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ECON7350: Applied Econometrics for Macroeconomics and Finance
Research Report
Due date: 10 May 2024, 13:59 (1:59pm)
The project consists of three research questions. Please answer all questions as clearly, concisely and completely as possible. Each question is worth 50 marks, for a total of 150 marks. This report will constitute 50% of your overall grade in this course.
We suggest that you use R for all empirical work involved. However, you should be able to use another statistical software (e.g. Eviews, Stata, Python, etc.) without a problem. If you do choose to work with an alternative software, please note that support for software-specific issues from the course coordinator and tutors may be very limited.
Please upload your report via the “Turnitin” submission link (in the “Assessment / Re- search Report” folder). Please note that hard copies will not be accepted. At the moment, the due date is 1:59 PM on 10 May 2024, but please check BlackBoard regularly for announce- ments regarding any changes to this. Your report should be a write-up of your answers (in PDF format, single-spaced, and in 12 font size).
You are allowed to work on this assignment with others, i.e., you can discuss how to answer the questions with your classmate(s). However,this is not a group assignment, which means that the report must be written individually: you must answer all the questions in your own words and submit your report separately. The marking system will check for similarities, and UQ’s student integrity and misconduct policies on plagiarism strictly apply.
The dataset for Questions 1 and 2 is contained in report1. csv. The variables are quarterly time-series of macroeconomic indicators in Australia for the period 1978Q3—2022Q4 (181 observations). In particular, the dataset contains the following variables:
❼ ∆yt (lnRPCGDP): change in the natural logarithm of seasonally adjusted gross domes- tic product measured in current prices divided by Civilian population aged 15 years and over (population) [this is a measure of economic growth];
❼ ut (UNEMP): the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for all persons averaged over each quarter [this is a measure of unemployment];
❼ πt (INF): the percentage change from the corresponding quarter of the previous year of all groups CPI [this is a measure of inflation];
❼ rt (OCR): the Interbank Overnight Cash Rate averaged over each quarter [the Reserve Bank Board’s operational target for monetary policy];
❼ r3,t (3Mth): 3-month Bank Accepted Bills/Negotiable Certificates of Deposit-3 months averaged over each quarter [a money market rate];
❼ r5,t (5Yr): Australian Government 5 year bond rate averaged over each quarter [a capital market rate];
❼ r10,t (10Yr): Australian Government 10 year bond rate averaged over each quarter [a capital market rate].
1. Use the data provided to choose three (3) ARIMA(p,d,q) models for inflation, πt. Use each of these three models to forecast πt for 2023 and 2024 (two years or equivalently eight quarters past the end of the sample). In doing so, please consider how such fore- casts may be useful for policy, and consequently, ensure your inference is aligned with the underlying motivation. Make sure to address all potential sources of uncertainty on a conceptual level, and to the extent possible, quantitatively.
After a year, you are provided with the following data for Q1 to Q3 in 2023. Use these figures to evaluate and discuss the relative forecast performance of your three models.
Quarter |
3Mth |
5Yr |
10Yr |
2023Q1 |
1.534 |
3.557 |
5.6 |
3.280 |
3.473 |
3.367 |
3.619% |
2023Q2 |
-1.506 |
3.591 |
3.2 |
3.797 |
3.937 |
3.158 |
3.437% |
2023Q3 |
0.475 |
3.653 |
4.8 |
4.070 |
4.193 |
3.849 |
4.027% |
2. Use the data provided to obtain inference on the stability of the term structure of interest rates. In particular, investigate the following questions:
(a) Is there evidence of nonstationarity in any of the four interest rates {Tt , T3,t, T5,t, T10,t}? (b) Are there any identifiable equilibrium relationships among the four interest rates?
(c) Are each of the following spreads stationary?
❼ st,3 − 1 = T3,t − Tt ,
❼ st,5 −3 = T5,t − T3,t, and
❼ st,10 −5 = T10,t − T5,t
Obtain inference the dynamic effects of shocks to the term structure of interest rates, using the above interest rate spreads st,1 −3 , st,3 −5 , and st,5 − 10 , on inflation. In particular, investigate the following questions:
(d) If st,3 − 1 increases by 1% and remains at the new level thereafter, what is the expected effect (all else constant) on inflation, πt (i) at the time of impact, (ii) one year after impact, (iii) 10 years after impact?
(e) If st,10 −5 increases by 1% and remains at the new level thereafter, what is the expected effect (all else constant) on inflation, πt (i) at the time of impact, (ii) one year after impact, (iii) 10 years after impact?
Again, in answering these questions, please consider how the answers may be use- ful for policy, and consequently, ensure your inference is aligned with the underlying motivation. Also, please discuss the key assumptions underlying any conclusions you obtain.
3. The dataset for Question 3 is contained in report2. csv. The variables are daily time-series of two equity returns and a measure of market volatility for the period 4/01/1999—27/02/2024 (6408 observations). The dataset contains the following vari- ables:
❼ rBHP,t : natural logarithm of the change in the price of the BHP Group Limited (BHP.AX) share price traded on the ASX;
❼ rCBA,t : natural logarithm of the change in the price of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA.AX) share price traded on the ASX;
❼ pV IX,t : CBOE Volatility Index (V(ˆ)IX) form the Chicago Board Options Exchange in USD [This is a measure of the level of volatility in the market].
(a) Use the data provided to obtain inference on the volatility of rBHP,t and rCBA,t. (b) Compare the estimates of volatility from your models in part (a) to the pV IX,t.
(c) Investigate the probability of a return less than 0.01% for rBHP,t and rCBA,t on each of the days 28/02/2024, 29/02/2024 and 1/03/2024.
Again, in answering these questions, please consider how the answers may be useful for risk management, and consequently, ensure your inference is aligned with the under- lying motivation. Also, please discuss the key assumptions underlying any conclusions you obtain.