NBS8330 Assignment Instructions
Task: Write a Dissertation Plan for your Dissertation. It should include the following components unless your supervisor has suggested otherwise.
The percentages of the words weight of each section are indicative and discrepancies of around 5% are allowed. This means, for instance, you can have anywhere between 35% and 25% for the introduction.
• Explain your topic’s relevance in economics and finance• Build or illustrate the theory (how each variable X interacts with variable Y)• and/or describe the hypothesis• Summarize the major issues of the topic, possibly from several big studies• Highlight any gaps that may exist in research to date• Explain how you are going to do things differently (e.g., use data with different coverage but the same methodologies or use the same data with different methodologies) and emphasize your contribution
• Summarise and analyse existing theories and/or empirical results• Detail a couple of studies that you will follow closely in terms of methodology
• Write down the regression model(s)• Justify the chosen econometric technique (usually from literature)• Detail the data source• Explain how to measure each variable in the regression model using the intended data source
• Explain how the theory predicts the expected signs of the estimated coefficients• Relate the expected results to previous literature (how and why you expect your results would be similar or different)
Submission: Please submit your work in Word in Canvas ONCE on or before the deadline on March 15th at 4pm. You should submit your dissertation plan after the first supervision meeting and when you have agreed with the supervisor on how to narrow down the assigned topic.
You do not need to submit a physical copy. All submissions received after the deadline will be automatically capped at 50% providing it is received within 7 days of the submission date. All submissions received after 7 days will be automatically capped at 0%. By submitting your assignment, you have confirmed you understand the guidance provided and the University’s policy on plagiarism.
Word limit: 2000 words. Reference List does not count towards the word limit. Write down the word count at the beginning of the main text.
Pre-assessment Support: There is one seminar scheduled for reviewing three samples of dissertation plans. We will be discussing the common mistakes/drawbacks and good practice in dissertation plans.
Post-assessment support: You will receive individual written feedback from your supervisor on Canvas. Further feedback can be provided in further communication between you and your supervisor.