Business Management

MGT1012 Business, Government and Society

The module explores the role of business in its wider environmental context and specifically explores the relationships between business, government and society within and across countries. Businesses do not exist and act in a vacuum but rather have to interact with and oftentimes accommodate the views of a wide range of stakeholders in order to be successful. For example, Multinational Enterprises may decide to shift production into low-cost countries, however, they have to consider the societal and legal challenges that this decision generates, both at home and abroad. Organisational structures and corporate governance frameworks are thus developed to ensure that businesses can engage with these wider social and public policy contexts. As a result, businesses are becoming more deeply rooted in and intertwined with local, national and international communities. Indeed, beyond a narrow profit making focus, there is a growing acceptance that corporate interests can and should converge with societal interests to generate better, sustainable outcomes for the business in the long term. However, balancing the drive to make profits and to satisfy short-term shareholder interests with the long-term needs of society and its environment is tough. Consideration must be given to developing sustainable and responsible businesses. Students will learn about the challenges that businesses but also students themselves face in day-to-day (business) life, and will discuss and develop different solutions to these challenges.

MGT1013 Marketing

Marketing is a key factor in business success. On a daily basis we are exposed to a plethora of marketing messages and actively engage in the marketplace and/or marketspace. Often our purchasing decisions are heavily influenced by organisational marketing efforts. We ‘display’ our
favourite brands through the clothes we wear, the cars we drive and the football teams we support. Marketing is everywhere! It is an inescapable feature of our contemporary world.

MGT2005 Operations Management

This course develops the major themes of Operations Management within both manufacturing and service organisations. The primary objective is to familiarise students with the basic concepts, techniques, methods and applications of operations management. Topics include operations strategy, facility layout, process choice, capacity management, quality management and supply chain management. Contemporary manufacturing philosophies such as World Class Manufacturing (WCM), Lean Production and Mass Customisation will also be covered.

MGT2008 Managerial Behaviour

Theory and nature of Management; the organisation and its environment; international business; organisation culture, conflict and negotiation; innovation and the management of change; motivation concepts and applications; organisational leadership; team work and group dynamics; business ethics and corporate social responsibility.10

MGT2018 The Digital Business

Technology continues to transform the way business is conducted. New and emerging technologies such as cloud computing, social media, the internet of things or big data present as many challenges
as opportunities for organisations and their stakeholders. This module explores these challenges and opportunities and examines the use of digital business models in enhancing organisational competitiveness.

MGT2019 Leading for Change

The module uses contemporary theories and models of leadership in organization to study how leaders influence organizational effectiveness. Students will lean to apply the theoretical perspectives or models to study how leaders develop future vision, and how they motivate, manage and change people and organization to achieve the vision. The module will provide a wide knowledge on a number of major perspectives on organizational leadership. These perspectives include leadership behaviours, leading and managing organizational change, contingency theories of effective leadership, leading teams, ethical practices, transformational leadership, leading cross cultural activities, strategic leadership and leadership development.

MGT3011 Innovation Management

Successful innovation in new products and processes is increasingly being regarded as the central issue in economic development. Research has demonstrated that innovating firms grow faster, have higher productivity and are more profitable than non-innovators. Innovation is however a risky process which requires a specific set of management skills and knowledge. This module adopts an integrative view on the management of innovation comprising industrial, organisational and managerial perspectives of innovation.

MGT3019 Strategic Management

Students will develop an understanding of Strategy and Strategic Management in various contexts. The module will evaluate various theoretical models underpinning strategic management concepts. It will also address more practical issues such as strategic planning, strategic choice and strategic options (including acquisitions, divestments, strategic alliances, growth and retrenchment strategies).
MGT3027 Consumer Behaviour
Consumer behaviour is the study of how individuals or groups acquire, use and dispose of market offerings. The module adopts a multidisciplinary perspective to understand consumption behaviour and patterns of individuals and groups in contemporary market places and spaces. Themes covered in this module include: an overview of consumer behaviour; marketing decisions and consumer behaviour; consumers and their environments; consumers and social contexts and consumer action.


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