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EE 123



Summer 2024


Prerequisites: EE 100A, EE 123 online section: enrollment in the Online Master-in-Science in Engineering.

Units: 4,  Lecture: 3 hours, Laboratory: 3 hours

Covers the study of power semiconductor devices. Includes magnetic circuits and components; switch mode converters and power supplies; and single, three-phase, pulse width modulation, and resonant pulse  inverters. Addresses voltage controllers; direct current and induction motor drives; and design of motion control drive circuits for robotic and industrial automation systems. Credit is awarded for one of the following EE 123 or EE 286C.


Power Quantities and Calculations

Transformers and Diode Rectifiers (Half-Wave and Full-Wave)

Power Semiconductor Devices

-    Power Diodes: general, fast-recovery, Schottky;

-    Power Switches: thyristors (SCR, GTO, MCT)

-    Power Transistors: BJT, MOSFET, IGBT

Switching DC-DC Converters and DC Power Supplies

-    CCM and DCM Switching Analysis

-    Non-isolated DC-DC Converters - Buck, Boost, Buck-Boost, Cuk

-    Isolated DC-DC Converters – Flyback and Forward

DC-AC Inverters

-    single phase bridge inverters

AC-DC Converters AC-AC Converters

Series and Parallel Combination of Components and Circuits

Course Calendar



HW Due


Mon, 07/29

1 (live). Introduction to Power Electronics

Tue, 07/30

2 (live). Power and Power Source Characterization

Lab 0. LTspice Installation (ungraded, no lab report)

Wed, 07/31

3 (pre-rec). Half-Wave

Rectifiers with Resistive


Thu, 08/01

4 (live). Half-Wave Rectifiers with Capacitive Loads

Lab 1. Power

Characterization, Regular and

Controlled Rectifiers

Sat, 08/03

HW 1, 11:59 pm

Mon, 08/05

5 (pre-rec). Half-Wave

Rectifiers with Inductive


Tue, 08/06

6 (live). Full-Wave Bridge Rectifiers

Lab 2. Half-Wave Rectifiers and Commutation

Wed, 08/07

7 (live). Full-Wave Rectifiers

- Inductive Sources and RLC


Thu, 08/08

8 (pre-rec). Phase-

Controlled Rectifiers and


Lab 3. Full-Wave Bridge Rectifiers

Sat, 08/10

HW 2, 11:59 pm

Mon, 08/12

9 (live). Voltage Doublers

Tue, 08/13

10-1 (pre-rec). Intro to

Switching Power Supplies,

Buck Converters

Lab 4. Phase-Controlled Rectifiers and Inverters

Wed, 08/14

10-2 (pre-rec). Intro to

Switching Power Supplies,

Boost Converters

HW 3, 3:00 pm

Thu, 08/15


Mon, 08/19

11 (pre-rec) Buck-Boost

Converters. DCM Operation

in Buck and Boost


Tue, 08/20

13 (live). Magnetic Circuits and Transformers

Lab 5. Switch-Mode DC-DC Converters

Wed, 08/21

14-1 (live). Flyback Converters

HW 4, 11:59 pm

Thu, 08/22

14-2 (pre-rec). Forward Converters

Lab 6. Flyback and Forward DC-DC Converters

Mon, 08/26

15 (pre-rec). AC Voltage Controllers

HW 5, 11:59 pm

Tue, 08/27

16 (live). Inverters - DC-AC Converters

Lab 7 (optional). DC-AC and AC-AC Line Inverters

Wed, 08/28

17 (pre-rec). Combination of Non-Linear Components

Thu, 08/29

18 (live). Review

HW 6, 3:00 pm

Fri, 08/30


am - 10 am


Homeworks will be assigned every other day, there are six homeworks in total. Homework statements along with due dates are shown in the calendar above and will also be posted in Assignments/Homeworks  section in  eLearn and Gradescope. Keep in mind that even though you need to solve all required problems in homeworks, only two randomly selected homeworks will be actually chosen for grading. Non-required problems are indicated inside the homework assignments, and won’t be graded. Use them for practice purposes. Solutions to all problems, required or not, will be posted under corresponding homework assignments in Canvas. In general, homeworks will be due at  11:59 pm on the due dates except homeworks 3 and 6 that will be due at 3 pm. This is because I will need to post solutions before the exams on the following days. Discussion of homework problems with the instructor, TA, and/or classmates will be done via Piazza. All homeworks must be completed individually and submitted for grading via Gradescope, not by email. You can use your mobile phone to scan your handwritten solutions and save them in a pdf format, for example, with CamScanner app ( A short tutorial on Gradescope usage is provided under Assignments folder in eLearn.

No late homework will be accepted.


All labs are LTspice software based and will need to be conducted at your own location. Lab manuals can be found under Modules/Laboratories section in eLearn. Discussion of lab experiments with TA, and/or other students is encouraged. Usage of Piazza  is encouraged for this purpose. Laboratories are based on LTspice software from Linear Technology, a free and very powerful Spice simulation environment, . Additional LTspice power electronics library specifically designed for EE123 can be found in eLearn/Canvas under Modules/Laboratories section. Laboratories will cover majority of power electronic circuits discussed in class.

You are expected to read the lab descriptions, and complete the pre-lab before starting lab assignments.

Lab reports are to be submitted for grading within the time-frames indicated in the lab assignments via Gradescope, not by email. Late submission will lead to a 10-point score deduction. Guidelines for the lab report must be followed.


Midterm:       ONLINE, Thursday, 08/15/2024 during regular lecture hours

Final:              ONLINE, Friday, 08/30/2024, 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

All exams are open book and notes, only printed and/or handwritten materials will be allowed on the test. Electronics version of notes, textbooks, etc. will be strictly disallowed. Exams will be proctored by our TA online. Make sure that your desk and you (arms and head) are visible by our TA at all times. Laptops/PC’s can only be used for delivering video to our proctor via Zoom software. Communication gadgets, tablets, cell-phones, etc. must be off. During tests, 3 min long breaks will be allowed with proctor permission. Make-up exams are possible only under circumstances of medical emergency or sickness


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