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Typically, Lobster Land starts its annual summer season on Memorial Day. This year, that date falls on Monday, May 27. This season, Lobster Land has decided to host a three-day 1980s festival to get its season started. They plan to host this event on the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday leading up to Memorial Day.
Your team will submit a written report via Blackboard. This report will include:
● A written document that includes a link to your Tableau dashboard (or the file itself, if you used Tableau Desktop) and your write-up/description of the dashboard.
● A PDF with an accompanying .ipynb that includes your results for the following parts:
○ Summary Stats
○ Segmentation and Targeting
○ Conjoint Analysis
○ Forecasting
○ Classification
○ Strategic Memo (a.k.a. Case memo)
○ A/B Testing
● Your conclusion -- this can either come in a Markdown cell at the end of your Jupyter Notebook or it can be its own document that you upload into the .ZIP.
During the last week of the semester, your team will deliver a 15-minute presentation in class to your Professor and TA.
All datasets, and all dataset descriptions, along with a detailed rubric, will be posted to our class Blackboard page by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, 14APR. Some datasets and dataset descriptions will be posted sooner.
Some things to keep in mind:
● As you move through the various tasks, remember to “call ‘em like you see ‘em ” If you see results that aren’t pretty, it does not necessarily mean that you did something wrong, or that there is a problem with the dataset or the software.
● Some tasks in this project are very similar to things that we have done in homework assignments, whereas others are unique. Take advantage of al your available resources...but keep in mind that the teaching team will remain at “arm’s-length” distance from all project teams.
● Keep in mind that the various sections have different point weightings. These weightings reflect the varying degrees of emphasis for topics throughout our course.
● Assumptions are okay -- if you make an assumption anywhere along the way, you can just state it so that your Professor can see why you took some particular step.
● A rubric will be posted to Blackboard.
Data Visualization ( 10 points): Some people claim that the 1980s were a golden age of cinema. Indeed, many great movies made in the 1980s have become classics that are still enjoyed by movie fans to this day.
Using Tableau, build a dashboard that includes anywhere from 4 to 6 visualizations created from the variables in the imdb_movies dataset.
Of course, you will want to do some filtering with it, as the dataset currently contains movies made across a span of many years. You can perform the filtering in any environment.
Include a 2-3 paragraph description of your dashboard that talks about the plots you made and some of the valuable takeaways and insights that they may provide for the managers. In your analysis, you may also mention any limitations associated with the dataset or its interpretability.
Summary Stats (5 points): In Python, conduct some exploratory data analysis of the 1980s films
from the imdb movies dataset.
You may want to present some summary statistics that cover all of the 1980s films, but should also consider some groupings of variables, using groupby() or pivot_table() from pandas. Create anywhere from 4 to 6 total summary statistics for this section.
In a paragraph, describe your findings. What did you learn about the dataset? Mention any insights that might be particularly useful or valuable for someone seeking to understand this data. Use a markdown cell to write this paragraph. In your analysis, you may also mention any limitations associated with the dataset or its interpretability.
Segmentation and Targeting (20 points): People born in the 1980s may be considered Generation X, or Millennials. Regardless of their generational titles, the key thing for marketers is this:
They are entering their prime earning (and spending!) years. Currently, they range in age from the mid-30s to the mid-40s.
Here’s where your team can be a huge help to Lobster Land: The park has recently obtained a dataset with information about a large group of people living in New England who were born in the 1980s. The dataset is named eighties_consumers.csv. Park management has heard about something called clustering, but they’re not quite sure what it is, or how it works … but they think your team can help out. They want you to perform some clustering on this dataset, and then deliver those results to management, to tell them about what you find. How can you characterize these different types of individuals
You may wish to use either k-means or hierarchical clustering for this task. To perform the actual clustering, use only numeric variables (but when you analyze your clusters, you can include observations about the categorical factors). Remember that you do not need to use all the variables in the dataset for this analysis.
Once you have built your clustering model, use anywhere from 4-6 visualizations that help to communicate information about your model. The visualizations should depict information about your clusters that you can clearly explain, and that park management can understand. So stay away from things like PCA and t-SNE!
Name each one of your clusters, and include a few sentences describing/explaining the name that you chose for each cluster.
Use markdown cells for the cluster names and descriptions. Also, use a markdown cell to describe the decisions you made regarding model construction, including the process that you used for arriving at the number of clusters for your model.
Conjoint Analysis Section (20 points):
You can’t really throw a great party without great food, so Lobster Land wants to have some excellent food options for the 1980s event.
The food vendor will need to travel from western Massachusetts to Portland, ME, so the vendor is requiring Lobster Land to select just one Starter, one Main Entree, one Salad/Soup option, one side, and one dessert. Lobster Land management is feeling overwhelmed by the available options.
All options come with unlimited soda and dipping sauce -- that’s why drinks and dipping sauce do not appear on the menu. Lobster Land also hopes that local beer vendors can sell beverages that will go well with the food choices shown below.
For Starters, the options are: Cheese Balls, Deviled Eggs, Tater Tots, and Stuffed Mushrooms.
For Main Entree, the choices are: Lobster Roll, Sloppy Joe, Blackened Fish, and Beef Stroganoff.
For Salad/Soup, the choices are: Macaroni Salad, Potato Salad, Spicy Chili, and Beef Stew.
For Side, the options are: Mac and Cheese, Mashed Potato, and French Fry Basket
The Dessert Options are: Jello Pudding Pops, Molten Chocolate Lava Cake
The party_platters.csv file includes consumer ratings for each proposed bundle. The avg_rating variable gives the mean of all ratings for each particular bundle, as determined by more than 2000 total survey responses per bundle. When consumers gave these ratings, however, they did so in a cost-neutral way -- they were asked to simply rate the bundles based on taste/preferences.
