Math 300 Extended Essay

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Math 300

Extended Essay

I may still edit this document. If I do, you will be notified.

For the Extended Essay, each of you will write a well-edited paper about a topic in the history of mathematics which is outside of the specific material we cover in class. Any historical time period is considered acceptable, though you should talk to your professor if you wish to cover a topic beyond the turn of the 20th century (there are a few such topics that are fine, but you should get approval). Your paper may focus on a seminal text in the history of mathematics, on the history and development of an important idea or theorem, or on the life and mathematics of an individual. In general, your paper should be aimed at an audience which is, at most, aware of calculus. If further mathematics is required, some context or explanation should be included.

The Extended Essay will count as 25 points toward your final grade. Points will be given for steps in the paper process described below.  Except for the points attached to the final draft, these points are for completion only–provided your work meets the requirements of each stage. No step may be skipped. Late work must be discussed with me, and an appropriate points penalty will be assigned.

Due dates for each part of the paper process.

All work should be uploaded to Gradescope by midnight on the due date. All work should be submitted as a pdf generated by LaTeX. Sample LaTeX files can be found in the folder  “LaTeX” on blackboard.  If the sample you need is not there, let me know.

We will adhere very strictly to the UR Academic Honesty Policy regarding written work.

1. Feb 14. Topic and bibliography. This will be returned to you Feb 17.  (1 pt)

2. March 7. Draft  1 and reflection.  This will be returned to you by March 17. (2pts–1 for the draft, and 1 for the reflection.)

3. April 4. Draft 2 and reflection. Your peer reviewer will respond by April 11 and your instructor on April 13.(2pts–1 for the draft, and 1 for the reflection.)

4. April 11. Peer Reviews. Each of you will be assigned the paper of a peer to review and comment on.  Details on what constitutes a good peer review can be found below.  (2 pts)

5. April 23. Final Draft and reflection.  (13 points.  12 for the paper, and 1 for the reflection.)

Description of each part of the paper process:

• Reflections. At two dates in the process, I will ask specific questions that will help you with the next steps.  The third reflection will be due with the final draft and will look back on the process as a whole, with an eye towards fine-tuning the experience for future students.

• Topic and bibliography. This should be a detailed and specific presentation of your topic. It should describe what material you intend to discuss. Each item in your bibliography should be carefully described, and an explanation given about what information in that source you mean to use for your paper. By approaching this part of the paper-writing process carefully, you can avoid committing to something that may turn out to be too difficult or complicated later. If your topic is not quite right for this paper, I may either assist you with fine-tuning it or require you to simply choose a different topic - this will save you difficulty in the later stages of the assignment,  I promise.

You may also add a  “concerns” section to this document.  For example, perhaps you were unable to find enough supporting bibliographic information. Or you worry that your topic does not relate closely enough to a paper option that has been given.

The bibliography should be generated using a LaTeX bibliography environ- ment.

Choose enough material to make your paper 9-12 pages long.

Your sources should be books, original math, or articles in peer-reviewed jour- nals.  Wikipedia is not an appropriate source.  Using the UR libraries will be extremely useful.

Do not  “pad” your bibliography at any point.  Listing sources you have not actually used is an honesty violation.  Make sure your sources are relevant to the specific topic you have chosen and way you intend to approach it.

• Draft 1. This draft should be as complete as possible, but there maybe areas that will need substantial revision. Do your best. It should include bibliography and citations as needed.  This draft should include any original content that you are discussing. It can be copied over or scanned. It should be in the form of a formatted essay with at least 8 pages.

• Draft 2 This draft should be as complete as possible.  Attend to citations, grammar, and usage carefully. Between Draft 1 and Draft 2,consider comments you received on Draft 1 and also your own feelings especially with regard to organization. It’s a good idea to write an outline of your paper at this point to see if the logical progression of your ideas makes sense.  This draft will be given to a peer to review, and I will also read it and make comments.  This should be an essentially complete essay of between 9-12 pages of written text.  The goal is to go forward from this draft doing purely revision, with (hopefully) only minor modifications to shore up your context, argument, and sources.

• Peer Review You will provide someone else with a careful, detailed review of their paper.  You can either download the pdf and make your comments on it, or provide notes of some kind in another format. You should keep your comments polite and respectful.  You should comment about both things you like and things you don’t like.  You can be kind and still offer constructive criticism. Try to do as careful a job as you hope someone is doing for you.


 First read the whole paper without making any comments.

– Next read your peer’s responses to the reflection questions.

– Now re-read the paper and make comments.  Be sure to address the re- flection questions where possible.

To submit your response, email it to your peer.  Be sure to cc Prof Dannenberg. Then, on Gradescope, go to the assignment  “Peer response” and click that you have submitted your response.  This is so I can generate the points (2) for you.

• Final  Draft I hope this needs no explanation. 9-12 pages of written text, proper formatting and grammar,  staying  on topic,  addressing  the  previous comments you’ve received.


