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CSCI 4430 | Programming Languages 2024 | PA3
Team Creation Due: Nov 22, 2024| Due Date: Dec 04, 2024
1 Parsing SQL-like Natural Language Commands
The first part of this assignment involves parsing SQL-like natural language commands using a Definite Clause Grammar (DCG). You will take two input files: one containing SQL-like commands written in natural language and the other representing a knowledge base. You are provided with a grammar that defines the SQL-like commands. Logical operators include an operation that requires logical reasoning over the knowledge base. Note that you will not receive any test cases that deviate from this grammar.
<command>::= Get <table column info> <command operation>.
<table column info>::= <table column detail>
<table column detail> and <table column info>
<table column detail>::= all from <table>
<columns> from <table>
<command operation>::= h <join operation>
<match operation>
<where operation>
<join operation> ::= linking
connecting <table> by their <col>
<match operation> ::= such that <match condition>
<match condition>::= its values are either <values>
<match condition>::= <col> matches values within the <col> in <table> <where operation>
<where operation>::= where <or condition> {and <or condition>}
<or condition>::= <condition>
either <condition> or <condition>
<condition>::= <col> <equality> <val>
<equality>::= is less than
is greater than
<table>::= <atom>2
<columns>::= <col>
n , | and <col>
<col>::= <atom>3
<values>::= <val>
n , | or <val>
<val>::= <atom>4
1This grammar utilizes Extended Backus–Naur notations.The Wikipedia page for E-BNF enlists all the necessary notation.Specially, these notation: (),{}, [] and | .
2 These values are directly from the facts.pl. It is something that binds to the TableName in table(TableName,[ ]) from the facts.pl.
3 Same as 1. However, this includes individual elements within the list of column headers that bind to Column i in table(TableName,[Column 1,Column 2,...,Column N]).
4 Same as 1 and 2. However, this includes individual cell values within the list of row facts that bind to CellValue i in row(TableName,[CellValue 1,CellValue 2,...,CellValue N]).CSCI 4430 — Programming Languages Objective:
• Interpret the Command: For each natural language command, you will utilize DCG to parse the command and return the parsed command.
– nlp parse(LineSplit, Query): Write a rule to parse the command LineSplit, a list of strings split into different words and punctuation, into a specific list of queries. You will later need to implement the Query to execute the logical reasoning and constraint satisfaction on the facts provided in facts.pl.
• After parsing all of the provided commands, you will need to use writeln(Query) to display the parsed text5
. They need to be in the following format based on the provided grammar:
[command,variables for the <table column info>,variables for the <command operation>]
Variables for <table column info> must be in the following order:
– [[all, TableName]]
– [[variables for < columns >, TableName], ...]
– [[variables for < columns >, TableName1],[variables for < columns >, TableName2],...]
– [[all, TableName], [variables for < columns >, TableName]]
Variables for <columns> must be in the following order:
– [< column >]
– [< column >, < column >, ...]
Variables for <command operation> must be in the following order:
– [ ]
– [join, TableName, ColumnName]
– [matches, [< value >, < value >, < value >, ...]]
– [matches, ColumnName, [command, [[ColumnName, TableName]], [where, [variables for < where operation >
– [where, [variables for < where operation >]]
Variables for <where operation> must be in the following order:
– [variables for <condition>]
– [and, [variables for <where operation>], [variables for <where operation>]]6
– [or, [variables for <condition>], [variables for <condition>]]
Variables for <condition> must be in the following order:
– [condition, ColumnName, <equality>, Value]
<equality> must be one of the following:
– <, =, or, >
5 It has been included within the starter code.
6 Parse it as a right associativity for multiple and. That is, for ... where c1 and c2 and c3 and c4., it should be:
[and c1 [and c2 [and c3 c4]]]
Expected Output:
This determines how well you parse the file. You need to print out the parsed text document by printing different variables required to solve Part 2. For consistency, you must have the exact ordering match for the output.
The grade for part one will be determined by your rules’ ability to parse the example.txt file.
Example of commands within example.txt:
1. Get all from employee.
2. Get ProductName from product and Price from product.
3. Get CustomerID from order linking customer by their CustomerID.
4. Get LastName from customer such that its values are either MariaAnders, Fuller or Suyama.
5. Get OrderDate from order such that CustomerID matches values within the CustomerID in cus tomer where Country equals UK.
6. Get all from employee and FirstName from employee where BirthDate is less than 12-16-1965.
7. Get ProductName, Price, CategoryID and SupplierID from product where Price is greater than 25 and CategoryID is greater than 4.
8. Get ProductName, Price, CategoryID and SupplierID from product where Price is greater than 25 and either CategoryID is greater than 4 or SupplierID is less than 3.
