ACCT5908 Auditing and Assurance Services

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ACCT5908 Auditing and Assurance Services

Course Details & Outcomes

Course Description

This course examines the practice of auditing, the underlying concepts, auditors' responsibilities, and the audit environment. Although the focus of attention is on audits carried out under the provisions of the Corporations Law, reference is also made to other assurance and related non-assurance services. The course is intended to provide an overview of the audit process as it exists in Australia and internationally.

Course Aims

The focus of the course is on both the conduct of the audit (as an auditor) and interaction with the audit function (as a member of the business community). Topics include: the risk-based auditing approach; assessment of risk; development of audit strategy, internal control evaluation and controls testing; substantive testing; analytical review; auditing in an IT dominated and data rich environment; audit sampling; audit reporting; contractual and common law duties; the critical role of ethics; and an introduction to other assurance and related non-assurance services.

Relationship to Other Courses

This course is offered by the School of Accounting, Auditing and Taxation as part of the Master of Professional Accounting Degree. In order to enrol in this course, you must have passed ACCT5930 and ACCT5942. You will also find it useful to have studied (or are currently studying) ACCT5943.

Course Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes Program learning outcomes
CLO1 : Articulate and apply the ethical, professional, legal, commercial and regulatory framework within which audits and other assurance and related non-assurance services are carried out.
  • PLO1 : Business Knowledge
  • PLO2 : Problem Solving
  • PLO5 : Responsible Business Practice
CLO2 : Describe and analyse the contribution of audit and other assurance and related non- assurance services to the economy and society more broadly.
  • PLO1 : Business Knowledge
  • PLO5 : Responsible Business Practice
CLO3 : Explain and apply the contemporary audit process and the techniques used by auditors to achieve audit objectives.
  • PLO1 : Business Knowledge
CLO4 : Critically evaluate business settings in order to identify audit issues.
  • PLO3 : Business Communication
  • PLO6 : Global and Cultural Competence
CLO5 : Discuss a broad range of audit techniques and describe the effectiveness and efficiency of each across different audit contexts.
  • PLO1 : Business Knowledge
  • PLO6 : Global and Cultural Competence
CLO6 : Demonstrate competency in the conduct of audit work and effective analysis of the results obtained from that work.
  • PLO2 : Problem Solving
  • PLO6 : Global and Cultural Competence
CLO7 : Communicate ideas, plans, summaries of work undertaken, conclusions and other relevant audit matters in order to achieve audit objectives.
  • PLO3 : Business Communication
CLO8 : Display emotional intelligence and self-awareness of own cognitive abilities.
  • PLO2 : Problem Solving
CLO9 : Learn independently and assume responsibility for the learning process.
  • PLO1 : Business Knowledge
CLO10 : Apply techniques to facilitate the achievement of synergies when working as a team.
  • PLO2 : Problem Solving
  • PLO3 : Business Communication
  • PLO4 : Teamwork
  • PLO7 : Leadership Development

Course Learning Outcomes Assessment Item
CLO1 : Articulate and apply the ethical, professional, legal, commercial and regulatory framework within which audits and other assurance and related non-assurance services are carried out.
  • Quiz
  • Group Assignment
  • Final Examination
CLO2 : Describe and analyse the contribution of audit and other assurance and related non- assurance services to the economy and society more broadly.
  • Quiz
  • Group Assignment
  • Final Examination
CLO3 : Explain and apply the contemporary audit process and the techniques used by auditors to achieve audit objectives.
  • Seminar Preparation
  • Quiz
  • Group Assignment
  • Final Examination
CLO4 : Critically evaluate business settings in order to identify audit issues.
  • Seminar Preparation
  • Quiz
  • Group Assignment
  • Final Examination
CLO5 : Discuss a broad range of audit techniques and describe the effectiveness and efficiency of each across different audit contexts.
  • Seminar Preparation
  • Quiz
  • Group Assignment
  • Final Examination
CLO6 : Demonstrate competency in the conduct of audit work and effective analysis of the results obtained from that work.
  • Seminar Preparation
  • Quiz
  • Group Assignment
  • Final Examination
CLO7 : Communicate ideas, plans, summaries of work undertaken, conclusions and other relevant audit matters in order to achieve audit objectives.
  • Seminar Preparation
  • Quiz
  • Group Assignment
  • Final Examination
CLO8 : Display emotional intelligence and self-awareness of own cognitive abilities.
  • Quiz
  • Group Assignment
  • Final Examination
CLO9 : Learn independently and assume responsibility for the learning process.
  • Seminar Preparation
  • Quiz
  • Final Examination
CLO10 : Apply techniques to facilitate the achievement of synergies when working as a team.
  • Group Assignment

Learning and Teaching Technologies

Moodle - Learning Management System

Learning and Teaching in this course

Approach to Learning and Teaching in this course

This course is presented in a face-to-face study mode. Enrolment in a face-to-face class indicates a commitment and capacity to attend the weekly seminars on the Kensington Campus.

