Course Syllabus
AHS 1 - Ancient & Medieval Art- Section 40317
Winter 2024
Required text:
Kleiner, Fred. Gardner's Art Through the Ages: The Western Perspective, vol. 1. ( 15th or 16th edition)**
**textbook/eBook is required, the additional components like Cengage Unlimited are optional
You are advised to spend as much time looking at the illustrations as reading the text; the illustrations are the primary source. An understanding of a work of art can be gained only from intense and intelligent looking at the work itself. Do not memorize the illustrations, but learn to read them so that you can understand them.
Supplementary readings may be required and will be provided to the students as photocopies during the semester.
Course Description:
AHS 1 is an art history survey class. This course will cover the arts of Prehistory, the Near East, Egypt, Classical Greece and Rome,and Medieval Europe from about 28,000 BC to 1400 AD. There will be a thorough examination of the social context of art:its historical circumstances, context, patronage,the influence of the individual artist,and the role of those who have been the patrons and viewers of art.Works of sculpture,architecture,wall and vase painting, mosaic,manuscript illumination, and other media will be examined in an attempt to understand the works in their physical,historical and social context.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:
1. Define and use appropriate art terminology.
2. Critique, compare and contrast various artists, artworks and styles.
3. Identify, describe and discuss art in its historical context.
4. Analyze specific works of art, artists, and articulate their own assumptions and thoughts or feelings about art in cohesive and well-written short papers.
1. Exams (2 exams, 45 pts. each) 90 points
2. Museum Visit 25 points
3. Short Answer Response (4 prompts, 10 points each) 40 points
Total 155 points total (100%)
Grading Scale: A=155-140, B=139-124, C=123-109, D= 108-93, F=92-0 Points
There will be no make-up exams unless a valid excuse (i.e. medical problem) is immediately brought to the Professor’s attention.
If any student is feeling overwhelmed please let me know immediately. Please communicate. (see email address above)
Regular attendance (in-person or online) is important for comprehension of the subject. If a student stops attending class and does not officially withdraw by the drop date given by RCC, a failing grade will be given. It is the student’s responsibility to submit a drop card to the Admissions Office.
Plagiarism & Cheating:
Plagiarism and cheating constitute violations of academic honesty whether perpetrated actively or passively. Disregard for written or verbal instructions on course work may, at the discretion of the professor, represent academic cheating. All violations and suspected violations of academic honesty will result in action taken against the parties involved, and will be documented in writing with the appropriate academic Dean. Sanctions may include no credit on the assignment in question, course failure, or formal charges of student misconduct. Formal charges can result in academic probation, suspension, or expulsion.
Special accommodations:
If you have a documented disability that may impact your ability to carry out the assigned course work, I urge you to let me know and contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) at 222-8060. They will review your concerns and determine with you and me what reasonable accommodations are appropriate. All information about the disability is confidential.
Class Assignments:
** Exams: 2 exams, 45 points each, total of 90 points (58% of your grade)
There are 2 exams during the semester. The exams will be based on class readings and PowerPoints. The exams are timed. You will have 90 minutes to complete 45 questions that are multiple choice and/or short answer and will include identifying works of art. The exams must be completed in one attempt – you cannot pause and resume the exam. You may use your notes & textbook for the exam. Lockdown Browser is required. See the Tentative Schedule for exam dates.
** Museum Visit: 25 points (16%)
Visit a museum of your choice online or in-person. Describe & discuss in 2-3 pages, any piece of art that interested you and that falls into the timeline of the class - BEFORE 1400 CE.This should be in your own words, not a verbatim of the museum plaques or description. You must write a critique of the object using terminology and ideas learned in class readings as well as historical context. Be sure to use proper language and class vocabulary to discuss the chosen work of art. Focus on the work of art only.
You must include an image of the work of art as well as a label that includes the artist, name, date, title and medium - this is page 3 or 4 of the assignment. If you use outside sources, a works cited is required. Remember this is a college level course; all submitted assignments must include proper formatting, grammar, spelling and punctuation.
See your class schedule below for the due date.
** Short Answer Responses: 40 points (26%)
I will post prompts related to the class readings.You must answer the prompt using works of art to support your answer.Responses should also include terminology and ideas learned in class readings as well as historical context.Remember this is a class writing assignment, not a text message or informal report.Responses must include an introduction, body and conclusion.
See your class schedule below for due dates.