Hello, if you have any need, please feel free to consult us, this is my wechat: wx91due
CSC1034: Lecture 3
• This weeks programming topics
• Programming
– Modules
– Generators
– Named Tuples
– Pizza (next weeks lecture!)
• Development
– Testing
How to learn
• Important to read and to play
• Don’t understand Python
– Python Tutorial https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/
• Not clear on commits and pushing
– Progit https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2
• Markdown
Stuck somewhere
• If you are stuck on the practials, read the online material
• If you are stuck on the online material, try more of the practical
• If neither make sense, use the internet!
On the Internet
• Wikipedia is a good source
• StackOverflow
• Can be hard to judge whether you should understand something
• Be prepared to read what does not make sense now
• It mightake sense later
• But be prepared to move on - there is lots of rubbish out there
Use the material
• Many of you are getting stuck with broken code
• Read the error messages
• Here statements are really good
• Change your code carefully and thoughtfully
The Coursework
• What the coursework is
• How you have to submit
NESS Submissions
• Plenty of time left to submit!
• Can submit more than once
• Rigid timing – please submit early
• So far, you have written code in one place
• That’s okay for small programs
• But becomes unwieldly later on
• Python provides a module system to split things up
• Some of the terminology overlaps with other usages
Modules and Packages
• A module consists of a set of functions and objects
• Defined in a single file
• Related modules can be grouped into packages
• These are all in the same directory
• This usage of package is different the package we have seen earlie
• Mostly, package means “a package on PyPI”
• This kind of terminology collision is unfortunate, but not really anyone’s fault.
Modules• There is an important motivation beyond a neat set of files
• Functions should be sensibly named
• But they all share the same name space
• The names would clash
• We need a way to disambiguate
• Similar to human names
• I currently working with three other people called “Phil”
• We have longer names to disambiguate
• Likewise, Newcastle (-upon-Tyne, -under-Lyme)
• Python knows about all the functions in the current module
• Others must be import-ed into the current module
• Consider this statement:
import fred
• Python looks for fred.py in the current directory
• Loads it
– reads the file, all the definitions in it
– Also known as evaluating the file, or eval’ing
• Makes all the definitions available
• There is more to say about modules
• I find Python modules simple in theory and error-prone in practice
• Try to keep it simple
• Read the Manual
• If all else fails, use brute force and ignorance to figure out problems
• Python is a high-level language
• Comes with a significant degree of abstraction
• Sometimes you need to know what is happening
• range is a very useful function
• It returns a list of the appropriate size
for i in [0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9]:
print(i, end= ' , ' ) print()
for i in range(10): print(i, end= ' , ' )
• Actually, though, it doesn’t
• Try this
print([0 ,1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7 ,8 ,9])
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] range(0, 10)
• So, what range returns is not a list
• It doesn’t print out as one
• It actually behaves very differently
• To understand this, we need to understand memory
• Python uses garbage collection for memory management
• What is memory management?
• Consider this code:
for i in range(1 ,100000):
x = [i]
• We create lots of lists, each with a single value
• For each list, we must allocate some memory
• The computer has a fixed amount of memory
• Eventually we are going to run out
• So, we must deallocate or recover the memory
• What is memory management, and why do we care?
• Two main mechanisms:
• Some languages do this explicitly
• Some use Garbage Collection or GC
• GC is automatic
• So automatic you might not realise it’s there
Moving through a list
• How does this relate to the range function?
• Imagine, we create a list
• Now we iterate through this list
• The list references all of its elements
• Including those we have used
• And those we have not go to yet
• A generator works differently
• Imagine it as a function with some data attached
• It’s now cheap to create
• And costs them same regardless of the size
• Python also has generator expressions
• Like a list comprehension
• Neat and succinct
• With a slightly odd “naked” syntax
## Status: Shell
any([x>42 for x in range(0 , 10**2)])
any(x>42 for x in range(0 , 10**2**2**2))
def gen():
return (x>42 for x in range(0 , 10**2**2**2)) any(gen())
NamedTuples and Typing
• Will finish off programming section by introducing named tuples
• Also lead in to the next section
• If you have been following the online material, we have dealt with trains earlier
• One list
• One dictionary
## 0 - Name
## 1 - Colour
## 2 - Engine Type ## 3 - Train Type ## 4 - Role
wilson = [ "wilson" , "red" , "diesel" , "EMD F3" , "Trainee"]
print(wilson) wilson = {
"name" : "wilson" ,
"colour" : "red" ,
"engine" : "diesel" , "type" : "EMD F3" ,
"role" : "Trainee"
• Lists are shorter to write
• But easy to forget, or make mistakes
• So, dictionaries solve the problems?
