Getfile Protocol

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Part 1: Implementing the Getfile Protocol

Getfile is a simple (HTTP-like) protocol used to transfer a file from one computer to another that we made up for this project.
For Part 1 of the assignment you will implement a Getfile client library and a Getfile server library. The API and the descriptions of the individual functions can be found in the gfclient.h and gfserver.h header files. Your task is to implement these interfaces in the gfclient.c and gfserver.c files respectively. To help illustrate how the API is intended to be used and to help you test your code we have provided the other files necessary to build a simple Getfile server and workload generating client inside of the gflib directory.

Part 2: Implementing a Multithreaded Getfile Server
In Part 1, the Getfile server can only handle a single request at a time. To overcome this limitation, you will make your Getfile server multi-threaded by implementing your own version of the handler in handler.c and updating gfserver_main.c as needed.

Throughout your development you should be keeping notes about what you are doing for your development. We encourage you to work on your your readme file as your project develops, so that it can serve as a log of your work.
To obtain all possible points, we want you to demonstrate your understanding of what you have done. We are not looking for a diary, we are looking for a clear explanation of what you did and why you did it. This is your grader's opportunity to award you points for understanding the project, even if you struggle with the implementation, as these are manually graded.


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