QM265 Business Decision Making

Business Decision Making (QM265)

Unit information

From inventory control to determining optimal product mix, from portfolio analysis to oil and gas exploration, and beyond, management science offers useful tools and techniques for decision making.

Studying this unit will equip you with the management science skills and knowledge to solve real-world challenges in complex business environments.

You will hone your decision-making skills by applying a systematic and logical approach as you learn to harness computer software to inform your decisions.

Enrolment rules

24cp and either ECON101 or QM161
ARE315 or ARE415 or QM240 or QM340 or QM365
Combined units


This unit uses a flexible assessment strategy where students can choose which assignments will be counted towards their final mark. The number of assignments chosen will determine the weighting of the final examination of either 40%, 50% or 60%.

Please refer to the student handbook for further details on this unit.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. introduce a number of management science techniques that may be used for making decisions in business environments;
  2. present examples of decision-making environments in which each of these techniques can be applied;
  3. illustrate the role of computer software in the application of management science techniques;
  4. explain the limitations and potential uses of management science techniques in complex decision-making environments.

Assessment information

Assessments are subject to change up to 8 weeks prior to the start of the teaching period in which you are undertaking the unit.

Title Must Complete Weight Offerings Assessment Notes
Assignment 1 Yes 15% All offerings

Problems. Word length not applicable owing to the statistical nature of the assignment.

Assignment 2 No 15% All offerings

Problems. Word length not applicable owing to the statistical nature of the assignment.

Assignment 3 No 15% All offerings

Problems. Word length not applicable owing to the statistical nature of the assignment. 

Final Examination Yes 55% All offerings  

Learning resources

Textbooks are subject to change up to 8 weeks prior to the start of the teaching period in which you are undertaking the unit.

Prescribed Material (Mandatory)

Note: Students are expected to purchase prescribed material. Please note that textbook requirements may vary from one teaching period to the next.

Introduction to Management Science: Global Edition

ISBN: 9781292263045

Taylor III, B.W., Pearson 13th ed. 2019

Note: An eBook version of this textbook is also available (ISBN: 9781292263076).

Text refers to: All offerings


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