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CFS2101: y86 Disassembler Starting Source Code
1 Introduction
2 Source Code Package Content
You are given three source code package in ZIP format. Each serves as a starting point for the tasks specified in the Assignment 02 brief.
The contents for each package after unpacking are listed below.
y86DisasmTask1.zip and y86DisasmTask2.zip both contain almost identical starting files for Task 1 and Task 2 respectively:
y86disasm-task1.c (or y86disasm-task2.c) - this is the source file containing a partially implemented y86 disassembler.test1.txt - this is a text file containing a simpler set of y86 instruction byte code for testing your disassembler.test2.txt - this is a text file containing a slightly more complex set of y86 instruction bytecode for testing your disassembler.
test1-output.txt and test2-output.txt contain the y86 assembly code corresponding to the bytecode listed in test1.txt and test2.txt. You can use thistwo files to check if your disassembler produces expected results.
y86DisasmTask3.zip contains the starting files for Task 3
y86disasm-task3.c - this is the source file contain an incomplete y86disassembler.prog1.o, prog2.o and prog3.o are the three test files containing y86 bytecode store in binary format.prog1.ys, prog2.ys and prog3.ys are the three corresponding y86 programs written in assembly. You can use these files to check if your disassembler isable to decode the bytecode correctly.
3 How to Use the Provided Source and Test Files
Please note: the following description assumes you are working on this assignment using https://replit.com.
When working on each task, you must ensure all files provided in a package are uploaded to https://replit.com.
Compiling source code : As a reminder you can compile your source code using the following command in the https://replit.com terminal.
clang y86disasm - task1 . c -o y86disasm
This generates an executable y86disasm.
Using the test files : The test files are provided for you to test the completeness of your disassembler. To use a test file with your disassembler, you need to pass a test file as an input when running the executable. See below as an example:
./ y86disasm test1 . txt
The y86diasm will read the content of test1.txt and let the disassembler to decode each instruction.
You task is to further complete the disassembler to correctly decode each of the given instructions in the test files.
4 Tips on Completing the Assignment Tasks
- Everything that is provided to you in the starting source code is helper utility, which reads in instructions from text files for you. Your focus is to decode the instructions that have been read in one by one.
- The core C programming knowledge required for this coursework includes printf, bitwise operators, conditional statements, loops, arrays, and functions.
- For Task 1 and task 2, you only need to know the y86 ISA format and its assembly mnemonics. There is a cheatsheet provided as a quick reference on Brightspace.
- For Task 3, you also need to know the concept of program counter and use it to fetch instructions from the “memory”.
- You should use the provided test files to check your implementation, and compare your disassembler outputs with the provided output files, e.g. test1-output.txt and test2-output.txt. This gives you an idea on how complete your implementation is for each task.