CS401/601 Final Examination

CS401/601 Final Examination

Instructions: Answer all questions as best you can. Partial credit can be awarded at the sole discretion of your Professor.

1.This question is worth 10 points

Given the following code:

Show how you would remove onload()with another comparable method that achieves the same result.

2.This question is worth 10 points.

Only using fetch(),show only the breed names in a unordered list.The URL is https://dog.ceo/api/breeds/list/al Make sure you do not show any duplicates.Do not use XmlHttpRequest.Do not use Axios.Do not use jQuery.

3.This question is worth 10 points.

Implement CSS that matches the design of this image.

oColors really to not matter-as long as each one is different.

o Background color must be black

oThe height is 344px and the width is 850px

4.This question is worth 10 points.

Part 1:

Implement each of these formulas you see below.

o You must implement them in a module

o The folder name that has your module must be called'math

o The filename will be called formulas js'

Part 2:

Create an HTML page that will let me test if your code works.Use textfields,buttons,CSS and event handlers your HTML.

oArea of a Parallelogram

o Area of a Trapezoid

o Area of a Right Cylinder

Note:The value of Plis 3.14

5.This question is worth 10 points.

Given the following Map:

Use the correct method to check for the existence of a key called "shark"in the Map above.Show the result in a console.log()statement.

6.This question is worth 10 points.

Using modules,create a class called Polygon.It has the following attributes:

o name(default is 'unknown')

o  height

o  width

It will have the following functions:

o toString()-this function returns a string that starts with"Hi.I am an instance of (name)-My height is [height]and my width is  [width]"

o getHistory()-this function returns:"Polygon is derived from the Greek polus (many)and gonia (angle)."

o getArea()-this function returns 0.00 by default.

Next,create another class that is a subclass of Polygon,called Square.It does not have any of its own attributes. It will have the following functions:

ogetArea()-this function returns the area of a square.

o getHistory()-this function returns:"Square means in Latin:to set in order,complete."

7.This question is worth 10 points.

Using the data returned  from the free CatAPI https:/api.thecatapi.comNl/images/search?limit=10 show how render the 10 images returned from this endpoint,using the appropriate hook in a React application.

8.This question is worth 10 points.

Create 3 div elements aligned in a row across the page,that are 200 width by 200 height with a orange background color When the mobile device is rotated,make these 3 div elements aligned in a colum.

9.This question is worth 10 points.

Given the following data,show how you only get the value of the title'into a local variable.const data = {grade_count:23,is_complete:true,title:"Exam",average:87.88}

10.This question is worth 10 points.

What is wrong with this Object Literal?

const data =[

"name'=Andrew  Sheehan;


'minimum   grade>1.0f;


favorite cat names=AlFranky



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