• What if we need several?
wilson = {
"name" : "wilson" ,
"colour" : "red" ,
"engine" : "diesel" , "type" : "EMD F3" ,
"role" : "Trainee"
brewster = {
"name" : "brewster" , "colour" : "blue" ,
"engine" : "diesel" ,
"type" : "BR Class 55" , "role" : "Trainee"
koko = {
"name" : "koko" ,
"color" : "green" ,
"engine" : "electric" ,
"type" : "0 Series Shinkansen" , "role" : "Trainee"
print(wilson[ "colour"]) red
• We can create multiple instances of a similar dictionary
• Which is nice
• But, still error prone
• Possibly you saw the mistake
## Status: Crash
wilson = {
"name" : "wilson" ,
"colour" : "red" ,
"engine" : "diesel" , "type" : "EMD F3" ,
"role" : "Trainee"
brewster = {
"name" : "brewster" , "colour" : "blue" ,
"engine" : "diesel" ,
"type" : "BR Class 55" , "role" : "Trainee"
koko = {
"name" : "koko" ,
"color" : "green" ,
"engine" : "electric" ,
"type" : "0 Series Shinkansen" , "role" : "Trainee"
print(wilson[ "colour"]) print(koko[ "colour"])
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/phillord/documents/teaching/2023-24/csc1034/dev-repo/lectures-1/python/train_ print(koko["colour"])
KeyError: ' colour '
• Even, if we build our instances correctly
• We could (accidentally) change the keys after
• Named tuples address both of these
import collections
Train = collections.namedtuple( "Train" ,
[ "name" , "colour" , "engine" , "kind" , "role"])
wilson = Train(name= "wilson" , colour= "red" ,
engine= "diesel" , kind= "EMD F3" , role= "Trainee")
brewster = Train(name= "brewster" , colour= "blue" ,
engine= "diesel" , kind= "BR Classic 55" , role= "Trainee")
koko = Train(name= "name" , colour= "green" ,
engine= "electric" , kind= "0 Series Shinkansen" , role= "Trainee")
Train(name= ' name ' , colour= ' green ' , engine= ' electric ' , kind= ' 0 Series Shinkansen ' , role= ' Tra
• We cannot misname a field
• And, it’s a tuple, so it’s immutable
## Status: Crash
import collections
Train = collections.namedtuple( "Train" ,
[ "name" , "colour" , "engine" , "kind" , "role"])
wilson = Train(name= "wilson" , colour= "red" ,
engine= "diesel" , kind= "EMD F3" , role= "Trainee")
brewster = Train(name= "brewster" , colour= "blue" ,
engine= "diesel" , kind= "BR Classic 55" , role= "Trainee")
koko = Train(name= "name" , color= "green" ,
engine= "electric" , kind= "0 Series Shinkansen" , role= "Trainee")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/phillord/documents/teaching/2023-24/csc1034/dev-repo/lectures-1/python/train_ koko = Train(name="name", color="green",
TypeError: Train .__new__ () got an unexpected keyword argument ' color '
• Named tuples use a different syntax for accessing values import collections
Train = collections.namedtuple( "Train" ,
[ "name" , "colour" , "engine" , "kind" , "role"])
wilson = Train(name= "wilson" , colour= "red" ,
engine= "diesel" , kind= "EMD F3" , role= "Trainee")
print(wilson.name) print(wilson.colour) print(wilson.engine)
wilson red
• This is actually generic syntax
• Called “field” or “attribute” access
• It’s possible to introspect on attributes
• The tuple knows all of its attributes
• Use dir and hasattr
• Also, getattr and setattr
import collections
Train = collections.namedtuple( "Train" ,
[ "name" , "colour" , "engine" , "kind" , "role"])
wilson = Train(name= "wilson" , colour= "red" ,
engine= "diesel" , kind= "EMD F3" , role= "Trainee")
print(hasattr(wilson, "name"))
[ ' __add__ ' , ' __class__ ' , ' __class_getitem__ ' , ' __contains__ ' , ' __delattr__ ' , ' __dir__ ' , ' __ True
• Named tuples are fantastic for data-centric apps
• Which is a lot of apps in Python
• Will see an example in a minute
• Remember our minimum function
• There is a difficulty
• I’ve gone to all this effort, but it cannot remain in the final code
• If I added this to a module, we would run our tests
• But if remove, we have lost the test cases
• Which we probably did by hand
• Also, test_minimum might be more generally useful def minimum(lst):
if len(lst) == 0 :
raise ValueError ("Cannot find minimum of an empty sequence")
lowest = lst[0] for i in lst[1 :]:
if i < lowest: lowest = i
return lowest
def test_minimum(expected, lst):
