CS 231: Algorithmic Problem Solving

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CS 231, Spring 2024


Due date:July 24,202416:00(Waterloo time)

Coverage: Through Module 10

This assignment consists  of a written component and a programming  component.Please read the instructions on the reference page for assignments carefully to ensure that you  submit each  component  correctly.

Please check the pinned FAQ in the discussion forum for corrections and clarifications.

Note:In  assignment  questions that specify the use df aparticular paradigm,you are expected to come up with a new algorithm using that paradigm.It)is not sufficient to  implement a class example as a helper function  and  declare  that the paradigm has been used.

Written component

For full marks,you are expegted to provide a brief justifcation  of any  answer you provide.

W1.[6 marks]In Assignment 2,we considered a greedy algorithm for finding as maximum size cluster in a graph.Here we will consider the algorithm as an approximation  algorithm.

(a)[1  mark]What is the approximation ratio when the instance is a complete graph on at least two vertices?Briefly justify your answer.

(b)[1 mark]What is the approximation  ratio when  the instance is a tree on at  least  two vertices?Briefly  justify  your  answer.

(c)[4  marks]Give a family of graphs for which the approximation ratio cannot be bounded above by a constant.That is,provide a function f(n),where f(n)is not a constant function,such that the ratio between the approximate and the optimal solution  is  at  least  f(n).You do not need to provide a graph for each value of n, but you should show how to form an infinite family ofgraphs of increasing size.As in W2  of Assignment 2,the statement should hold for any ordering of the vertices,no matter how ties are broken.

W2.[6 marks]In this question,we will consider two possible backtracking algorithms for CLUS- TER PARAMETERIZED BY CLUSTER SIZE,defined as follows:

Input: A graph G and a positive integer k

Output: Yes  or  no,answering“Is  there  a  cluster  in  G  of  size k? Parameter: k

For each of the algorithms described below,answer the following two questions:

●  Is  the  worst-case  running time of the algorithm in  f(k)·n⁰(1)?

●  Is  the  proposed  algorithm guaranteed to produce the correct  answer?

(a)[3  marks]Form  a  search  tree  in  which  the  root  corresponds to the empty  set.At each node,form a child for each node not already in the set that is a neighbour of all nodes  in  the  set  (vacuously  true  for  the  empty  set).Stop  after  k+1  levels,producing true if a node is formed and false otherwise.

(b)[3  marks]Order  the  vertices.Form  a  search  tree in which the root corresponds to the empty  set.At  each  node,for  the next vertex in order,create one set  that  contains the vertex (if it and the current contents of the set form a cluster)and one that does not  contain  the  vertex.Stop  after  k+1  levels,producng true if a node is formed and false otherwise.

W3.[9 marks]In this question,you will use hilkclimblng for the problem of REPRESENTATIVE SETS,as defined in Assignment 2.

(a)[3  marks]Describe  a  hill-climbing  apprdach,including  the  initial  solution  and  how  it is  updated  at  each  step.For  full  marks,be  sure  to  explain  why  your  approach  can be classified as hill-clambing

(b)[3  marks]Provide an input on which your approach is guaranteed to produce the optimal solution.Yout input mast contain at least 4 sets,and each set must contain at least 2 values.Briefly justify your answer by explaining how your approach performs on the provided  input  ahd why  the  solution  is  optimal.

(c)[3 marks]Provide  an  input  on  which  your  approach  is not guaranteed  to provide the optimal  solution.Your  input  must contain at least 4 sets,and each set must contain at least 2 values.Briefly  justify  your  answer  by  discussing  both the output of the approach and the optimal  solution.

W4.[3 marks]An algorithm for REPRESENTATIVE SETs forms a solution B as follows:consid- ering  each  set  in A  one by  one,randomly  choose whether  or not to put the  set  in  B.The probability  of adding  a  particular  set  is  1/2,so  the  probability of omitting  it  is  also  1/2. For  the  purpose  of  this  question,we'll  define“high  probability”(of  producing  the  correct  answer)to  be  any  probability  that  is  greater  than  3/4.

(a)[1  mark]Does  the  algorithm fit the  definition of a Las Vegas  algorithm?

(b)[1  mark]Does  the  algorithm fit the  definition of a Monte Carlo  algorithm?

(c)[1 mark]Is there ever a reason that one might choose to use a randomized  algorithm for a problem in P?Briefly justify  your  answer.

Programming component

Please read the information on assignments and Python carefully to ensure that you are using  the  correct  version  of  Python  and  the  correct  style.For  full  marks,you  are  required not only to have a correct solution,but also to adhere to the requirements of the assignment question and the style guide,including aspects of the design recipe.

Although submitting tests is not required,it is highly recommended that you test your code. For each assignment question,create a testing file that imports your submission and tests the code.Do not submit your testing file.

For any of the programming questions in this assignment,you may import any of the  fol- lowing  files:check.py,graphs.py,and  equiv.py,as  well  as  built-in  modules  such  as  math  and copy.

Be sure to read the instructions on the Python requirements page to ensure that you have imported the files as required.

P1.[14 marks]Write a function cluster_backtrack that consumes a graph and produces a list of IDs of vertices that forms a cluster of maximum size.Your function should use backtracking.

Submit your work in a fle with the name clusterbacktrock.py.


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