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ECM3422 – Computability and Complexity
Academic Year: 2024/25
Title: Continous Assessment
Submission deadline: 2024-11-27
This assessment contributes 20% of the total module mark and assesses the following intended learning outcomes:
• Module Specific Skills and Knowledge:
– explain what is meant by a general model of computation and work with some specific examples of such models;
– describe the mathematical basis of the theory of computability and complexity;
• Discipline Specific Skills and Knowledge:
– appreciate the power of abstraction to support a general understanding of some subject matter;
– appreciate the role of theoretical understanding in underpinning disciplined and responsible prac- tice.
• Personal and Key Transferable / Employment Skills and Knowledge:
– approach problems analytically at an appropriate level of abstraction.
This is an individual assessment, and you are reminded of the University’s Regulations on Collaboration and Plagiarism. You must avoid plagiarism, collusion and any academic misconduct behaviours. Further details about Academic Honesty and Plagiarism can be found at https://ele.exeter.ac.uk/course/ view.php?id=1957.
This course work consists out of two questions. You can get up to 100 marks in total split across two exercises:
1. A manual simulation of a multi tape Turing Machine (5h, 30 marks)
2. An implementation of a simulator of a multi tape Turing Machine using a single tape Turing Machine (15h, 70 marks)
The CA comes with template python files which you can download from the assessment section on the ELE page. The file README.md contains detailed instructions on how to run the tests. Before submitting your coursework make sure the project compiles and the tests provided in the template succeed. Implementations that cannot run the provided test suite, will receive zero marks.
Use of GenAI tools in Continous Assessment for ECM3422 - Computability and Complexity
The University of Exeter is committed to the ethical and responsible use of Generative AI (GenAI) tools in teaching and learning, in line with our academic integrity policies where the direct copying of AI-generated content is included under plagiarism, misrepresentation and contract cheating under definitions and offences in TQA Manual Chapter 12.3. To support students in their use of GenAI tools as part of their assessments, we have developed a category tool that enables staff to identify where use of Gen AI is integrated, supported or prohibited in each assessment. This assessment falls under the category of AI-supported.
You can find further guidance on using GenAI critically, and how to use GenAI to enhance your learning, on Study Zone digital.
When submitting your assessment, you must include the following declaration, ticking all that apply:
AI-supported/AI-integrated use is permitted in this assessment. I acknowledge the following uses of GenAI tools in this assessment:
• I have used GenAI tools for developing ideas.
• I have used GenAI tools to assist with research or gathering information.
• I have used GenAI tools to help me understand key theories and concepts.
• I have used GenAI tools to identify trends and themes as part of my data analysis.
• I have used GenAI tools to suggest a plan or structure for my assessment.
• I have used GenAI tools to give me feedback on a draft.
• I have used GenAI tool to generate image, figures or diagrams.
• I have used GenAI tools to proofread and correct grammar or spelling errors.
• I have used GenAI tools to generate citations or references.
• Other: [please specify]
I declare that I have referenced use of GenAI outputs within my assessment in line with the University referencing guidelines.
Please note: Submitting your work without an accompanying declaration, or one with no ticked boxes, will be considered a declaration that you have not used generative AI in preparing your work.
If a declaration sheet cannot be uploaded as part of an assignment (i.e. at the start of an essay), students understand that by submitting their assessment that are confirming they have followed the assessment brief and guidelines about GenAI use.
Task 1: Simulating a Multi-Tape Turing Machine on a Single-Tape Turing Machine
For the following exercise you should manually simulate a given multi-tape Turing machine using a corre- sponding single-tape Turing machine.
Definition of the Multi-Tape Turing Machine
The multi-tape Turing machine M to be simulated is defined as follows:
M = (Q; Σ; Γ; δ ; q0; □; {q5 })
• Q = {q0; ...; q5 }
• Σ = {0; 1}
• Γ = {0; 1; □ }
M has three tapes (and three read/write heads). Hence, the transition function has the form: δ : Q × (Γ × Γ × Γ) → P(Q × (Γ × Γ × Γ) × ({L; R; N } × {L; R; N } × {L; R; N })) .
The triples (Γ × Γ × Γ) denote the symbols on the first, second, and third tape and ({L; R; N } × {L; R; N } × {L; R; N }) are the movements of the first, second, and third read/write head.
