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Welcome to this module on Economics and  Market  Innovations  (EMI). Nowadays,  markets are hardly ever cooperated  by following simple rules derived from   economic  theory.  In the traditional  markets, economic  theory  or  concept  can at least serve  as  benchmarks  and starting  points for  more  nuanced  analysis.  By  contrast,  a  rise  of  new business models (e.g., platform business model) that uproot traditional markets,  break  down  industry  categories,  and  maximise  the  use  of scarce resources. This module will equip you with knowledge of how to understand  complex  markets, and come away with  strong  analytical and  problem-solving  skills, as well as business  acumen  necessary  to succeed in the professional world. In fact, Economics can be useful for professionals in all industries, not just in business.

I am sure you will be able to  apply  all the  knowledge  gained in this module to enhance your work, business as well as personal life.  I look forward to embarking on this exciting learning journey with you.

This module will mainly be delivered via face-to-face and online using Brightspace Zoom software only for the introduction and concluding sessions.


This Study Guide is designed to provide you with details of this module; the  learning  outcomes;  delivery  and  assessment  arrangements.  The Study Guide consists of 6 parts.

Part gives background details to the subject area are provided and the broad aims of the module are set out.

Part 2 consists  of the  module  outline.  In  this  part  the  (a)  module  learning outcomes,

(b) the themes and topics to be explored are explained along with the (c) learning supports to be used.

Part 3 gives details of the module delivery arrangements. It sets out the session  arrangements  and  the  expectations  in  relation  to  your  prior preparation   and   student   engagement.   The    provisions   for   online provision are outlined  in terms of class  delivery and any  module work with classmates.

Part 4 provides details of the assessment techniques used in this module explaining the assessment components, their rationale.

Part 5 explains the UCD grading policy and grade descriptors drawing on the university document are given for each assessment component for the module.

Part 6 presents the concluding comments.

a) Accessing Brightspace Zoom

This  module  will  be  delivered  face-to-face  and  online  via  UCD’s integrated  Zoom classroom. This is accessible via

To students, please login to Brightspace >> FIN2001S-Economics and Market Innovations- 2024/2025 Autumn >> My Class >> ZOOM, to join the lessons.

Please always login using your UCD email address and your name. Your name should be visible to the lecturer and other students to facilitate collaboration.

Please join your online session no later than five minutes before the advised time of your session.

Engagement tools on Zoom

Throughout the online sessions for this module, you will be frequently asked to engage with both your lecturer, and with your fellow students.

The lecturer may send you into breakout groups and you discuss some class content  in smaller groups  before your findings are  discussed with the whole class. You  may  use  the  “Share  Screen”  function  (if  enabled)  to  show  some summary points of the breakout group discussions.

I am sure you will be able to  apply  all the  knowledge gained in this module to enhance your work, business as well as personal life.  I look forward to embarking on this exciting learning journey with you.

By clicking on “Reactions”, another menu will open. This menu allows you to raise your hand if you have a question or would like to comment. If you see a hand icon in the left upper corner of your screen, your hand is currently raised. You can lower your hand by clicking on this icon a second time. The lecturer can also lower your hand.

When you join a Zoom session, you will be muted, and your camera is turned off. But for better engagement in the class, it is advised to keep your camera turned  on.  Please  only  unmute  yourself  if you  would  like  to  speak  to  avoid background  noises. You can change your audio and video setting  by clicking the small arrow beside the “Unmute” or “Start Video” icon.

b) Background Details

The EMI module provides more than mere insights into the functioning of an economy. Completion of this  module will equip students with a logical    and    consistent framework for understanding  important economic  concepts. In addition, the  module  examines  the   role  of network  effects  in  business,  where  adding  customers  attracts   new customers.  Rather  than   adding   large   number  of  a   single  type   of customers,  multisided  markets  focus  on  attracting  different  types  of customers  (direct  or  indirect  network  effects).  The  ability  to  analyse contemporary   economic   developments   will   open   up   many   career options for the students.

c) Module-Aims

The module  aims  to provide a  thorough understanding  of the theory and  practice  of  economics at  an  introductory  level  and  provides the basis for all  subsequent  study  you  may  undertake  in  economics. The first part covers the principles of microeconomics, and the second part develops  a framework for  understanding  multisided  platform  business model.   Throughout  the module and  in  the seminars, we will demonstrate the usefulness  of  economics  as  an  analytical  tool  for thinking about real world problems.

The module draws on students’ prior learning and work experience, and seek to combine  insights from production and costs to market strategy, government  policies to  market  barriers,  international trade to  market expansion, firm behaviors and market innovation, and other areas.

The assessment tasks for this module have been designed with this in mind as detailed later in the study guide.


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