COSC 320 - 001 [3-2-0] Analysis of Algorithms

COSC 320 - 001 [3-2-0]

Analysis of Algorithms

2023-2024 Winter Term 2

14:00- 15:30 Tuesdays-Thursdays


Your TAs are the main points of communication between the students and the instructor. Due to large number of students registered in class, the instructor will not be able to answer individual questions immediately, unless it is forwarded from the TAs and they are notable to handle the matter. This excludes the office hours and questions that are asked in person.

The only cases you need to send an email to the instructor:

-     Communicating a personal matter, such as illness or missing class

-     Other legitimate queries that cannot/should not be communicated with TAs.

Office Hours:

Tuesdays 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Thursdays 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

Academic Calendar Entry

Design and analysis of algorithms, illustrated from various problem areas. Models of computation, choice of data structures, space and time efficiency, computation complexity, algorithms for searching, sorting and graph-theoretic problems, NP-complete problems. [3-0-0]

Prerequisite: All of COSC 221, COSC 222 and one of MATH 221, APSC 179.

Course Objectives

This course introduces students to the body of knowledge of algorithm design and analysis, focusing on well-established design paradigms, analytic techniques for analyzing the correctness and the performance of algorithms, and general strategies for formulating real-world tasks as an algorithmic problem. Concepts and techniques will be discussed in the context of specific problems that arise from application domains.

Upon successful completion of this course, students are expected to demonstrate the ability to:

1.   formulate algorithmic problems properly;

2.   design and analyze algorithms using the techniques studied;

3.   convey algorithmic ideas formally; and

4.   describe algorithms and their implementation in a clear way.

Topics to be covered are as follows.

1.   Basics of Algorithms and Asymptotic Notation

2.   Divide and Conquer

3.   Randomized Algorithms (Tentative)

4.   Basic Graph Algorithms

5.   Greedy Algorithms

6.   Dynamic Programming

7.   Network Flow

8.   Theory of NP-completeness (Tentative)

Course Format

The course is in person. Practical skills and applications of topics are re-enforced with assignments and project work. Course materials are available on Canvas.

Midterm break and other calendar dates can be found at:

Required Materials

•    Lecture notes (available electronically on Canvas)

•    Main Textbook: CLRS: Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd  Edition, 2009, ISBN: 9780262258104.

NOTEThe fourth edition of the textbook is available online throughUBC libraryfor free. The chapters we study are not much different in the 3rd  and 4th edition.

•     Your laptop or handheld devices such as tablets. This is used for the iClickers and class activities.

•     IPython Notebooks

•     The course uses iClicker Cloud (free).Setup instructions for iClicker Cloud Student Account.iClicker Cloud Login

Complementary Reading List:

•    Algorithms Illuminated, by Tim Roughgarden (Some parts are available online).

•    Algorithm Design, by Jon Kleinberg and Eva Tardos, Addison-Wesley, 2006 (preprint is available online).

•    Algorithms, by Dasgupta, Papadimitriou, Vazirani (Available online)

•    Mathematics for Computer Science, by Lehman, Leighton, Meyer (Available online)

•    Algorithms and Data Structures -The Basic Toolbox, Mehlhorn and Sanders (Available online)

Evaluation Criteria and Grading




1. i-Clicker and in-class exercises


Throughout the term

2. Assignments


Throughout the term

3. Midterm


Feb 27

4. Final


During Exam Period, TBA



Labs and assignments are due on the posted dates. Written assignments are to be submitted through Canvas. No late assignments or labs will be accepted. Attendance is expected in lectures.

Item 1: in-class exercises and iClickers (5%): These are questions or mini practices that you will work on in the class. You can form groups and solve these questions together. The in-class exercises can be collaboratively solved, but each student needs to submit the solutions individually. Otherwise, the student will receive no grade. This is only done during the class and should be answered and submitted during the class time. The goal is to have all exercises and questions to be submitted via iClicker.

Item 2: Assignments (30%): There are approximately 7 assignments in the course. You can form groups of 2 or maximum 3 to submit the assignments. There is no bonus for students who choose to submit their assignments individually.

Item 3: Midterm will be done in class and is closed book.

Item 4: Final exam is closed book and includes all materials, but less weight is considered for the contents that are covered in the midterm.

