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May 2023
(a) In the context of open distributed database architectures, discuss the main advantage of using a global conceptual schema (GCS) instead of bi-directional mappings between dissimilar nodes. Use a diagram to illustrate the function of the GCS in the extended ANSI/SPARC architecture for distributed heterogeneous databases and explain clearly the role of the other components of this architecture. [40%]
(b) Three nodal relations located at nodes N1, N2 and N3, respectively, are:
N1: Emp1 (Eno, Ename, Location, Bdate, Gr-sal)
N2: Emp2 (E#, En, Loc, Net-sal, Tax)
N3: Emp3 (Eno, En, City, Birthd, Net-sal, Tax)
Assume that E# and Eno are employee numbers; En and Ename are employee names; Location, Loc and City are locations; Net-sal is the net salary; Gr-sal represent the gross salary and Gr-sal = Net- sal + Tax; Bdate and Birthd represent the date ofbirth.
In addition, the unit of currency is pound sterling in N1 and N2, and US dollar in N3. The conversion between the two currencies is given by the expression £1 = CF*$1, where CF is the conversion factor or exchange rate. Furthermore, the location “London” is written as “Londres” in Emp2, and “Rome” as “Roma” in Emp3. (English is your default working language.)
Use PAL syntax to answer questions (i) and (ii) below.
(i) Integrate the three nodal relations to create the following global relation: EMP (Eno, Ename, Loc, Bdate, Gsal). Gsal represents gross salary. [30%]
(ii) Decompose the query below into three nodal queries:
Q == ?[Eno, Loc, Bdate, Gsal] %
EMP : Gsal > 20000 [30%]
(a) In the context of distributed updates and recovery, explain why the two-phase commit protocol is potentially a blocking protocol and discuss briefly how the three-phase commit protocol is anon-blocking protocol in the absence of complete site failure. [20%]
(b) Three relations SUP, PART and SPL at nodes N1, N2, and N3, respectively, are:
N1 |
S# |
SN |
100 tuples |
5 |
5 |
20 |
30 bytes |
N2 |
P# |
PN |
200 tuples |
5 |
10 |
10 |
25 bytes |
N3 |
S# |
P# |
2000 tuples |
5 |
5 |
5 |
15 bytes |
S# = Supplier number, SN = Supplier name, P# = Part number,
PN = Part name, COL = Colour, and QTY = Quantity
The following query originates from N1, and intends to retrieve the quantities of blue washers supplied by Joan or Mona of Paris. The total number of those tuples is 150. The PAL query for retrieving this information is given by:
Q == ?[S#, SN, P#, QTY] % SUP(S#)*(S#) SPL
(P#)*(P#) PART: [(SN = “Joan” | SN = “Mona”),
CITY = “Paris”, PN = “Washer”, COL = “Blue”]
Assume that the final result of executing this query has 150 tuples and there are 10 supplier tuples for Joan or Mona of Paris, and there are only 50 blue washers. For simplicity, assume also that suppliers have an equal share of supplies and all joins are natural joins.
Answer questions (i), (ii) and (iii) below. Show all steps and computations clearly. Answers without derivation will receive no marks.
(i) Calculate the size of nodal partitions which will be required for
evaluating the minimal data movements for the distributed query in the three strategies given in (ii) below. [20%]
(ii) Calculate the minimal data movement for the following three strategies.
Strategy 1: Move data from N2 to N3 for the partial evaluation, and then from N3 to N1 for the final evaluation. [20%]
Strategy 2: Move data from N1 to N3, process the partial result there and then move the data to N2. Process the final result at N2 and move it to N1. [20%]
Strategy 3: Move data from N1 and N2 toN3 for the complete evaluation, and then move the result to N1. [15%]
(iii) Identify the best strategy from the three above and justify your answer. [5%]
(a) Web-based e-commerce and e-business systems rely heavily on distributed database architectures for transaction processing. Explain why this is the case and discuss briefly the key operational issues that need to be addressed before distributed databases can be deployed on the Web. [20%]
(b) Use a simple example to show how semantic interoperability between XML and relational database system can be achieved. [20%]
(c) Summarise the key issues that need to be addressed during the following stages of building a data warehouse, and identify which components or parts of the data warehouse architecture are involved in each stage.
(i) Data extraction and loading
(ii) Data management
(iii) Query processing [30%]
(d) The use of relational databases in a data warehouse generally introduces significant computational overheads in Online Analytical Processing (OLAP). Explain why this is the case and describe how Relational OLAP (ROLAP) and Multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP) systems overcome this challenge. Give examples for each system to support your answer. [30%]