The transition function is defined as follows:
Task Description (30 marks)
Assume M, is a corresponding single-tape Turing machine which is started with input 011010010
For this task you need to determine the state of the tape for M, at different points in time. The state of the tape can be described by listing the elements of Σ* currently on the tape. Note that you do not need to specify the state of M, nor the position of the head but only the state of the tape.
1. What will the tape look like after initialization (i.e., when M reaches q0 )? (5 marks)
2. What will the tape look like when M reaches q2 ? (5 marks)
3. What will the tape look like when M reaches q3 ? (5 marks)
4. What will the tape look like when M reaches q4 ? (5 marks)
5. What will the tape look like when M reaches q5 ? (5 marks)
6. What will the tape look like at the end of the execution? (5 marks)
Task 2: Implementing a Simulator for Multi-Tape Turing Machines using a given Single-Tape Turing Machine
For this exercise you need to implement a multi-tape Turing machine using a given single-tape one. To this end we provide you with a Python implementation of a single-tape Turing machine.
Implementation of the Single-Tape Turing Machine
The single-tape Turing machine is implemented in class TuringMachine in the file TuringMachine.py. The class contains, amongst other things, the following elements:
• A string variable blank_symbol which stores the element used to denote a blank symbol.
• A constructor __init__ which initializes the machine. It takes the following parameters:
– initial_state: A string representing the initial state.
– final_states: A set of strings representing the final states.
– head_position: The start position of the head on the tape.
– tape_string: A string representing the input.
• A method is_final which takes a state as input and returns true if the state is a final state.
• An abstract method transition with two parameters: a state and a string. The method is supposed to implement the transition function. It must return a triple in which the first component is a string representing the result state, the second component is a string representing the output character, and the third element is either “L”, “R”, or “N” to denote the movement of the head.
• A method run which executes the machine by using the abstract transition method.
• A method get_tape_string to return a formatted string of the tape.
• A method get_raw_tape to return a raw representation of the tape in which leading and trailing blanks are removed.
• A method checkhead which takes an integer and checks if the head is currently on that position. Counting starts from the first non-blank element position.
• A method is_blank which takes a string and checks if it is the blank symbol.
Task Description (70 marks)
You need to implement the multi-tape Turing machine by inheriting from the class TuringMachine. We provide also a template for this: Class MTTuringMachine in file MTTuringMachine.py. The class contains the following elements:
• A constructor __init__ which takes the following parameters:
– tapes: An integer to denote the number of tapes.
– initial_state: A string to denote the initial state.
– final_states: A set of strings to denote the final states.
– tape_string: A string to denote the input.
The constructor should be implemented by calling the constructor of the single-tape Turing machine.
You need to implement this constructor. There is a TODO marker in the provided template which should be replaced by your implementation.
• An abstract function transitionm with two parameters: a state and a tuple of strings. This method is supposed to provide the implementation of the transition function for the multi-tape machine (i.e. it will be implemented by users of the simulator). This function is provided in the template and should not be modified.
• An implementation of the transition method. This method should use the transition function of the multi-tape Turing machine (transitionm) to implement the transition function for the single-tape Turing machine (remember that transition is an abstract method in class TuringMachine).
You need to implement this method. There is a TODO marker in the provided template which should be replaced by your implementation.
The class can use the abc library for abstract methods and the re library for regular expressions but should not use any other Python modules (libraries).
Remark. We provide a test implementation of a simple multi-tape Turing machine, extending the class MTTuringMachine. The test file is called Tests .py and contains a class myTM which implements a multi- tape turing machine using MTTuringMachine. Moreover, it contains a class TestStringMethods which provides a method test_1 which executes a possible test case.
The tests can be executed by running Tests .py using Python 3.12. We strongly recommend that you use it to test if your implementation fulfills the basic functional requirements. Implementations that cannot be executed against this test suite will receive zero marks. Note that for the final marking we will use additional tests.
Marking scheme
For each criteria we reward marks if the implementation generally satisfies the criteria, and we provide additional marks if edge cases are considered.
• Correct initialization: The single-tape Turing machine is properly initialized according to the specifi- cation of the multi-tape Turing machine (general: 10 marks, edge cases: 10 marks)
• Correct transition: The single-tape Turing machine implements the correct sequence of transitions specified by the multi-tape Turing machine (general: 20 marks, edge cases: 20 marks)
• Correct finalization: The single-tape Turing machine properly finalizes the computation (general: 5 marks, edge cases: 5 marks)