CVEN4051 Thesis B

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Thesis B

Assessment Task 2: Literature Review

Term 2, 2024

Due time and date: 17:00, Sunday, 30 June 2024

Method of submission

Softcopy only, submit a PDF version of your Assessment Task 2 under the Moodle’s ‘Assessments’ section. After submitting in Moodle, always check what you have submitted. Do not email your assignment to the course coordinator or your demonstrator.

Weight of Assessment Task 2: 15 Marks

Late submission penalty

Submit before due date since late submissions will receive a 5% deduction penalty per day. Late submissions up to 5 days late will be marked and will receive the appropriate penalty deductions. Any submissions made that are more than 5 days late will not be accepted for marking.

Scope of Work

In this Assessment Task, you are to conduct a literature review research about the technical aspects associated with the topic you have nominated. To complete this Assessment Task, you need to submit a brief literature review on the topic which has been nominated in the Assessment Task 1. You need to discuss with your demonstrator the details of your topic, the material you have searched for, and how you are planning to write your literature. In the preparation of this literature review, you need to first conduct a comprehensive search about the current available resources including the academic journals, books, conferences, WSA EIS, the files of previous similar projects, websites, etc. within the field of your research. You then need to review and analyse all the files to be able to prepare this assignment well. The review references must be critiqued, and their current gap must be identified. The Western Sydney Airport must be central to this literature review , and all the sources and discussions must be linked and applied to this theme project.

Literature Review Writing and Structure Requirements

In preparing your Literature Review on your selected topic, you are advised that you are to prepare it to these requirements:

−    Fill out the cover page for Assessment Task 2 and use it as the first page of your Literature Review Assessment Task. Each student must write their full name and zID in the cover page. The blank cover page is provided in Moodle.

−   The structure of the Literature Review is to be compiled as follows:

•    Cover Page

•    Table of Contents (start from a new page)

•     Introduction (start from a new page)

•    [The main body of your Literature Review. You are to develop some headings and subheadings in this section.]

•    Conclusions

•     References (start from a new page)

•    Appendix (if needed, start from a new page)

−   Your Literature Review is to be drafted in the following format: Headings: 14-point Arial font bolded.

Text: 12-point Arial lack font, 1.5 line spacing, page numbered, 20 mm margins at top and bottom, and 30 mm side margins. Your writing should be left and right margin justified.

−   The length of the Literature Review is to be approximately 1,250 words (±10%) including the IntroductionMain Body, and Conclusion sections. The cover page, References and Appendix (if needed) sections do not count in the word count. If there is any illustration (such as table, chart, figure, etc.) in the main body section of the Literature Review, it does not count in the word count.

−   ‘Table of Contents’ are needed for the Literature Review. This section must be in the second page of your Literature Review after the cover page as your first page.

−    Page numbering is required in the footers. Nothing else must be written in headers or footers.

−    Proofreading is required for spelling and grammar checking. English writing must be at the expected academic standard.

−   The Literature Review is to be written in the third person.

−   You are permitted to use different types of illustrations in the body of your Literature Review: including pictures, figures, tables,  graphs, and charts. They need to be captioned using 10- point Arial font and sequentially numbered:

e.g. (Figure 1: [caption]; Figure 2: [caption]; Table 1: [caption]; Table 2: [caption], etc.) Caption of a figures is its below, and caption of a table is its above.

−    Each illustration needs to be cited in your Literature Review to link it to the writing content.

−   This submission will be subject to a Turnitin review.

−    In preparing your Literature Review, you need to provide references and in-text citation to those sources. Referencing is to be  to Harvard Standard. For this work, it is expected that you will use a minimum of 10 reference sources. If you are using Internet source references, they need to be properly referenced. Wikipedia is not acceptable as a source. It is highly recommended to use the references have been published in the last 10 years. All references need to be cited throughout your writings according to Harvard Standard practice, and a full list of your used references (Author-Surname alphabetically sorted) must be provided at the end of your Literature Review under the ’References’  heading. A detailed guide can be found from   UNSW  website:

−    It is expected that your individual submission will be at professional standard with regards its: written content, set-out, spacing, headings, paragraphing, sentence structure and spelling, the inclusion of any charts, diagrams, maps or pictures (and their labelling), in-text referencing (to Harvard Standard) and referral to any appendix material.

Marking Criteria

1.  The extent, amount, and depth of your Literature Review search: 5 marks

2.  The write-up of Literature Review in terms of its structure, layout, spacing, grammar, formatting, and referencing: 4 marks

3.  The development of your argument as to why the sources identified in your Literature Review are applicable to your thesis topic, critiquing the current references and source in terms of showing their gap and justification of the significance of your research , and linking them to the theme project: 6 marks

Submission Requirements

Prepare your Literature Review in Microsoft Word and on completion convert it to a PDF file which will be the file you will submit. Your PDF file is to be named accordingly:

[Student Full Name_Student zID_Literature Review_CVEN4051],

e.g. [John Smith_z1234567_Literature Review_CVEN4051


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