At university, the focus is your self-directed search for knowledge. Seminars, textbooks and other resources are all provided to help you learn. You are therefore required to attend all seminars and read all required readings in order to fully grasp and appreciate the concepts of Auditing and Assurance Services.

It is up to you to choose how much work you do in each part of the course: preparing for seminars; completing assessments; studying for exams; and seeking assistance or extra work to extend and clarify your understanding. You must choose an approach that best suits your learning style and goals in this course. Seminar exercises as well as case studies are provided to guide your learning process.

You are reminded that this is a challenging course (and the intensive nature of the presentation mode over Summer makes this even more so). Not keeping up to date with the material in the course has, in the past, been identified as a common reason for not achieving a passing grade in the course. This course lends itself to a sustained effort throughout the entire term rather than intense periods of 'cramming' prior to assessment tasks.

Learning Activities and Teaching Strategies

Instruction in this course consists of two, three hour seminars each week.

Many years of experience, across all types of students, and across different institutions, highlights that the most effective way to become proficient in auditing is to learn by doing (i.e., experiential learning). The course has been designed with this in mind. In seminars, you will be discussing aspects of auditing, working through questions and/or cases, and actually undertaking audit work.

The first two seminars will introduce foundation audit knowledge. An understanding of this material is critically important, in that you will be building on this foundation knowledge in subsequent seminars. You will be expected to complete all readings prior to class, have watched the videos set for each topic and be prepared to contribute to discussion in class. An extensive lecture slide package is provided for each topic. The seminars constitute the core learning experience of this course. During seminars, you will be required to discuss various aspects of the audit process in a collaborative environment, you may be asked to present your views to the class, as well as applying your knowledge to specific audit issues and situations via case studies and exercises.

Your performance in this course is certainly facilitated by active participation and engagement with the material, and you are strongly encouraged to do so, as the seminar discussion is most effective and engaging when those participating are willing to be part of this collaborative learning environment. The material for each seminar will be made available on Moodle.

Self study
Self-study is a key element of the learning design of this course. Self-study materials include the textbook, auditing standards and the case studies. The aim of this material is to encourage students to assume responsibility in the learning process and to make the seminars more effective. Thus, onus is on students to review and complete these materials. Individual consultation is available should you encounter any difficulty with the course material. You are reminded, however, that consultation is a complement to, rather than a substitute for, engagement with the other learning and teaching activities.


Assessment Structure

Assessment Item Weight Relevant Dates Program learning outcomes
Seminar Preparation
Assessment FormatIndividual
Due DateThroughout the term
  • PLO1 : Business Knowledge
  • PLO3 : Business Communication
Assessment FormatIndividual
Start Date16/01/2024 02:00 PM
  • PLO1 : Business Knowledge
  • PLO2 : Problem Solving
  • PLO3 : Business Communication
Group Assignment
Assessment FormatGroup
Due Date28/01/2024 11:00 PM
  • PLO1 : Business Knowledge
  • PLO2 : Problem Solving
  • PLO3 : Business Communication
  • PLO4 : Teamwork
  • PLO6 : Global and Cultural Competence
  • PLO7 : Leadership Development
Final Examination
Assessment FormatIndividual
Start DateOfficial examination period
  • PLO1 : Business Knowledge
  • PLO2 : Problem Solving
  • PLO3 : Business Communication
  • PLO5 : Responsible Business Practice
  • PLO6 : Global and Cultural Competence

Assessment Details

Seminar Preparation
Assessment Overview

In five (5) seminars students will be required to complete advance preparation questions relevant to the practical case set down for application and discussion in that seminar class.

Assesses: PLO1, PLO3

Course Learning Outcomes
  • CLO3 : Explain and apply the contemporary audit process and the techniques used by auditors to achieve audit objectives.
  • CLO4 : Critically evaluate business settings in order to identify audit issues.
  • CLO5 : Discuss a broad range of audit techniques and describe the effectiveness and efficiency of each across different audit contexts.
  • CLO6 : Demonstrate competency in the conduct of audit work and effective analysis of the results obtained from that work.
  • CLO7 : Communicate ideas, plans, summaries of work undertaken, conclusions and other relevant audit matters in order to achieve audit objectives.
  • CLO9 : Learn independently and assume responsibility for the learning process.
Detailed Assessment Description

In five (5) seminars (seminars 3,4,6,7,and 8), you will be asked to complete advance preparation questions relevant to the practical case set down for application and discussion in that particular seminar class. If you have not completed the questions, then you are not in a position to contribute to the seminar discussion. You will need to upload your prepared answers as they relate to these questions to Turnitin prior to the commencement of the relevant seminar.

