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MGMT42110: Marketing Analytics
Fall 2024
Course Description
This course covers essential data analytic tools and strategic metrics that form the cornerstone of marketing analytics. The objective of the course is to convey the ample benefits of analytical approaches to marketing decision-making, and help students gain hands-on and computer-based experience with basic and advanced analytical tools to analyze marketing data for addressing mar- keting decisions that create value and build competitive advantage. The course emphasizes learning by doing so students can immediately apply the analytics tools and techniques on a variety of mar- keting applications. A number of relevant tools are discussed, such as data visualization, exploratory data analysis, regression models, A/B testing, clustering methods, and predictive analytics.
Texts, Learning Resources, and Software Learning Materials
• Lecture slides, lecture videos, in-class R exercise code will be posted on Brightspace. Note that the posted lecture notes and R code are an outline of the material covered in class. Attend live classes or watch video recordings for a comprehensive coverage of the materials.
• Group homework and independent quizzes will be based on the above materials. They are key parts of the learning process and will serve as the most important references for the final exam. Suggested solutions for homework and quizzes will be posted on Brightspace.
Statistical Software
Being able to approach data using statistical software is one of the essential goals of this class. We will use R for this purpose. Programming knowledge prior to the class is preferred, but not required. As we spend time in-class to familiarize you with the RStudio interface and basic functions in the first few weeks of the class, take this time ask questions and adapt to R as soon as possible.
Other Resources (as listed by the Business School):
• Academic Success and/or Tutoring support (Academic Success Center link)
• Purdue Libraries and School of Information Studies Support (new Libraries page linked here)
Learning Objectives
The broad goal of the course is to help you acquire the understanding and ability to:
• understand the intuition behind basic analytical techniques and quantitative models;
• draw insights from data to answer exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, and predictive ques- tions;
• be familiarized with basic tools in statistical softwares to conduct data analysis;
• interpret the outputs of the methods and use them to support managerial decision-making;
• extract and visualize the right data to tell your story
• work cooperatively and effectively in a small group environment.
Grades and Learning Assessments
Course Grades
Grades for the course will be based on:
• Group Homework: 42 points
• Group Peer Evaluation: 8 points
• Individual Learning Quizzes: 15 points
• Cumulative Final Exam: 25 points
• Class Attendance: 8 points
• Class Participation: 2 points
See detailed explanations for each item below.
As the School of Business requires a standardized curve, final grades will be dependent on the relative performance of students. According to the School of Business Undergraduate Grading Policy, the target grade distribution for elective courses culminates in a 3.3 average GPA. the GPA is calculated as A = 4, A- = 3.70, B+ = 3.30, B = 3.00, B- = 2.70, C+ = 2.30, C = 2.00, C- = 1.70, D = 1.00 and F = 0.00. The curve has to strictly follow this guideline. A sample grade distribution is as the following:
Grade |
A/A- |
B+/B |
B- |
C+ |
C or below |
% of Students |
30-35% |
35-40% |
10-20% |
10-15% |
5-10% |
Use of AI in the Course
You are welcome to use AI tools to support your learning and complete homework assignments, but remember that AI is strictly prohibited during individual quizzes and the final exam. When using AI, focus on deepening your understanding of the concepts and how to apply them, rather than simply obtaining the correct answer. True learning comes from engaging with the material and the ability to recount the concepts in your own words and conducting the analysis independently, and this will be crucial not only for your exams but also for your success in real-world applications.
Final Exam
You will take a 120-minute final exam. The final exam date is yet to be determined by the university registrar. I will create a Brightspace announcement as soon as the exam date is scheduled.
If you have a known time conflict that prevents you from taking the exam at the designated date, inform me at least a week before the final, or as soon as possible. The written proof of time conflicts needs to be provided. If you have an emergency that prevents you from taking the exam on a short notice, obtain the formal documentation for the reason of missing the exam (could be from the Dean of Students). The approval of the excused absence is not guaranteed and will be judged on a case-by-case reasonable basis.
Group Homework
This course includes six group homework assignments, each worth 7 points, which are structured as mini-projects. These projects are designed to be exciting and valuable opportunities to apply the analytical tools learned in class to real-world data, yielding practical insights.
These mini-projects are a crucial part of your learning experience. The purpose of the homework is to encourage learning by walking you through real practices with hands-on exercises based on the analytical tools covered in class. The exercises often involve answering real-world marketing questions using big data. The homework requires you to use R to further your understanding of the materials covered in lectures. You are expected to learn new skills from doing the homework that is not covered in lectures. Detailed instructions will be given to guide you through the exercises. Taking the homework seriously and gaining a comprehensive understanding of the solution process is the key to truly learn data analytics skills. Working in groups will give you an opportunity to learn from each other and to work effectively in a small-group environment. Teamwork tips are posted on Brightspace.
You will form your own group of 4 students and enroll your group members on Brightspace by the end of the day on 8/28 (Wednesday) . For group homework, only one copy of the homework needs to be submitted on Brightspace. The group homework grade will be applied to all group members. Homework is due at 11:59pm on the due dates. Late submissions are not accepted.
Group Homework Peer Evaluation
You will reflect on your group member’s contribution to the homework at the end of the semester. They account for 8 points. Your peer evaluation grade will solely be determined by your group member’s reflection on your performance. Peer evaluation will be kept anonymous to your group members. To keep anonymity, you will only be able to view your peer evaluation scores at the end of the course. Students who fail to turn in the peer evaluation on time will lose 2 points on the peer evaluation.
Individual Learning Quizzes
There will be six independent quizzes integrated into your learning progress throughout the course. These quizzes are meant to keep you on track and reinforce your understanding of the material. They also serve as excellent preparation for the final exam.
Quizzes are open-book, untimed, but must be completed independently before the deadline. The use of AI tools is forbidden for quizzes. Each quiz accounts for 3 points. The quiz with your lowest score will be dropped. Late quizzes within 24 hours are accepted with a 20% punishment. Quizzes later than 24 hours are not accepted.
Class Attendance and Participation
This course is intended to be an interactive learning experience. Attendance and class participation is required and is essential to the learning process. Class attendance accounts for 8% of the grade. There will be 10 random attendance checks. To build flexibility, you only make it to eight checks to earn full points. If you have to miss a class, you need to notify me as soon as possible and provide the appropriate documentation to be excused. There is no make-ups for attendance checks. Participating in the class discussion will account for 2% of the grade. I will track contributions to discussion during class. Productive contributions will be rewarded.
How to be Successful in This Course
The teaching and learning philosophy in this course embraces the principle of learning by doing. You are expected to experience challenges and to struggle at times, which you can overcome by the learning by doing process. Unlike courses that focus on conceptual materials, this course will emphasize analytical and hands-on skills to translate conceptual understandings into specific operational outcomes.
Lecture content builds progressively, so it’s crucial to pay close attention. If you miss some- thing or find a concept confusing, raise your hand immediately or request clarification. Review the course material soon after each class.
I will dedicate time at the beginning of each lecture to revisit previous content—use this opportunity to ask questions and clarify any doubts. Homework is a key part of reinforcing your understanding of course concepts and mastering the analytics process. When preparing for exams, review the entire homework, even the parts you didn’t personally work on, to ensure comprehensive understanding.