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Extended Coursework
Submit online via QMplus before 23:59 London Time on Monday 27th May 2024
ECOM209 R for Finance
This extended coursework carries a maximum of 100 marks. It is worth 50% of your overall ECOM209 module mark.
You are required to submit a typed document in PDF or Word format containing written analysis together with supporting tables, graphics and R code.
The coursework is detailed on the next page. You must use R to undertake your analyses.
This coursework has a maximum word count of 2500 words excluding R output and any code that you submit.
This coursework must be your own work and answers are required in your own words. You may refer to, or even replicate portions of, other people’s analysis in R, but if you do so, you must give full and clear references where appropriate.
Analysing Covid-19 Global Mobility Data using R
This coursework is an exercise in efficient data handling, effective data analysis and visualization.
Global mobility data from Apple and Google are available in the two supplied .csv files. These files have been obtained from Kaggle.
1. Describe fully how the files are arranged and what data fields they contain. [10 marks]
2. Develop suitable general functions to help you process the datafiles. For example, a function that reads in data from one or more specific countries, handles dates appropriately and ensures variables are coerced into being the correct type might be useful.[10 marks]
3. Undertake suitable exploratory data analyses on both datasets using existing R functions on a handful of selected countries. Explain fully the analysis for any novel methods you select. What does the output tell you? (Select countries contained in the datasets that, in your opinion, permit useful comparisions.)[35 marks]
4. Produce suitable data visualizations (graphics) that help to highlight important data features you have found. You may use existing functions and/or develop your own methods.[30 marks]
5. What overall conclusions do you draw from the quality of the data and your analyses?[15 marks]
Working suggestions:
• Start by selecting a single country from each of the files and build up complete analyses. Extend your analyses by comparing with a selection of other countries.
• You might find Quarto is a handy way of tying all the elements of your coursework together and outputting PDF but are free to use other tools such as Word, Google Docs or Keynote with R. Just remember that your final submission should be PDF or Word format.