ECSE 446/546: Realistic/Advanced Image Synthesis Assignment 1: Build Your Renderer

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ECSE 446/546: Realistic/Advanced Image Synthesis

Assignment 1: Build Your Renderer

Due: Sunday, September 15th, 2024 at 11:59pm EST on myCourses

Final weight: 20%

1 Assignment Setup and Policies

Start by downloading the Python base code from myCourses. The assignment base code directory and file structure is as follows:






All of the class assignments will rely on taichi, a high performance Python library which parallellizes your code for you.

1.1 Development Setup using Conda

We recommend using conda to manage your python environments for this class. You can find all the documentation and installation guides here.

Note for Windows users: After installing Anaconda, a new shell called Anaconda Prompt will be available for use; we recommend using this shell instead of PowerShell to run all the commands that follow.

Once you have conda installed, create and name a new conda environment (here, we chose taichi_env as our environment name):

$ conda create --name taichi_env python=3.10.14

After creation and installation, you can activate your environment using:

$ conda activate taichi_env

At this point, you can install the required libraries (run this command from the A1_codebase/ root folder):

$ pip install -e .

1.2 Editing and Running Code

For this assignment, you will only be editing and The Python functions that you will need to complete have been tagged with #TODO along with a small description. If you are using VSCode as your code editor, you can use extensions such as TODO Tree which will give you a concise list of your TODOs along with a link to jump to the code — this is only a suggestion, as you are free to use any code editor you like.

TODO Tree in VSCode.

In you'll find the Camera class, where you will implement Eye Ray Generation logic. Once you are able to correctly spawn eye/camera rays, you will need to implement Ray-triangle Intersection in the RayIntersector class in, in order for your ray tracer to interact with objects in the scene.

To run the code, simply run in the interactive/ folder (from the root folder):

$ python ./interactive/

1.3 Assignment Submission

Gather all the python source files within the taichi_tracer/ folder (i.e., everything except the scene_data_dir/folder) and compress them into a single zip file. Name your zip file according to your student ID, as:

For example, if your ID is 234567890, your submission filename should be


Every time you submit a new file on myCourses, your previous submission will be overwritten. We will only grade the final submitted file, so feel free to submit often as you progress through the assignment.

In accordance with article 15 of the Charter of Students' Rights, students may submit any written or programming components in either French or English.

1.4 Late policy

All the assignments are to completed individually. You are expected to respect the late day policy and collaboration/plagiarism polices, discussed below.

Late Day Allotment and Late Policy

Every student will be allowed a total of six (6) late days during the entire semester, without penalty. Specifically, failure to submit a (valid) assignment on time will result in a late day (rounded up to the nearest day) being deducted from the student's late day allotment. Once the late day allotment is exhausted, any further late submissions will obtain a score of 0%. Exceptional circumstances will be treated as per McGill's Policies on Student Rights and Responsibilities.

If you require an accomodation, please advise McGill Student Accessibility and Achievement (514-398-6009) as early in the semester as possible. In the event of circumstances beyond our control, the evaluation scheme as detailed on the course website and on assignment handouts may require modification.

1.5 Collaboration & Plagiarism

Plagiarism is an academic offense of misrepresenting authorship. This can result in penalties up to expulsion. It is also possible to plagiarise your own work, e.g., by submitting work from another course without proper attribution. When in doubt, attribute!

You are expected to submit your own work. Assignments are individual tasks. This does not need to preclude forming an environment where you can be comfortable discussing ideas with your classmates. When in doubt, some good rules to follow include:

fully understand every step of every solution you submit,

only submit solution code that was written (not copy/pasted/modified, not ChatGPT'ed, etc.) by you, and

never refer to another student's code — if at all possible, we recommend that you avoid looking at another classmates code.

McGill values academic integrity and students should take the time to fully understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offenses (as defined in the Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures — see these two links).

Computational plagiarism detection tools are employed as part of the evaluation procedure in ECSE 446/546. Students may only be notified of potential infractions at the end of the semester.

Additional policies governing academic issues which affect students can be found in the Handbook on Student Rights and Responsibilities.

