% |
Quizzes (7 total, 1.83% each, 1 is dropped) |
11% |
Extra Credit – LearningCurve via Achieve (+0.105% for each chapter activity completed by meeting the target score) |
2% |
Total |
102% |
Recitation Activities: Weekly recitation activities (due Thursdays) are your first attempt at the material and therefore are graded based upon completion and good faith effort. Do your best while working through them. It is an opportunity to begin to think through the material in a group setting. They will be due at the conclusion of your scheduled recitation time via
Carmen, but note that you will ONLY earn crediton the activity if you attend and participate in your assigned synchronous session.
Recitation Surveys: For each recitation activity, there will be a corresponding participation survey. These surveys are meant to gauge your comfortability with the content and the effectiveness of your group work. They will be due by 11:59 pm the day after your scheduled recitation.
Checkpoints: Checkpoints will be strategically placed at the end of lecture content. They serve as knowledge checks to ensure you are following along with the material. They can be found in the “Modules” tab of Carmen and are graded mostly on completion, but a component will be dedicated to your accuracy. It is recommended that you complete them as you move through the content.
Homework Assignments: Weekly homework assignments (due Fridays) area chance for you to further explore the material, so they have unlimited attempts. If you do not give upon the problem, you can attempt it as many times as you would like without penalty.
Quizzes: Quizzes (due Mondays) have 1 attempt per question with a 1 hour and 30-minute
time limit. You can reference your notes, the textbook, or any other Achieve resources. Unlike homework assignments, you should feel confident with the material before taking the quiz.
Late Submissions: NO LATE WORK IS ACCEPTED. For extenuating circumstances, please contact Professor Jones ( BEFORE the assignment deadline. If a request for an extension is received after 5 pm on the assignment due date, it will be considered one of your dropped assignments.
Multiple dropped assignments are worked into the system. They include: the lowest 2 homework assignments, the lowest quiz score, and the lowest 2 recitation activities and surveys for each half of the semester.
The exact due dates for the above assignments are on the course calendar that is included at the end of this document and on the Carmen Homepage.
All course exams will betaken through Carmen, and they will be proctored via CarmenZoom. The requirements for the duration of the exam will be to:
• Use the Chrome browser
• Share your webcam
• Share your screen
At least a week prior to the scheduled exam, you will be provided with a CarmenZoom meeting link and passcode. Please do not share this information will other students since their assigned meeting space may be different.
Please enter the CarmenZoom meeting space by 5:40 pm so that the proctor has time to place each student in a breakout room. Once you enter your breakout room, you should enable your webcam and begin to screenshare. Arriving on time and being fully set-up will ensure the exam can start promptly at 6 pm. After the proctor checks everyone in, an access code will be broadcasted that will allow you to begin the exam in Carmen.
Students may request alternative means of taking the exams at an approved proctoring center like the OSU Testing Center. Other approved centers can be found here: Choosing to proceed with the CarmenZoom option implies the student consents to having his or her exam environment viewed and recorded. If a student is
concerned about this, s/he also has the option to reserve a test taking room on campus. More information about reserving a room can be found here:
All conflicts with exams, including requesting an alternative proctoring option, must be directed to Professor Jones at least 1 week in advance of the scheduled exam time. Requests received after this may not be honored or may receive a grade deduction.
The format of all exams may include multiple choice, fill-in-the blank, and short answer questions. To receive full credit, you must show appropriate work on the short answer questions including formulas and graphing calculator functions with inputs.
Exam 1: The duration of the exam will be 1 hour. It will cover Chapters 1-6, 8, and 9.
Exam 2: The duration of the exam will be 1 hour. It will cover Chapters 12, 13, 15-18, and 20.
Final Exam: The duration of the exam will be 2 hours. It will be cumulative, but there will bean emphasis on the content you have not been tested on (ie Chapters 21-23, and 25).
Make-up exams will only be offered to those with extenuating circumstances if requests are received in a timely manner. The exam must betaken within 3 days of the scheduled exam date.
Course Registration and Completion
Students should work with department staff on any ADD and SECTION changes. Students should contact Jean Scott (Cockins Hall
Date Event
Friday, January 12th The last day to add a course without instructor’spermission.
Friday, January 12th The last day to drop a class and receive a full refund.
*Please note that students who are dropped for non-payment are not guaranteed re-enrollment. *
Friday, February 2nd The last day to drop without a ‘W’ appearing on your record.
Friday, February 2nd The last day to register for pass/non-pass or audit options.
Grading Scale
93– 100: A
90–92.99: A-
87–89.99: B+
83–86.99: B
80–82.99: B-
77–79.99: C+
73–76.99: C
70 –72.99: C-
67 –69.99: D+
60 –66.99: D
Below 60: E