Those students who submit on time and prepare answers suffciently will be awarded up to 2 marks for each relevant seminar, for a total available mark of 10. Each submission will be marked based on both the quality of effort level in completing all of the set questions and the technical correctness of answers. Zero marks will be awarded for those submissions which show little effort or for non-completion/late submission.

Assessment Length

Not Applicable

Assignment submission Turnitin type

This assignment is submitted through Turnitin and students can see Turnitin similarity reports.

Assessment Overview

Students will be required to sit an online Quiz covering material from Seminars 1 to 4 (inclusive). The aim of the Quiz is to provide ongoing feedback relating to students’ understanding and learning progress within the course to date.

Assesses: PLO1, PLO2, PLO3

Course Learning Outcomes
  • CLO1 : Articulate and apply the ethical, professional, legal, commercial and regulatory framework within which audits and other assurance and related non-assurance services are carried out.
  • CLO2 : Describe and analyse the contribution of audit and other assurance and related non- assurance services to the economy and society more broadly.
  • CLO3 : Explain and apply the contemporary audit process and the techniques used by auditors to achieve audit objectives.
  • CLO4 : Critically evaluate business settings in order to identify audit issues.
  • CLO5 : Discuss a broad range of audit techniques and describe the effectiveness and efficiency of each across different audit contexts.
  • CLO6 : Demonstrate competency in the conduct of audit work and effective analysis of the results obtained from that work.
  • CLO7 : Communicate ideas, plans, summaries of work undertaken, conclusions and other relevant audit matters in order to achieve audit objectives.
  • CLO8 : Display emotional intelligence and self-awareness of own cognitive abilities.
  • CLO9 : Learn independently and assume responsibility for the learning process.
Detailed Assessment Description

Students are required to sit an online Quiz during class time covering material from Seminars 1 to 4 (inclusive). The aim of the Quiz is to provide you with ongoing feedback relating to your understanding and learning progress within the course. The Quiz consists of both short answer and multiple choice questions, aimed at testing knowledge and skills learned up until that point in the course. Additional information on the Quiz will be posted on the course Moodle website.

Group Assignment
Assessment Overview

The aim of the group research assignment is to allow students the opportunity to work in a group setting, and to demonstrate their ability to integrate the skills learnt in the course to analyse a real company from the auditor’s perspective.

Assesses: PLO1, PLO2, PLO3, PLO4, PLO6, PLO7

Course Learning Outcomes
  • CLO1 : Articulate and apply the ethical, professional, legal, commercial and regulatory framework within which audits and other assurance and related non-assurance services are carried out.
  • CLO2 : Describe and analyse the contribution of audit and other assurance and related non- assurance services to the economy and society more broadly.
  • CLO3 : Explain and apply the contemporary audit process and the techniques used by auditors to achieve audit objectives.
  • CLO4 : Critically evaluate business settings in order to identify audit issues.
  • CLO5 : Discuss a broad range of audit techniques and describe the effectiveness and efficiency of each across different audit contexts.
  • CLO6 : Demonstrate competency in the conduct of audit work and effective analysis of the results obtained from that work.
  • CLO7 : Communicate ideas, plans, summaries of work undertaken, conclusions and other relevant audit matters in order to achieve audit objectives.
  • CLO8 : Display emotional intelligence and self-awareness of own cognitive abilities.
  • CLO10 : Apply techniques to facilitate the achievement of synergies when working as a team.
Detailed Assessment Description

The aim of the group assignment (comprising 20% of overall assessment) is to provide you an opportunity to work in a group setting to analyse audit issues and suggest responses thereto. The successful completion of the assignment will require consistent effort throughout the term, and you will need to plan your time accordingly. An important aspect of the assignment will be to demonstrate your ability to present a written report in a professional manner. The assignment will be undertaken by groups of four or five students. Group members will be assigned by the second seminar ie during Week 1, and no changes to groups are permitted after this date.

Only students in attendance in the first week will be assigned to a group (students not in attendance during Week 1 will need to communicate with the Lecturer in Charge). Details regarding the nature of the assignment and its assessment will be posted to the course Moodle website. Self and peer (S&P) assessment will be involved in the determination of the final assignment mark. The aim of the S&P assessment procedure is to encourage students to co-operate with their team members, to understand the importance of managing differences and conflicts in a team environment in order to ensure the effectiveness of teamwork. Furthermore, the S&P procedures can also be used to create productive dialogues among team members, allowing team members to refect on the strengths and weaknesses of both the team and the individuals comprising the team

Assessment Length

4 pages

Assignment submission Turnitin type

This assignment is submitted through Turnitin and students can see Turnitin similarity reports.

Final Examination
Assessment Overview

This task requires students to demonstrate their understanding of the key concepts studied throughout the course and their ability to apply those concepts.