1.6 Installing Python, Libraries and Tools

This assignment will be completed in Python and using, primarily, the numpy and taichi libraries.

You are free to install and configure your development environment, including your IDE of choice, as you wish (although we provide a suggested setup, above.

Some IDEs will automatically add code to your source files; it is your responsibility to review your code before submitting it to ensure it meets the submission specifications.

1.7 Python Language and Library Usage Rules

Python is a powerful language, with many built-in features. Feel free to explore the base language features and apply them as a convenience. A representative example is that, if you need to sort values in a list, you should feel free to use the built-in sort function rather than implementing your own sorting algorithm (although, that's perfectly fine, too!):

myFavouritePrimes = [11, 3, 7, 5, 2]

# In ECSE 446/546, learning how to sort a list is NOT a core learning objective

myFavouritePrimes.sort() # 100% OK to use this!

print(myFavouritePrimes) # Output: [2, 3, 5, 7, 11]

We will, however, draw exceptions when the use of (typically external) library routines allows you to shortcut through the core learning objective(s) of an assignment. When in doubt as to whether a library (or even a built-in) routine is “safe” to use in your solution, please ask the TA during the tutorial session.

Python 3.x has a built-in convenience breakpoint() function which will break code execution into a debugger, where you can inspect variables in the debug REPL and even execute (stateful) code! This is a very powerful way to test your code as it runs and to tinker (e.g., inline in the REPL) with function calling conventions and input/output behaviour.

You can additionally/alternatively rely on a debugging framework, e.g., embedded in an IDE.

Be careful, as you can change the execution state (i.e., the debug environment is not isolated from your code's execution stack and heap), if you insert REPL code and then continue the execution of your script from the debugger.

The base code we provide you with includes a superset of all the library imports we could imagine you using for the assignment.

Do not include any additional imports in your solution, other than those provided by us. Doing so will result in a score of zero (0%) on the assignment.

This course will rely heavily on taichi and, to a lesser extent, numpy — in fact, you'll likely learn just as much about the power (and peculiarities) of the Python programming language as you will about these libraries. The taichi and numpy libraries not only provide convenience routines for matrix, vector and higher-order tensor operations, but also allow you to leverage high-performance vectorized operations and parallelization, as well as providing lightweight windowing and user-input functionalities.

1.8 Let's get started... but let's also not forget...

With these preliminaries out of the way, we can dive into the assignment tasks. Future assignment handouts will not include these preliminaries, although they will continue to hold true. Should you forget, they will remain online in this handout for your reference throughout the semester.

2 Eye Ray Generation

Eye rays all originate at the camera location and traverse in directions towards the center of pixels on an image plane located one unit away (in world space) from the camera.

In order to form the complete geometric setup necessary to compute the eye ray directions, we require an appropriate coordinate system: i.e., one that is centered at the camera, that orients the central viewing axis and the vertical and horizontal extents of the (clipped) image viewing plane. The diagrams below complement our discussion of the parameterization of this coordinate system.

NDC and Camera Coordinate Systems.

This assignment will only consider the generation of a single eye ray through the center of each pixel. In order to obtain the world space origins and directions of each eye ray, we will perform a series of coordinate system transformations:

Starting from 2D normalized device coordinates (NDC) on the image plane, we specify the (continuous, per-pixel centered) pixel coordinates such that the corners of the NDC plane lie at  . Be sure to shift the 2D pixel coordinate to lie in the center of each stratum, using the width (self.width) and height (self.height) in the Camera class to appropriately discretize the NDC plane. The 2D coordinate axes, and , for the NDC plane are illustrated on the left of the diagram, above.

A perspective camera is parameterized by its:

location (position) in world space, (self.eye in Camera),

a point it is looking at in world space ( in Camera),

a direction specifying where “up” is for the camera, , also expressed in world space (self.up in Camera), and

the camera's vertical field of view angle (fov) expressed in degrees, (self.fov in Camera); note that the horizontal fov can be obtained using the aspect ratio (self.width/self.height).