You MAY (and indeed, are even encouraged to) create your own topic. You may also pick a topic based on one of the brief prompts below. If you create your own topic, be sure that your outline and bibliography are detailed enough to convince me that this is a good topic and that sufficient sources are available. It is very important to figure that out early!

1. Infinite Series. Series are older than you think and arose independently in disparate cultures.  Some mathematicians to consider are Zeno, Archimedes, Madhava, Newton, and the Bernoullis. Your paper should focus on how series were thought of before the advent of rigorous limits.  The audience for this paper should be people who have seen series before, but not more sophisticated mathematicians.  Your paper should include at least three original examples. The discussion of these examples should come mostly from you, not from a secondary source.

2. Euclid. Choose a book from Euclid’s Elements that we were forced to skip in class.  Discuss its overall content, and choose a few propositions to prove and discuss in detail.  Be sure to talk about why the book you choose is in- teresting. Especially encouraged are Circles (III) or Number Theory (IX), but you can propose any book you wish except I and II. You may not use the Euclidean division algorithm. There is not enough to say about it that is interesting.  In your topic proposal, be sure to mention which of Euclid’s proposals you mean to cover in detail.  Your audience should be the general public.  Assume a high school level of mathematical sophistication.  You may use the version of the Elements.  The main sources for this paper should be you and Euclid, although secondary sources should be provided to use for an introductory paragraph on historical background.

3. The Nine ChaptersOne of the greatest mathematical works of all time is The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Arts of Han China.

The library has an English version.  (Even if your are able to read archaic Chinese, you must use the English version primarily, because your audience can not.) 

Choose enough original examples from this text to support an interesting paper. You can either choose examples from a single topic, or you can provide a broad sampling.

In either case, there should be sufficient prose to make your topic into a cohesive whole. Present these examples in their original form, and then explain the examples in your own language. Your audience should be the gen- eral public.  Assume a high school level of mathematical sophistication. The main sources for this paper should be you and The Nine Chapters, although secondary sources should be provided to use for historical background.  Cau- tion–The early use of matrices found in this document seem like a great topic, but they are so close to our modern matrices that there is almost nothing to say about them. Choose other topics.

4. The Sea Island Manual. Follow the prompt for The Nine Chapters, but use The Sea Island Manual of Liu Hui.

5. How Come I Never Heard of this Math? Many groups have been under- represented in ordinary mathematical discussion.  Choose such a group, and find as many original examples as possible.   Include  a  historical discussion. Your audience should be the general public.   Assume  a high school level of mathematical sophistication.  Unfortunately, this topic will require more sec- ondary sources than others, as, of course, your group will be under-represented in the literature. If you wish to choose this topic, please contact Prof. Dannenberg early for bibliographic ideas. Here are some possible groups to consider: Maya, Inca, and other peoples of the western hemisphere. Women. Africans. South Asians. Medieval European Jews.

6. Diophantine Equations. Diophantus was really an outlier.  He worked on algebra in a geometric age.   Your paper  should use original examples from Diophantus (available in the library) and your own discussion of them. You can also include  work on Diophantine topics by other groups, such as the Indians of the classical period.  Do not get into modern Diophantine math. Your audience should be someone who has had some college math, but not advanced topics such as Diophantine Analysis.

7. Math through the Ages.  For some of our readings, we will use Math through the Ages by Berlinghoff and Gouvea, which I call MTTA for short.  This book covers math history by topic trajectories rather than by region or time period. It’s designed for people who are interested in becoming highschool math teach- ers.  MTTA will be on reserve at Carlson.  Choose a chapter, and using the bibliography provided, explore the trajectory in greater detail. As the audience for MTTA is very general, your audience should be slightly more sophisticated. Assume college calculus.  Make every attempt to provide original sources in your paper that you will explain and expand upon.  There should be a mini- mum of two. Even if you are not interested in this topic, have a look at MTTA, because it has an excellent bibliography.

8. Covering the development of a specific theorem or  idea: There are a number of particularly important theorems which attracted great interest and guided the development of the history of mathematics.  A paper giving historical context for why this question was considered interesting, how people thought about/eventually proved the theorem, and what influence it had going forward can be a great topic. If you pick a topic of this type, you will need to make sure that your topic is sufficiently broad that it can make for a good 9 page discussion, but sufficiently narrow that you are able to discuss it in great depth.

9. Covering the mathematics of a specific mathematician: There are (at least) two great traps in studying the history of math.   The  first is falling into a ‘great person’ history of mathematics as a story of lone geniuses toiling in isolation.   The  second is treating mathematical development purely  as a history of ideas without any human element.  Mathematics is ultimately done by people; a paper detailing the perspective and contributions of an individual to the history of mathematics can be extremely valuable.  If you pick this topic, you should select a mathematician of interest, along with up to two or three threads they contributed meaningfully to. Discuss their contributions in these areas, highlighting new ideas and giving historical context to the mathematical work they did.

10.  Other topic ideas  are welcome,  but be sure to talk to Prof Dannenberg to workshop a good topic before you get too far into your planning.


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