9. Get OrderID from order where either OrderDate is greater than 11-22-1996 or ShipperID equals 2.
Expected Output7
1. [command, [[all, employee]], []]
2. [command, [[[ProductName], product], [[Price], product]], []]
3. [command, [[[CustomerID], order]], [join, customer, CustomerID]]
4. [command, [[[LastName], customer]], [matches, [MariaAnders, Fuller, Suyama]]]
5. [command, [[[OrderDate], order]], [matches, CustomerID, [command, [[CustomerID, customer]], [where, [condition, Country, =, UK]]]]]
6. [command, [[all, employee], [[FirstName], employee]], [where, [condition, BirthDate, <, 12-16-1965]]]
7. [command, [[[ProductName, Price, CategoryID, SupplierID], product]], [where, [and, [condition, Price, >, 25], [condition, CategoryID, >, 4]]]]
8. [command, [[[ProductName, Price, CategoryID, SupplierID], product]], [where, [and, [condition, Price, >, 25], [or, [condition, CategoryID, >, 4], [condition, SupplierID, <, 3]]]]]
9. [command, [[[OrderID], order]], [where, [or, [condition, OrderDate, >, 11-22-1996], [condition, ShipperID, =, 2]]]]
7 The exact ordering must match. Use writeln() instead of print().
2 Logical and Constraint Reasoning with Logical Operators
In this part, you will focus on logical reasoning using SQL-like operators parsed from Part 1. The goal is to evaluate queries that involve solving commands. The output from the part 1 should result in two parts: columns required for output and conditions that filter the commands. You are expected to output individual tables with all the columns within <table column info> from the provided facts.pl in that particular order. However, if there are any conditions within <command operation>, you are expected to return the subset based on the operation.
• evaluate logical(Query, FilteredTable).: Executes logical reasoning based on the parsed query. The queries are going to be the < where operation >, as mentioned in part 1. Given that
Query is [command, TableColumnInfo,Conditions],
a parsed individual command from Part 1. You are expected to bind FilteredTable with the list of filtered tables for each table information within TableColumnInfo. FilteredTable is [[TableName, TableColumnHeader, FilteredRows], ...],
where TableName is the name of the table, TableColumnHeader is a list of column headers, FilteredRows is a list of filtered row values that are associated based on the selected TableColumnHeader.
Since, FilteredTable is dependent upon the TableColumnHeader(<table column info>) within the Query. We will expect the FilteredTable to be in the following format:
– [all, TableName]: returns a list with the table name, a list of all the column headers of the table, and a nested list of all filtered rows within the TableName corresponding to the list of columns.
[[TableName, AllColumnHeader, FilteredRows]]
– [ColumnNames, TableName]: returns a list with the table name, a list with the column names, and a nested list of all filtered rows within the TableName corresponding to the columns.
[[TableName, [ColumnName1, ColumnName2, ColumnName3, ..], FilteredRows]]
– [ColumnNames1, TableName1],[ColumnNames2, TableName2],...: returns a multiple list corre sponding to each table information with the name of the table (TableName1,TableName2,...), a list of all column headers for each table, and a nested list of all filtered rows within the TableName corresponding to the list of columns.
[[TableName1, ColumnNames1, FilteredRows1], [TableName2, ColumnNames2, FilteredRows2], ...]
For Condition (<command operation>), you will utilize the table information from <table column info> to filter the information based on the condition type. You will utilize the TableName from TableColumnInfo and column information from Condition to select the sub set of rows to filter the data. For comparisons, you are to compare equals with string, number, and date type, and greater than and lesser than with number and date type.
– [ ] : Do nothing. Return all rows within FilteredRows.
– [join, []]|[matches, [ ]] : Return no rows within FilteredRows.
– [where, [conditions]] : Filters based on each of the conditions and bind all satisfied rows within FilteredRows.
1. We are only performing where operation for the reasoning and constraint based filtering.
2. The grammar from part 1 could result in cases where the datatype for command operation will not make sense. Example: Get ProductName from product where ProductName is less than AniseedSyrup. You are expected to return an empty list of rows since the condition cannot be satisfied.
3. Data type conversion rule(is date(InputString, Date)) for checking and converting date format into date predicate is provided within helper.pl. It converts a string with a specific date-formatted string(MM/M-DD/D-YYYY) into its date predicate data type(date(Year, Month, Day)). Do take note of the date type provided within the helper predicate. You may wish to use one or decide not to use it.
4. print tables(FilteredTable) is also provided to display the filtered table. We will be utilizing this rule to display the result for grading. A single tab separates the tables; hence, it could appear uneven.
1. Get all from employee.
Expected Output:
Get all from employee.
EmployeeID LastName FirstName BirthDate Photo
1 Davolio Nancy 12-8-1968 EmpID1.pic
2 Fuller Andrew 2-19-1952 EmpID2.pic
3 Leverling Janet 8-30-1963 EmpID3.pic
4 Peacock Margaret 9-19-1958 EmpID4.pic
5 Buchanan Steven 3-4-1955 EmpID5.pic
6 Suyama Michael 7-2-1963 EmpID6.pic
7 King Robert 5-29-1960 EmpID7.pic
8 Callahan Laura 1-9-1958 EmpID8.pic
9 Dodsworth Anne 7-2-1969 EmpID9.pic
10 West Adam 9-19-1928 EmpID10.pic
8 More examples are provided with the starter file.
2. Get CustomerID from order linking customer by their CustomerID.
Expected Output:
Get CustomerID from order linking customer by their CustomerID.