The vendor_costs.csv dataset contains information about the per-serving cost associated with each option that has been presented to Lobster Land.
Lobster Land management has decided that it will charge a flat $15 fee for all visitors who enter the Barbeque Tent at the 1980s festival. Keep this in mind as you build your recommended bundle.
Using the dataset party_platters.csv, perform a ratings-based conjoint analysis of the bundle options. Based on your team’s analysis, what specific bundle do you recommend, and why?
Forecasting (2.5 points):
One of the most legendary, iconic brands from the 1980s was Sony. Sony became famous in the 1980s for its innovations with consumer technology products, including a portable cassette player called the Walkman (shown above), and the Trinitron home television set.
Even though the 1980s have come and gone, Sony is still around!
Using several years’ worth of data, and any forecasting method that your team deems appropriate for this purpose, generate a forecast for Sony’s 2024 net income. You may use any forecasting method in Python to achieve this. You can obtain this data from any online source – there is no dataset posted to Blackboard for this section.
In a markdown cell, write one paragraph that describes your process and results. In addition to the net income data from previous years, you may also wish to consider any other factors -- but keep the weighting of this section in mind here.
In a markdown cell, write one paragraph that describes your process and results. Be sure to clearly state the team’s prediction.
Classification (20 points): In this section, you and your teammates will use the event_visitor dataset to further help with understanding the likely preferences of people who have visited similar events.
Attractions at festivals can generally be described as either “passive” or “interactive ”
A passive event does not involve the visitor directly. Passive events could include things like:
● Music performances from 1980s-themed tribute bands
● Movie screenings of classic 1980s films
● Comedy shows
An interactive event enables the visitor to be the doer. Interactive events could include things like:
● Do-It-Yourself t-shirt design booths
● The chance to play a 1980s-era video game on a huge screen
● Physical challenges such as games that require a player to make some number of basketball shots to win a prize
You should build a classification model that uses the ‘preference’ column in this dataset as the response variable.
You may use any classification method that you have seen anywhere in AD654 material. Show the results of your model, and the steps that you used to build it. You have complete freedom with regard to the way you handle the data. Variable transformations, handling of missing values, collapsing the levels of factors, etc. are all up to you and your team.
Write 3-4 thoughtful paragraphs about the conclusions that the conference guests can draw from this model’s results, and/or marketing approaches that they can apply based on the outcomes. In this assessment portion, you may wish to point out any specific details about your model to help park managers better understand it.
Strategic Memo (5 points): You and your teammates should each read the case, “Festival by the Sea ” This case wil not be posted to Blackboard.
Lobster Land management has run several festivals now, including Winter Wonderland festivals in each of the past few Decembers, and then either music-themed or period-themed festivals in the Spring days prior to the annual Memorial Day season launch. Lobster Land is thinking about continuing with its festivals going forward, and is hoping to learn lessons from other festivals. Lobster Land management wishes to incorporate the “best practices” that have worked elsewhere, while also avoiding the missteps that have plagued other festivals.
After reading the Festival by the Sea case, write a memo of no more than three pages in which you address some of the following questions: What are the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) for the Festival by the Sea at this point in time? Where have they succeeded, and where can they do better?
Lobster Land needs your qualitative skill set right now. As you go through the case, and you identify some of the successes and missteps for the Festival by the Sea, which lessons (if any) can be applied to Lobster Land? Alternatively, are there some elements of the Festival by the Sea situation that are simply not applicable to Lobster Land?
You can use some creative freedom in the way you describe Lobster Land and its current operations. Of course, Lobster Land is a fictional place, so you are free to fill in any gaps about Lobster Land with reasonable assumptions.
For this section, consider this case to be a “closed universe ” You may want to read or view those materials for your own background knowledge, but this is not a requirement. You will not need to do any outside research, and should not cite any outside research here.
Simply summarizing details from the case will not make for a great analysis. Instead, your write-up should focus more heavily on recommendations and analysis for Lobster Land. As you make your recommendations for Lobster Land, do so by citing specific information or anecdotes from the case. As tempting as it might be to throw a few questions into a generative AI tool in order to answer this section without stopping to read the case,, it is not an advisable strategy.
Statistical Testing ( 15 points):
Lobster Land temporarily purchased the digital rights to four photographs, shown below. To test out the popularity of each photograph, they sent emails to prospective conference attendees, after randomly choosing one of these four images to include in the emails. From left to right, the photos are known as “ Madonna”, “ Prince”, “ Bruce”, and “ BonJovi ”
Lobster Land has obtained some data about the photos, contained in music_pics, and now they’ve come to your team for help. Lobster Land must choose just one of these four pictures for the next round of invites for the conference. These emails will go out in mid-May.
Use appropriate statistical test(s) for this situation, and deliver recommendations for the park regarding the pictures.
In a markdown cell, write one paragraph that describes your process and your results for analyzing the results of these A/B Tests.* Which picture should Lobster Land use? Why did you select this picture?
* Even though there are several differences between these pictures, we can still consider this comparison an A/B Test. The results will let us understand the differences from picture to picture, even if they won’t enable us to draw more detailed conclusions.
Conclusions (2.5 points): Here, write 1-2 paragraphs to wrap everything up. Do not merely describe your findings as if you were summarizing a lab report. Instead, emphasize your team’s insights about how these findings could be helpful/meaningful for Lobster Land, or your reflections about the process itself. To earn full marks for this section, be genuine – avoid Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V “AI garbage ” For this section, you may simply use a Markdown cell, or you may write in a separate document that you include in your ZIP -- either way is fine.