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Course Syllabus: CS6250 Computer Networks
Instructor Information
Dr. Maria Konte |
Email: [email protected] |
Johann Lau, Head TA |
[email protected] |
Please contact the instructor team through Edstem using a private post to ‘Instructors’ |
Ken Westdorp, Head TA |
[email protected] |
Erick Herring, Head TA |
[email protected] |
General Course Information
This course starts with an overview of Internet architecture and its evolution. From there, we broadly cover basic protocols and algorithms that span across all layers of the Internet protocol stack, such as TCP and congestion control. Next, we study intradomain/interdomain routing, peering and network relationships. Further, we explore router design and functionalities. Next, we study new Software Defined Networking technologies. We explore topics at the intersection of Network Security and Computer Networks, especially attacks on Internet routing. At the final part of the course, we explore multimedia applications and Content Delivery Networks.
Hands-on projects help provide an understanding of routing, SDN, and Internet measurements. For students who would like to explore more there is an additional project that engages with tools for Internet-wide measurements to understand how large-scale events associated with unrest are reflected as connectivity disruptions for some networks in specific parts of the world.
Course Goals
Course Learning Outcomes
Course Materials
Course Text
- Content (Video Lectures and Reading Materials)
- Material in Canvas -> Modules
- Discussion in Edstem (various threads)
- Projects
- Instructions, files and submission boxes in Canvas -> Assignments
- Walkthroughs in Office Hours in Canvas->Edstem (separate threads for each project)
- Discussion and student-generated resources in Canvas->Edstem (various threads)
- Exams
- Delivery in Canvas/Quizzes (including proctoring via Honorlock in Canvas)
- Logistics and study discussions in Edstem (various threads)
- Grades in Canvas -> Grades
Course Virtual Machine
Course Requirements, Assignments & Grading
Assignment Distribution and Grading Scale
Assignments |
Weight |
Spanning Tree Protocol |
10% |
Distance Vector Routing |
15% |
SDN Firewall |
15% |
BGP Measurements |
20% |
Projects Total: |
60% |
Exam 1 |
15% |
Exam 2 |
15% |
Quizzes |
10% |
Exam/Quizzes Total: |
40% |
Extra credit – Internet-Wide Events |
3% |
Extra Credit Total: |
3% |
Total |
103% |
Grading Scale
Course Components
- Lectures & Readings: The lectures and accompanying readings for each week. Students are responsible for watching and reading this material.
- Projects: Project start and end dates are provided on the schedule at the end of this Syllabus. Note that instructions and project files are provided in Canvas.
- Quizzes: There are weekly quizzes for each week lesson content is assigned. These are due at the end of the week -- there are no exceptions for people who don’t take Quizzes on time.
- Exams: Exams will be administered via Honorlock. Please check the class schedule for open/close dates of the exam window.
- Late exam submissions, after the window has closed, are not allowed – except in case of emergency. Not taking the exam, or late exam submission, defaults to score 0 for that exam. Honorlock will allow you to start your exam any time during the exam window but will stop your exam when the window closes. This means if you are allotted 2 hours to complete an exam, but if you start your exam one hour before the exam window closes, you will only have one hour to complete your exam. Give yourself plenty of time prior to the end of the exam window to complete your exam.
- You must take all exams by yourself, and all answers must be provided entirely by you. You may not give (or ask for) direct answers to exam questions to classmates, online forums, chats, websites, etc. (Asking about concepts presented in class is acceptable, so long as the question is not soliciting a response that would answer a specific exam question, and provided it is not done during a proctored exam period where such materials or websites may be disallowed.)
- o Exams in this course do not allow supplemental materials, e.g., notes, scratch paper, books or digital reference material. All proctored exams will have specific instructions regarding what materials are and are not allowed to be used during the exam – usually only the Honorlock calculator app is allowed, and earbuds or headphones or headsets are not permitted. Using any disallowed materials during a proctored exam will be considered an academic integrity violation and will result in a zero for the exam.
- While preparing for the exam, it is entirely up to you to evaluate the relevance and accuracy of any information you find outside of the official class materials. If you use information you found on the Internet to answer a question, and it is wrong because the information was either inaccurate or was answering a slightly different question than the one on the exam, then that answer is wrong and will be graded as such.
- Invalid Honorlock sessions (such as the student’s face leaving the frame of the camera, the student using headphones, etc.) will result in a score of 0 for the exam. Please ensure that you understand what is permitted and not permitted for each exam.