Assignment Expectation

For problems that ask you to prove an assertion, you are expected to give an informal proof explaining why the algorithm is correct. For problems that ask you to design an algorithm, you are expected to provide in  English the  idea of the algorithm, the  pseudo-code of the algorithm with  required data structures clearly specified, the analysis of its correctness (explaining in English) and running time, and an example to illustrate your algorithms.

Collaboration Policy

The assignments are designed to help students solidify their understanding of the course material. Some of the problems may be challenging, but not unrealistic. You are encouraged to collaborate with your peers on the assignment problems; Even more desirable is to form your own study group of two to three people with the same level of knowledge (not that one person solves, and others just look). A good practice is to write the solution in your own words to reenforce learning, so you will be able to explain the details of the solutions. You are also required acknowledge any help from the TA, the instructor, and the Web explicitly in your submissions. The exact same solutions that are copies of each other might be identified as cheating and receive a zero grade.

Note that only one person from the group requires to submit the solutions to the assignments. Remember to put all the names in the submission so all members receive the mark. The grades will be equal for all members of the groups. It is your responsibility to choose members who are working on the assignments collaboratively.


All exams are written and closed book. The examinations in this course are all closed-book, so you are NOT permitted to access any of the course materials, including your notes, during the exam.

Final grades will be based on the evaluations listed above and the final grade will be assigned according to the standardized grading system outlined in the UBC Okanagan Calendar. The Barber School reserves the right to scale grades in order to maintain equity among sections and conformity to University, faculty, department, or the school norms. Students should therefore note that an unofficial grade given by an instructor might be changed by the faculty, department, or school (See UBC Calendar for the exam period:,41,90,1014).

Note: Any requests for changes to final exams must be sent to the office of the Associate Dean of Students ([email protected]).

Passing Criteria

Students MUST achieve at least 50% of the final exam grade to pass the course. Failure to do so will result in a 45% grade, or the resulting grade, whichever is the lowest.

Missing assessment deadline or missing a scheduled time during which an assessment occurred

•    There will be no make-up or late acceptance for the midterm component.

•    Students who miss midterm due to short-term illness or other legitimate reasons should contact the instructor immediately to make an arrangement.

•     If you miss the midterm for a satisfactory reason, your final exam will be worth more of the total grade.

•     Failure to obtain 50% grade in the final exam component will be a failure in the course.

•    The assignment deadlines are firm and cannot be changed.

•     I-Clicker and in-class exercises: Marks of 80% or above from this component will be considered a full mark (i.e., 5%). There will be no extra marks or bonus for those who receive the full mark. The 80% is used as a threshold to help with technical issues or if students miss some sessions.

•    Any requested accommodation must meet UBC academic concession criteria. Missing final exams should follow the UBC Okanagan’s policy. For further information on Academic Concession see,48,0,0

One-time late submission policy

For each student, late submission for assignments will be accepted only for one submission:

•    without any penalty if it is within 24 hours of the deadline, and with 50% penalty if it is after 24 hours and within three days after the deadline.

•    0 mark if it is submitted after three days.

Final Examination

The examination period for Term 2 of Winter 2022 is April 17-28 2023. Further information on Academic Concessions can be found under Policies  and Regulations in the Okanagan  Academic Calendar,48,0,0.

Course Schedule

The following table provides a tentative schedule for the term and may be adjusted dependent on the class needs.




W1 (Jan 8

Introduction to algorithmic problems and analysis

Chapter 1 and Lecture Notes

W2 (Jan 15)

Basics of algorithm analysis (Asymptotic notation) and Divide and conquer method

Chapter 3.1 and Lecture Notes

W3 (Jan 22)

Divide and conquer method

Algorithmic analysis

Chapters 2.3, 4 and Lecture Notes

W4 (Jan 29)

Algorithmic analysis, Randomized algorithm

W5 (Feb 5)

Graphs primitive reasoning

Chapter 22 and Lecture Notes

W6 (Feb 12)

Graph algorithms

Feb 15: Midterm - In class

W7 (Feb 19)

No classes Midterm Break

W8 (Feb 26)

Dynamic programming

Chapter 14.1, 14.2, 14.3 and Lecture Notes

W9 (March 4)

Dynamic programming

W10 (March 11)

Greedy algorithms

Chapter 15.1, 15.2 and Lecture Notes

W11 (March 18)

Flow networks

Chapter 24 (Preferably Lecture Notes)

W12 (March 25)

Flow networks and examples

W13 (April 1)

NP complete

Chapter 34 (Preferably Lecture Notes)

W14 (April 8)

April 11: Last day of class, Final review


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