print( "Should be" , expected, ":" , minimum(lst))
test_minimum(-100, [-100 , 0 , 100])
test_minimum(-100, [100 , 0 , -100])
test_minimum(-1000, [-1000 , 0 , 1000]) test_minimum(-10, [-10 , 0 , 10])
test_minimum(1000 , [1000 , 10000])
• We can check whether we are running the file
• Or python is loading it as a module def minimum(lst):
if len(lst) == 0 :
raise ValueError ("Cannot find minimum of an empty sequence")
lowest = lst[0] for i in lst[1 :]:
if i < lowest: lowest = i
return lowest
def test_minimum(expected, lst):
print( "Should be" , expected, ":" , minimum(lst))
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
test_minimum(-100, [-100 , 0 , 100])
test_minimum(-100, [100 , 0 , -100])
test_minimum(-1000, [-1000 , 0 , 1000]) test_minimum(-10, [-10 , 0 , 10])
test_minimum(1000 , [1000 , 10000])
• What we need it Test Driven Development
• Like version control, Testing is an essential tool for the programmer
• In the last 15 years, become routine
• This has rather upended development
• The process of writing code:
• Have a problem
• Define a set of requirements
• Write some code to fulfil the requirements
• Test to see if you have solved the problem
• Or, alternatively
– Have a problem
– Define a set of requirements
– Turn the requirements into a computational runnable test
– Write some code, till the tests run
– Stop
• The latter is called Test-Driven Development
• Write your tests before your code
• If you cannot write a test, you do not understand the problem
• There are limitations
• For large datasets - where you do not know the answer
• Or highly computational tasks
• Or where tests are not automatable
– Especially GUIs
– Where there is human interpretation
• Assume that we have the following code
• In a file called stats .py def minimum(lst):
if len(lst) == 0 :
raise ValueError ("Cannot find minimum of an empty sequence")
lowest = lst[0] for i in lst[1 :]:
if i < lowest: lowest = i
return lowest
• To test this, we add a new file called test_stats .py
• The test part of the name is important
• The stats can be anything
import stats
def test_minimum():
assert stats.minimum([-100 , 0 , 100]) == -100
• We use the Python assert keyword
• It says “I claim that the following must be true”
• We also need to ensure pytest is installed
• Now run pytest
• If our test succeeds, we get a nice short message
============================= test session starts ============================== platform linux -- Python 3.10.12, pytest-7.4.2, pluggy-1 .3 .0
rootdir: /home/phillord/documents/teaching/2023-24/csc1034/dev-repo/lectures-1/python collected 1 item
test_stats .py . [100%]
============================== 1 passed in 0 .01s ===============================
• If you’re tests fail, we get something longer telling us the problem
import pytest import stats
def test_success_minimum():
assert stats.minimum([-100 , 0 , 100]) == -200
============================= test session starts ============================== platform linux -- Python 3.10.12, pytest-7.4.2, pluggy-1 .3 .0
rootdir: /home/phillord/documents/teaching/2023-24/csc1034/dev-repo/lectures-1/python collected 1 item
test_stats_fail.py F [100%]
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
def test_success_minimum():
> assert stats.minimum([-100, 0, 100]) == -200
E assert -100 == -200
E + where -100 = ([-100, 0, 100]) E + where = stats .minimum
test_stats_fail .py:5: AssertionError
=========================== short test summary info ============================ FAILED test_stats_fail.py::test_success_minimum - assert -100 == -200
============================== 1 failed in 0 .02s ===============================
• A formal test harness is a big improvement on what we said before
• The output shows us what we need and nothing else
• Our expectations for correct results are clear
• We can keep tests forever
• But not have them in deployed code
• Can change the way that you code
• It’s a hard practice to adopt
• But one that will make life easier as you move on
• We are nearing the end of the taught material for this section
• But there is a week to go: take the time to read!
• If you have anything you want me to cover next week, please email!