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COMP 3000 (WINTER 2023)
Class time:
Section A: 02:35 pm - 03:55 pm, Mondays and Wednesdays
Note: this means a strong C programming background is required
- Have a strong conceptual model of how an operating system works that can facilitate software development/testing and answer questions pertaining to an operating system’s everyday use.
- Be able to write/modify C code that uses low-level Linux services and implement simple Linux kernel extensions (modules).
- Understand the basic use and architecture of virtual-machine based and container based cloud architectures.
Assignment and tutorial due dates will be made available in Brightspace. Tentative dates for assignments: JAN31, FEB12, MAR19, APR02. Finalized due dates will be no earlier. Tutorial submissions are usually due four days after the tutorial date.
*: You can receive participation marks when asking good questions 1) during lecture, 2) by emailing the instructor, or 3) during office hours with the instructor. Note that the marks only depend on the quality of such interactions (NOT necessarily quantity), e.g., relevance to discussed topics, sufficient thinking. You may also react to occasional polls during lecture to get part of the participation marks.
All work submissions (tutorials, assignments, and exams), as well as important (e.g., grading-related) announcements, course material and grade posting, will be through Brightspace.
This course focuses much more on reading/modifying code rather than writing code. Thus, John Aycock's book, Reading and Modifying Code, is worth reading to better understand how reading code differs from writing code.
Important dates and deadlines can be found here, including class suspension for the winter break, and statutory holidays.
Format errors, missing files, and other technical/non-technical upload issues will not constitute the justification for another attempt. Only what has been uploaded by the due date and time will be graded. Consequently, after you upload your submission to Brightspace you should re-download it immediately for verification and ensure that all needed files are there in the right format.
For assignments, while you may get help from others and even collaboratively solve technical problems, the code and answers submitted should all be your own work. For example, you may not divide an assignment into parts, give a part to another student or anyone else to solve, and then submit that work as your own. You have to have participated in the creation of every part of your submitted work. An easy way to make sure this happens is to never share files regarding coursework or copy and paste answers. Instead, only meet together (virtually) to work on an assignment (e.g., to discuss your understanding/confusion) and then separate to write up your own solutions.
Sharing assignment or exam specifications or posting them online (to sites like Chegg, CourseHero, OneClass, etc.) is considered academic misconduct. You are never permitted to post, share, or upload course materials without explicit permission from your instructor. Academic integrity offences are reported to the office of the Dean of Science. Penalties for such offences can be found on the ODS webpage: https://science.carleton.ca/academic-integrity/.
For information about Carleton's academic year, including registration and withdrawal dates, see Carleton's Academic Calendar.
Undergraduate Academic Advisors. The Undergraduate Advisors for the School of Computer Science are available in Room 5302HP; or by email at [email protected]. The undergraduate advisors can assist with information about prerequisites and preclusions, course substitutions/equivalencies, understanding your academic audit and the remaining requirements for graduation. The undergraduate advisors will also refer students to appropriate resources such as the Science Student Success Centre, Learning Support Services and Writing Tutorial Services.
SCS Computer Laboratory. Students taking a COMP course can access the SCS computer labs. The lab schedule and location can be found at: https://carleton.ca/scs/tech support/computer-laboratories/. All SCS computer lab and technical support information can be found at: https://carleton.ca/scs/tech-support/. Technical support staff may be contacted in-person or virtually, see this page for details: https://carleton.ca/scs/tech support/contact-it-support/.
Pregnancy Obligation. Please contact your instructor with any requests for academic accommodation during the first two weeks of class, or as soon as possible after the need for accommodation is known to exist. For more details, visit Equity Services.
Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities. If you have a documented disability requiring academic accommodations in this course, please contact the Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities (PMC) at 613-520-6608 or [email protected] for a formal evaluation or contact your PMC coordinator to send your instructor your Letter of Accommodation at the beginning of the term. You must also contact the PMC no later than two weeks before the first in-class scheduled test or exam requiring accommodation (if applicable). After requesting accommodation from PMC, meet with your instructor as soon as possible to ensure accommodation arrangements are made. For more details, visit the Paul Menton Centre website.
Accommodation for Student Activities. Carleton University recognizes the substantial benefits, both to the individual student and for the university, that result from a student participating in activities beyond the classroom experience. Reasonable accommodation must be provided to students who compete or perform at the national or international level. Please contact your instructor with any requests for academic accommodation during the first two weeks of class, or as soon as possible after the need for accommodation is known to exist. For more details, see the policy.
Plagiarism. As defined by Senate, "plagiarism is presenting, whether intentional or not, the ideas, expression of ideas or work of others as one's own". Such reported offences will be reviewed by the office of the Dean of Science. Standard penalty guidelines can be found here.
Feeling sick? Remaining vigilant and not attending work or school when sick or with symptoms is critically important. If you feel ill or exhibit COVID-19 symptoms do not come to class or campus. If you feel ill or exhibit symptoms while on campus or in class, please leave campus immediately. In all situations, you must follow Carleton’s symptom reporting protocols.
Masks: Carleton has paused the COVID-19 Mask policy, but continues to strongly recommend masking when indoors, particularly if physical distancing cannot be maintained. It may become necessary to quickly reinstate the mask requirement if pandemic circumstances were to change.
Vaccines: While proof of vaccination is no longer required as of May 1 to attend campus or in-person activity, it may become necessary for the University to bring back proof of vaccination requirements on short notice if the situation and public health advice changes. Students are strongly encouraged to get a full course of vaccination, including booster doses as soon as they are eligible, and submit their booster dose information in cuScreen as soon as possible. Please note that Carleton cannot guarantee that it will be able to offer virtual or hybrid learning options for those who are unable to attend the campus.
Doctor’s note or medical certificate: In effect for Winter 2023 term, in place of a doctor’s note or medical certificate, students are advised to complete the self-declaration form available on the Registrar’s Office website to request academic accommodation for missed course work including exams and assignments. Students should also discuss with the course instructor the required accommodations arising from the COVID-19 situation.