CS 146 — Software Tools and Systems Programming in Unix and C

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CS 146 — Software Tools and Systems Programming in Unix and C

Assignment #2
Due Week 3, Leture 1, at beginning of class

(2) 1. Explain what would happen if the following did not give error messages:
  $ cat x y > y
       and with
  $ cat x >> x
    Think before you rush off to try them.  Assume both input files are very large.
(2) 2. Write a short shell script called "cx" that will execute the command  "chmod +x" on every file given on its command  line.  What does it do?
(2) 3. Write a short shell script called "nf" to display the number of files in the current directory.
(4) 4. Write a shell script called "lss" that will list all the files in the current directory in decreasing order of the number of bytes in the file.  It does not need to take any arguments.  Eg.,
         $ lss
         -rwxrwxr--    1 wayne   faculty      385 Nov 29  1996 lss
-rwxrwxr--    1 wayne   faculty       42 Mar  9  1990 nf
(4) 5. Write a shell script called "whoson" to display a sorted list of undergrad students logged in on the current machine.  You should take a look at the command called "groups" to acquire some of the requisite information. Test it on odin.ics.uci.edu. eg.,
         $ whoson
         frank jane jim john laura
(2) 6. Write a shell script called "howmany" to display the number of undergrad students logged in on the current machine.  Use whoson if you can.  eg.,
         $ howmany
(4) 7. Write a shell script called "valid" that determines if it's argument is a valid shell variable name, eg
         $ valid foobar
         $ valid 12foobar
        (HINT: define a regular expression, and enlist the aid of "grep".)
(4) 8. Write a shell script called "prargs" that prints out a numbered list of its arguments in the following format:
         $ prargs a 'b c'
         0: "prargs"
         1: "a"
         2: "b c"
(4) marks for overall presentation, ie neatness counts!
Make the shell scripts as "bulletproof" as possible; they should never blow up, and if used incorrectly should print an error or usage message.  Submit each electronically on odin, as well external documentation on how they work. ASCII is acceptable, or any other form of word processor.


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