While, given the aforementioned camera parameters, one can proceed to directly obtain the world space eye ray directions, it is often more convenient to first express these directions in a coordinate system centered at the camera, before finally transforming them into world space. The right side of the diagram below illustrates this camera coordinate system, with the camera at the origin looking down the (positive) -axis ( ); here, the x - and -axes in the coordinate system are defined as , with as the (normalized) vector from the eye to look-at point, and . In this coordinate system, the image plane is one unit away from the eye along .

It can be useful to think about how the same points/directions are expressed across these three coordinate systems, for example:

the center of the (2D) NDC plane coincides with the (3D) point one unit along the camera coordinate system's z-axis and with the (3D) point from the eye towards the look-at direction in world space, i.e., + .

In the camera coordinate system, you can use the trigonometric relationships formed by the vertical (and horizontal) fovs, and the unit distance between the origin and the center of the image plane, to transform the NDC-space (centered) pixel coordinates to camera-space eye ray points or directions.

Finally, you can transform these points/directions from camera-space to world space using, e.g.,

Be mindful of how you treat homogeneous coordinates, especially for points post-transformation: their w component should be normalized to 1, and it's good practice to also normalize direction vectors.

Deliverable 1 [10 points]

Complete a taichi implementation of the generate_ray function in Camera. You will need to first call the generate_ndc_coords function, then generate_camera_coords. Finally, compute the world coordinates using the camera-to-world matrix outputed by the compute_matrix function. Ignore the jitter parameter for now, as this will be used in future assignments.

3 Ray-triangle Intersection

Consider a ray defined by its origin , direction and parametric distance . A point along the ray can be expressed as

x = r(t) = o + td

In our case, the Ray struct is defined in, where Ray.origin corresponds to , and Ray.direction to d:


class Ray:

origin: tm.vec3

direction: tm.vec3

We define a triangle by its three vertices v0, v1, v2. To determine whether or not a ray intersects the triangle, we first compute edge vectors

e1 = v1 - v0

e1 = v2 - v0

before computing the determinant (i.e., “triple product”) that defines the triangle's orientation: to do so, we perform a cross product between the ray direction and one of the edges, followed by the dot product of that vector with the remaining edge.

det = e1 . (d x e2)

If , then the ray is parallel to the triangle, otherwise, it intersect's the plane of the triangle.

To account for numerics, rather than testing for , you should test against a sufficiently small numerical (which we provide as self.EPSILON).

Next, we need to determine if an intersect occurs inside or outside the triangle bounds. To do so, we will compute the three barycentric coordinates, u, v, and w as

We then verify whether the barycentric coordinates fall within the sheared triangle frame bounds, i.e., we test whether

If all these tests pass, then the ray intersects the triangle at parametric distance determined as,

To account for numerics, only consider intersections for t > E

Finally, you will need to populate and return the HitData struct, which is defined in as:


class HitData:

is_hit: bool

is_backfacing: bool

triangle_id: int

distance: float

barycentric_coords: tm.vec2

normal: tm.vec3

material_id : int

with the following member variables:

is_hit: a flag that is true if there is a successful hit,

is_backfacing: a flag that is true if the triangle is backfacing (hint: check the sign of the determinant),

triangle_id: the id of the triangle we've intersected,

distance: the distance from the ray origin to the intersection point,

barycentric_coords: the [ ] barycenters, populated as a taichi.math vec2 type,

normal: the per-pixel interpolated normal, returned as a taichi.math vec3 type (hint: you will need to flip your normal if your triangle is backfacing, as well as performing the per-vertex to per-pixel interpolation and renormalization), and

material_id : the material id of the intersected triangle.

The aforementioned ray-triangle intersection algorithm is referred to as the Möller-Trumbore intersection algorithm. It remains among the most commonly implemented approaches in industry, and is based on a modification of one of the approaches discussed in lecture.

Deliverable 2 [10 points]

Complete a taichi implementation of the intersect_triangle function in

4 Your First Rendered Image

After implementing eye ray generation and ray-triangle intersection correctly, you can run the mainline script in the interactive/ folder, which will deploy an interactive renderer that will display your results.

We provide some expected outputs for reference, below:

Intersection Distances

Intersection Normals

Intersection Barycenters


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