PACC6008: Business Decision Making

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PACC6008: Business Decision Making

Trimester 3, 2024: Assignment 1

Due Date:  24 October 2024, Thursday, 23.59 SGT

Assessment Weight: 20%

Task: This assessment is an individual task in which the student is required to write a report on a topic included in this paper.

Total Marks: 20 marks (20% of total assessment).

Reading Materials: Week 1 to Week 6.

Submission: Online submission through Turnitin.


Individual Assignment

PurposeThe purpose of this assignment requires you to understand: the population & sample, identify the variable type, produce and interpret descriptive and inferential statistics and employ various graphical techniques to conduct quantitative research.

SummaryThe summary ofthe individual assignment information as follows:

Assessment 1:

Individual Assignment




At most 1000 words excluding tables graphs


Due date:

Week 7 (24 October 2024)

Submission Information:

 INDIVIDUAL assignment has been designed for submission in Week 7 to

provide you an opportunity to get marks during the  earlier part of the semester.

 It is to be submitted in TURNITIN on Thursday 24 October 2024 (Week 7).

Assignment Format:

 The maximum word count for this assignment is 1000 words. It must be word-processed in either Times New Roman 12 or Arial font 12, and 1.5 spaced with a footer including your name, student ID and page number.

Checklist for your submission:

(1) A softcopy is submitted through Turnitin.

Note that it is each student’s responsibility to keep a copy of each assessment task submitted.


Suppose Researcher A is assigned a research task to examine United States (US) companies’ financial performance and response status to CDP questionnaire in 2022. He randomly chose 500 companies and collected the companies’ information from DataStream Database. Please see the data file.

(1) What is the population Researcher A is interested in? (1 mark)

(2) Identify the types of variables in the dataset. (1 mark)

(3) Use Microsoft Excel to conduct and present the appropriate graphic and descriptive results on each of the following variables: IndustryRevenue, and Direct GHG Emissions, interpret and analyze these descriptive results, and prepare a summary report. (3 marks)

(4) Suppose Researcher A also conducted the same research in 2020, the proportion of companies that answered CDP questionnaire was 0.69 in 2020. He would like to know if this proportion of companies answering CDP questionnaire  has increased. You are required to: (4 marks)

 Establish the null and alternative hypotheses

 Identify the appropriate test

 Produce the test results using Microsoft Excel

 Write a short report based on your analysis of results

(5) Suppose Researcher A also conducted the same research in 2020,  the average return on assets  (ROA) was 0.08  in 2020. He would like to know whether the average ROA has changed. You are required to: (4 marks)

 Establish the null and alternative hypotheses

 Identify the appropriate test

 Produce the test results using Microsoft Excel

 Write a short report based on your analysis of results

(6) Suppose Researcher A wants to examine whether the average profitability (measured as ROA) of Industry 1 is significantly different from that of Industry 2. He  conducted  analysis  based on a sample of companies  from  Industry  1  and Industry 2 in the data file.

(Note: You need to replace Industry 1 and Industry 2 with real Industry first, for example, Communication Services and Energy).

You are required to: (7  Marks)

Identify population(s) Researcher A is interested in Based on the above subsample you selected, produce results using Microsoft Excel, conduct your analyses following detailed  steps  for HYPOTHESIS TESTING AND ESTIMATION method and summarize your results in a report. For example, you need to establish null and alternative hypotheses, identify the  appropriate  tests,  produce results,  interpret and analyse your results based on appropriate statistics, and prepare a short report on them.


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