Assesses: PLO1, PLO2, PLO3, PLO5, PLO6

Course Learning Outcomes
  • CLO1 : Articulate and apply the ethical, professional, legal, commercial and regulatory framework within which audits and other assurance and related non-assurance services are carried out.
  • CLO2 : Describe and analyse the contribution of audit and other assurance and related non- assurance services to the economy and society more broadly.
  • CLO3 : Explain and apply the contemporary audit process and the techniques used by auditors to achieve audit objectives.
  • CLO4 : Critically evaluate business settings in order to identify audit issues.
  • CLO5 : Discuss a broad range of audit techniques and describe the effectiveness and efficiency of each across different audit contexts.
  • CLO6 : Demonstrate competency in the conduct of audit work and effective analysis of the results obtained from that work.
  • CLO7 : Communicate ideas, plans, summaries of work undertaken, conclusions and other relevant audit matters in order to achieve audit objectives.
  • CLO8 : Display emotional intelligence and self-awareness of own cognitive abilities.
  • CLO9 : Learn independently and assume responsibility for the learning process.
Detailed Assessment Description

Students are required to sit a Final Examination in this course, during the official examination period, which is worth 50% of the overall assessment. It will be of two hours duration and will cover the entire course. The exam script will be paper-based and invigilation held face-to-face on campus. Additional information on the Final Examination will be posted on the course Moodle website and discussed in class.

Assessment Length

2 hours

General Assessment Information

As a student at UNSW you are expected to display academic integrity in your work and interactions. Where a student breaches the UNSW Student Code with respect to academic integrity, the University may take disciplinary action under the Student Misconduct Procedure. To assure academic integrity, you may be required to demonstrate reasoning, research and the process of constructing work submitted for assessment.

To assist you in understanding what academic integrity means, and how to ensure that you do comply with the UNSW Student Code, it is strongly recommended that you complete the Working with Academic Integrity module before submitting your first assessment task. It is a free, online self-paced Moodle module that should take about one hour to complete.

You are expected to complete all assessment tasks for your courses in the School of Accounting, Auditing & Taxation. In some courses, there will be a minimum pass mark required on the final exam due to the need to assure individual mastery of specific course learning outcomes for accounting accreditation requirements.  Where applicable this is explained in the assessment information below.

This course will have an invigilated face-to-face exam held on UNSW’s Kensington campus. The exam script will be paper based. 

Grading Basis


Requirements to pass course

In order to pass this course, you must:

  • achieve a composite mark of at least 50 out of 100;
  • meet any additional requirements described in the Assessment Summary section.

You are expected to attempt all assessment requirements in the course.

Course Schedule

Teaching Week/Module Activity Type Content
Week 1 : 1 January - 7 January Seminar

Topic 1 - Overview of the audit function.



Topic 2 - The Audit process.


Week 2 : 8 January - 14 January Seminar

Topic 3 - Understanding the Entity and Assessing Business Risk and Inherent Risk

Seminar Preparation Due

Team Assignment Contract due



Topic 4 - Understanding and Assessing Internal Control (Control Risk)

Seminar Preparation Due



Week 3 : 15 January - 21 January Seminar

Topic 5 - Auditor's Response to Assessed Risk of Material Misstatement - Audit Strategy

Online Quiz during class time


Topic 6 - Tests of Controls

Seminar Preparation Due

Week 4 : 22 January - 28 January Seminar

Topic 7 - Substantive Tests of Transactions and Balances

Seminar Preparation Due




Topic 8 - Auditing in an Information Technology Environment

Seminar Preparation Due

Group Assignment and Peer Assessment Due on Sunday 28 January


Week 5 : 29 January - 4 February Seminar

Topic 9 - Audit Completion and Communication



Course Review and Revision

Attendance Requirements

Students are strongly encouraged to attend all classes and review lecture recordings.

General Schedule Information

Note: for more information on the UNSW academic calendar and key dates including study period, exam, supplementary exam and result release, please visit:

Course Resources

Prescribed Resources

The website for this course is on UNSW Moodle.

1. Prescribed Textbook:

Gay, Simnett, Hofmann, Auditing and Assurance Services in Australia, McGraw-Hill, 8th edition, 2023.

Please note that the latest 8th Edition of the textbook provides the most contemporary coverage of the material that we will cover in this course.

2. Australian Auditing Standards

They may be downloaded (free of charge) from the Australian Auditing and Assurance Standards Board website (

Note: Photocopied textbooks are in breach of copyright law and students will be asked to remove them from the seminar.

Course Evaluation and Development

Feedback is regularly sought from students and continual improvements are made based on this feedback. At the end of this course, you will be asked to complete the myExperience survey , which provides a key source of student evaluative feedback. Your input into this quality enhancement process is extremely valuable in assisting us to meet the needs of our students and provide an effective and enriching learning experience. The results of all surveys are carefully considered and do lead to action towards enhancing educational quality.


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