Assignment Due Dates
Grading and Feedback
Discussion of each exam will be allowed once all students complete the assignment, and grading has been finished. We release grades pending Honorlock review and finalize grades once review is done. Thus, it is possible for you to see a score for an exam and later receive a zero if our review shows you did not follow the proctoring rules, resulting in an invalidated proctoring session.
For Projects, your last submission on Canvas will be used for grading. Be sure to include ALL files in the last submission. We will not release full solutions to any assignment.
Technology Requirements and Skills
- • Browser and connection speed: An up-to-date version of Chrome or Firefox is strongly recommended. 2+ Mbps recommended; at minimum 0.768 Mbps download speed.
- Operating system: Note – these technical requirements are for project completion only. Honorlock requires the Chrome browser with the Honorlock extension installed, on Windows/Mac only.
- PC: Windows 10 with latest updates installed
- Mac: OSX Sierra 10.12 or higher with latest updates installed
- Linux: Any recent distribution that has the supported browsers installed
- Hardware: Georgia Tech’s online graduate program issues the following Minimum Hardware Requirements to online grad students (https://omscs.gatech.edu/technical-requirements). We recommend that you meet or exceed these guidelines to ensure you have sufficient computing Georgia Institute of power to complete all coursework and projects. You need 8Gb RAM minimum to run a VM. Additionally, M1 and M2 computing machines will have limited support from the TA staff.
- Software: We will have limited support for VMware, VirtualBox, and Parallels. See Edstem for other options, discussions and VM support.
Technical Support
- For OIT (Georgia Tech IT dept.) support, please email [email protected]
- For technical support with Canvas, please email: [email protected]
- For technical support with Edstem, please email: [email protected]
Programming Skills
We will be completing the project assignments in Python 3. An intermediate level of skill with Python is adequate for the projects in this course. If you have a beginner level of skill but have programmed something more complex than "Hello World" in Python before, then you should be able to learn what you need to about the language as you go through the course — it may just take you a little more time, and a willingness to search the Python documentation and other Internet sources to teach yourself how to do some things.
If you have never programmed in Python before (or have only written "Hello World" or only completed a basic tutorial on that level), then you may find it better to take some time to learn Python prior to the start of the course. If you have experience learning new computer languages and feel comfortable teaching yourself a new language from scratch in a short period of time, then you may find extra time and effort will be enough to be successful.
Canvas & Kaltura
Proctoring Information
All course exams will be proctored. A proctored exam is similar to the one you would take in the classroom. This means no open textbooks, notebooks, notes, and other like resources are allowed unless any of these materials are allowed. These exams are delivered via a tool called Honorlock. Honorlock uses multi-factor biometric authentication to verify the identity of students, upon entry. Each student will provide a face and ID scans, which will be measured against the student’s baseline biometric profile, stored on file. You will also be asked to scan the room around you – see Edstem for a pinned post for details.
You will have the opportunity to take an onboarding quiz to become familiar with how it all works and to ensure that your system meets all hardware and software requirements. The onboarding quiz will be a practice quiz that will not affect your grades in the course. You can take the onboarding quiz as many times as you want. All potential violations are reviewed by a human - a violation can result in a grade of 0 for an exam and/or point deductions. If you have any issues with Honorlock while taking the graded exam, reach out to Honorlock 24/7. Support: https://honorlock.com/support/. TA support may be unavailable; especially as the exam window closes.
Course Policies, Expectations & Guidelines
Communication Policy
- Student Questions: Students are strongly encouraged to post their questions on Edstem related to the lectures, readings, weekly discussions, exam preparation, or projects. Due to the large volume of this class, we do not recommend directly emailing the instructor or the TAs.
- Private Posts: Students can post privately to the teaching staff on Edstem. This is appropriate when a student needs to ask a question about a personal matter or request a regrade. Students may also post privately to ask questions about the material when the question would violate academic integrity rules if posted publicly. An example of this would be asking a question about their code submission for a project that requires posting the code. Posts should be addressed to “Instructors” in order to ensure that they are seen and addressed.
- Volume of posts: Please try to avoid posting duplicate questions. Posting duplicate questions can lower the turnaround time of responses significantly. You can use the search bar (to the right of the “New Post” button) and the folders listed across the top of the page to look for related posts where your question may have already been asked and answered.
- Instructor/TA Announcements: Announcements within Edstem will be used to communicate updates to projects, grades being posted, and other administrative information. Students should be active on the Edstem forums and are responsible for reading announcements within 24 hours, as the information will typically be time-sensitive. While the teaching staff will make every effort to update resources/descriptions on Canvas in the event of a policy or project change, it is ultimately the responsibility of the student to obtain updates on Edstem. This includes all posts, whether they have been pinned by the teaching staff or not.
