ECON 6376 Time Series Analysis September

Problem  Set 1

ECON 6376 Time Series Analysis September 

Problem 1

 Provide a screenshot of your R or RStudio environment.

Problem 2

 Download the series ‘MSACSR’ from and using the ‘getSymbols’ function from the package ‘quantmod ’, transform the series into a ts object. Plot the time series and provide a brief description of any notable features. Finally, decompose the series and also provide a description of its elements. If you want full credit, you will need to provide an analysis of your findings as well as the model choice used.

Problem 3

 [Enders (3.Ed) Ex.1]

Consider the difference equation: yt a0 + a1yt1 with the initial condition y0. Jill solved the difference equation by iterating backwards:

ya0 + a1yt1

a0 + a1(a0 + a1yt1)

a0 + a0a1 + a0a2 + · · · a0at1 + a1y0

Bill added the homogeneous and particular solutions to obtain:

y      a0 + aΣ y0 − a0 Σ

 a1 1  a1

  • Show that the two solutions are identical for |a1|1.


  • Show that for a1= 1, Jill’s solution is equivalent to:  yt a0y0.  How  would  you  use Bill’s method to arrive at this same conclusion in the case a1 = 1 ?

Problem 4

 [Enders (3.Ed) Ex.5]

The Unit Root Problem in time-series econometrics is concerned with characteristic roots that are equal to unity. In order to preview the issue:

a Find the homogeneous solution to each of the following:

  1. yt= 1.5yt1− 0.5yt2 + εt
  2. ytyt2 + εt
  • yt= 2yt1  yt2 + εt
  1. ytyt1+ 0.25yt2 − 0.25yt3 + εt


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