3. Get all from employee and FirstName from employee where BirthDate is less than 12-16-1965.
FilteredTable= [[employee,[EmployeeID,LastName,FirstName,BirthDate,Photo],[[2,Fuller,Andrew,
Expected Output:
Get all from employee and FirstName from employee where BirthDate is less than 12-16-1965.
EmployeeID LastName FirstName BirthDate Photo
2 Fuller Andrew 2-19-1952 EmpID2.pic
3 Leverling Janet 8-30-1963 EmpID3.pic
4 Peacock Margaret 9-19-1958 EmpID4.pic
5 Buchanan Steven 3-4-1955 EmpID5.pic
6 Suyama Michael 7-2-1963 EmpID6.pic
7 King Robert 5-29-1960 EmpID7.pic
8 Callahan Laura 1-9-1958 EmpID8.pic
10 West Adam 9-19-1928 EmpID10.pic
4. Get ProductName, Price, CategoryID and SupplierID from product where Price is greater than 25 and either CategoryID is greater than 4 or SupplierID is less than 3.
FilteredTable= [[product,[ProductName,Price,CategoryID,SupplierID],[[UncleBobOrganicDriedPears,
Expected Output:
Get ProductName, Price, CategoryID and SupplierID from product where Price is
greater than 25 and either CategoryID is greater than 4 or SupplierID is less than 3.
ProductName Price CategoryID SupplierID
UncleBobOrganicDriedPears 30 7 3
MishiKobeKiku 97 6 4
Ikura 31 8 4
AliceMutton 39 6 7
FooBar 26 2 1
Provided Files:
main.pl: The main Prolog file that you include your code. It also includes import for the helper.pl and facts.pl file. It has been set such that if you correctly write nlp parse(LineSplit,Query) and evaluate logical(Query,FilteredTable), you would get the expected output as provided.
helper.pl: It contains some starter helper predicates for parsing the input file. It also includes the date data type conversion helper predicates as well as print tables(FilteredTable), which prints the list of FilteredTable into a tabular display. Do not make any changes to the helper predicates; any modification will be ignored. You may choose not to use the provided predicates, but include any new predicates within main.pl.
example.txt: A text file that contains SQL-like natural language commands which are passed as an argument.
expectedoutput part1.txt: Expected output with part1 argument after parsing example.txt file.
expectedoutput part2 FilteredTable.txt: It contains nested list of table information within FilteredTable, which is required as an argument for print tables(FilteredTable). Note that this is not an expected output. It is provided to you to understand the required format for an actual output.
expectedoutput part2.txt: Actual expected output with part2 argument after performing constraint reasoning with the example.txt file.
facts.pl 9
: Represents the table data in Prolog facts format. Note that to avoid any discrepancy while parsing the table and commands, we have no spaces in between any strings in the facts.pl.
How to Run in Prolog
A file, main.pl, is provided that will read in a file with definitions and constraints until encountering the end of the file (EOF). Note that main.pl imports the file helper.pl, which is also provided in the PA3 web directory. To test this file, run the following:
swipl -s main.pl -t main --quiet -- example.txt part1 > expectedoutput_part1.txt
swipl -s main.pl -t main --quiet -- example.txt part2 > expectedoutput_part2.txt
The command contains two arguments file name that contains the command and print option argument. The print option argument(part1 or part2) is only differentiated by the output statement for testing purposes. Note: You are allowed to modify the provided starter file. But make sure all the changes are within the main.pl such that your assignment compiles correctly.
What To Submit & Grading
Please ensure you have registered for a team by Nov 22, 2024.
Please submit your completed version of main.pl. Do not submit any other provided files (helper.pl, facts.pl.
You must also submit a readme.txt file with your name (or names if you have a partner). If you have any comments, reports of bugs, self-assessments, or anything, put them in your readme.
9 Hidden tests will contain a different facts.pl file. Hence, do not hardcode any of the facts.
Warning About Posting Solutions Publicly & Inter-Team Code Sharing
Do not post any code you submit for this assignment onto any public website or network share. Also, your code from your team (which can be at most two people) should be wholly yours; Do not look at or use code made by other students and/or teams as your own. If a violation of either of these rules is detected, your grade will be heavily affected.
Links & Documentation for (SWI) Prolog
• Quickstart documentation:
– https://www.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/man?section=quickstart
• Installers for version 8.4 (Windows/MAC):
– https://www.swi-prolog.org/download/stable (for Linux, check your package manager for swi-prolog)
• Definite Clause Grammar documentation:
– https://www.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/man?section=DCG