- Email announcements through Edstem: Particularly important announcements may occasionally be sent by email. We will use Edstem to do this, so you will receive these announcement emails at the email address you have in your Edstem account. We use your Canvas / GA Tech email address to add you to Edstem – you can then configure another email address in Edstem. However, whichever you use, you are responsible for checking it daily in case of such announcements.
- Edstem code of conduct: Please review the anti-harassment policy, located within this document.
- Emailing the Instructor: Students may directly email the instructor if there is an issue that has not been resolved through communication on Edstem. Due to the large volume of students, direct emails may take longer to be answered. Students are strongly encouraged to post on Edstem first and seek resolution from the TA team. Emails to the Professor will likely be referred to the head TAs.
- Other Official emails: Under certain circumstances, the TA team may send you direct emails to your official Georgia Tech email address (you may not request a different email address for these messages). Examples include resolving academic integrity violation incidents, notification of incomplete onboarding with proctoring software, etc. Students are expected to check their Georgia Tech email at least twice a week and to respond in a timely manner.
Anti-harassment policy:
Please follow these guidelines to ensure that everyone has a beneficial, positive and harassment-free experience:
- Any type of hostile behavior will not be accepted. Abusive/degrading/hostile/intimidating language, language that creates discomfort, or interferes with a person's participation or opportunity for participation will not be tolerated. Excuses such as “It was obvious” or “I was just joking” will not be accepted.
- Students that are violating this policy may be excluded from participation at Edstem. If you believe that you or a classmate has been harassed, please contact the Instructor/TAs immediately.
- Please remember that on the other end of a posted question, follow up, or comment there is a real person - like you - who will react not only to the content of your response, but also to the tone. Please remember that students in this class have a wide variety of backgrounds and prior experience. Students with more experience or background in a topic are strongly encouraged to share - through useful and practical responses – in a supportive way so that others can learn as well. When you answer a question, please remember that your primary purpose is to help the student who asked.
- You are encouraged to suggest ways to improve questions that are posted so that students will receive faster and better answers. You are expected to do so using positive and supportive language and tone.
Subject to Change Statement
Office Hours
Course Schedule
Week/Dates |
Topic |
Assignments |
Week 1
May 13 – May 19
Lesson 1: Introduction, Internet History, and Architecture
Registration through May 17th, 4:00 PM EST
Spanning Tree Protocol Assigned |
Week 2
May 20 – May 26
Lesson 2: Transport and Application Layers |
Quiz Lesson 1
Quiz Lesson 2
Spann Tree Protocol Due (May 26)
Week 3
May 27 – Jun 2
Lesson 3: Intradomain Routing
Lesson 4: AS Relationships and Interdomain Routing
Quiz Lesson 3
Quiz Lesson 4
Distance Vector Assigned
Week 4
Jun 3 – Jun 9
Lesson 5: Router Design and Algorithms: Part 1
Lesson 6: Router Design and Algorithms: Part 2
Quiz Lesson 5
Quiz Lesson 6
Distance Vector Due (June 9)
Week 5
Jun 10 – Jun 16
Exam 1 |
Exam 1 (Jun 12 – Jun 16) |
Week 6
Jun 17 – Jun 23
Lesson 7: SDN Part 1
Lesson 8: SDN Part 2
SDN Firewall Assigned
Quiz Lesson 7
Quiz Lesson 8
Week 7
Jun 24– Jun 30
Lesson 9: Internet Security
Withdrawal Deadline June 29th at 4:00 PM EST
Quiz Lesson 9
SDN Firewall Due (Jun 30)
Week 8
Jul 1 – Jul 7
Lesson 10: Internet Surveillance and Censorship |
BGP Measurements Assigned
Internet-Wide Events EC Assigned
Quiz Lesson 10
Week 9
Jul 8– Jul 14
Lesson 11: Applications Part 1: Video |
BGP Measurements
Internet-Wide Events EC Due
Quiz Lesson 11
Week 10
Jul 15 – Jul 21
Lesson 12: Applications Part 2: CDNs |
BGP Measurements Due (July 21)
Internet-Wide Events EC (July 21)
Quiz Lesson 12 |
Week 11
Jul 22 – Jul 28
Optional: Lesson 13: Future of the Internet
Exam 2
Exam 2 (July 22 – July 28) |
Week 12
Jul 29 – Aug 4
End of Term |
Week 13
Aug 5 – Aug 11
Grades Due |