MN7029SR Financial Decision Making

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Module Code:


Module Title:

Financial Decision Making

Assessment Title:

Assessment 1: Group Work Presentation


Financial Decision Making

Academic Year 2024/25

Assessment 1

Group Work Presentation

Ppt slides: 15 to 20

First Marker:

Second Marker:

Title of presentation:  Group work (3 to 4 members)

Assessment criteria

Level of achievement

Marks to be awarded






Your summary should provide an executive viewer with all the key points of your presentation of your chosen company

10 marks

Financial analysis

Using appropriate financial analytical tools (such as financial ratios) and financial data present the financial performance of the business over the period and the position of the business.

Give reasons for, and interpretations of the ratios.

The chosen ratios should be kept to a manageable number – the emphasis should be on quality rather quantity. Some key ratios such as Return on Capital Employed and Profitability Ratios are expected.

For an excellent mark your historic financial performance and forecast should include analysis of revenue and profit in total and by products.

25 marks

Key decisions taken

You will cover the key decisions made in the business and what impact these had on performance

· What product lines did you decide to stock?

· How did you finance growth?

· What pricing decisions did you make?

· How did you choose suppliers?

10 marks

Strategic decisions

Summarise your key decisions in respect of items as described above.

10 marks

Forecast for next 3 years

Using appropriate financial analytical tools (such as financial ratios) and financial data present the financial projections for the business over the coming 3 years

You should consider returns to shareholders, profitability and share price.

20 marks

Group Log

For an excellent mark the group meeting log will show a record of all group meetings including the attendees, their role in the company, the objectives of the meeting and decisions/ actions.

10 marks

Structure and Presentation

Structure and format.

Intext citations and references

15 marks


100 marks

Group Log Sheet

The group meeting log should be submitted as an appendix slide or slides to your presentation. You do not need to present it.

Areas for Improvements

From First Marker

Knowledge and understanding

Analysis and evaluation

From Second Marker

Knowledge and understanding

Analysis and evaluation

Agreed Marks

First Marker’s marks /date

Second Marker’s marks/date


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