Data Structure & Algorithm

Computer Science

Data Structure & Algorithm 

Final ExaM

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1-[6 points] Draw each of the following graphs after completing the following operations:



I. [2 points] Insert into an emptyAVL-BST tree the following values in the following order:






















II. [2 points] Insert into an emptymin-heap the following values in the following order:





















III. [2 points]Delete the node withvalue = 13 from the followingAVL Balanced tree. This tree is adoptingmin-right substitution. The tree must remainAVL after the deletion.





















2-[6 points] with the help of the provided ADTs, write anO(NlogN) solution to implement the following function:

floatmedian(int array[], int n)

The median function takes anarray and it’s sizen as parameters. It sorts the array, and then returns:

I. array[n/2],n is odd. Example for {7,5,6,8,8,3,2,1,5,7,7} it sorts them first {1,2,3,5,5,6,7,7,7,8,8} then returns6.

II. ( array[(n-1)/2]  +  array[(n+1)/2] ) / 2, if size is even. Example for {7,5,6,8,8,3,2,1,5,7,7,7} it sorts them first {1,2,3,5,5,6,7,7,7,7,8,8}, then returns (6+7)/2 that is 6.5.

§ You must use at least one of ADTs in the sorting process to be considered for partial marks.

§ The implementation must be O(NlogN) to be considered for partial marks.

3-[6 points] with the help of the provided ADTs, write anO(N) solution to implement the following function:

int *removeDuplicate(intarray, intn). The function takes anarray and it’s sizen. Then it returns a pointer to an array that has the unique elements in the inputarray. Example for running it on {4,1,4,3,5,7,6,6}, it returns {1,3,4,5,6,7}.

§ Sorting is not important (e.g. previous example could also return {3,1,4,5,6,7} or {7,5,4,6,1,3).

§ You must use at least one of the ADTs to be considered for partial marks.

§ The implementation must be O(N) to be considered for partial marks.

§ Assume that the elements in thearray are generated randomly.

4-[10 points] Considering the BST implementation, answer the following question:

I. [Multiple Choice] If we add the following printing function, what is the traversing of the function?[2 points]

template <class T>

void BST<T>::print(BSTNode<T>* const node){

    if (node==nullptr) return;



    print(node->right);   }

a) In order traversing function.

b) Pre-order traversing function.

c) Level-by-Level traversing function.

d) random traversing function.

II. [Multiple Choice] What is correct from the following statements:[2 points] 

a) copy_from(BSTNode<T>* node) traverse the copied-from tree (which is rooted by the parameter node) pre-orderly.

b) clear(BSTNode<T>* node) traverse the tree pre-orderly.

c) both are in order traversing.

d) None of the above

III. Can you convertprint() function in (I.) to post-order? Please write the code for the new function:[2 points]

IV. What is the complexity for the following functions in BST:[4 points]








remove(const T& val)



insert(const T& val)


contains(const T& val)




5-[12 points] Variety!

I. In which situation (process/case) bubble sort is performing faster than insertion sort?[2 points]










II. What is the complexity (Big-O notation) for thefuncA?[2 points]

int funcB(int x, int y){

int res=0;

for (int i = 1;i<=x;i++)

res +=y;

return res;


int funcA(int n){

if (n==1)

return 1;

return funcB(n,funcA(n-1));



III. What is the time for running a program withO(N2logN) complexity on a machine with106 operation/second speed forN=1024?[2 points]








IV. For the Level-by-Level traversal queue, what is thelast node to be enqueued before thenode E is dequeued?[2 points]




V. Considering theHashTable in the ADTs, how can we change it’s implementation to optimize (save) the load on memory when we use aHashTable object?[2 points]












VI. Order the following functions by growth rate:[2 points]


*all logs are to the base 2




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