CSCE 247 - Syllabus
1: Course Overview
Course Description
Software engineering is concerned with the development and evolution of high-quality software systems in a systematic, controlled, and efficient manner. Software engineers are concerned with safety and reliability of the product as well as the cost and schedule of the development process. The lectures and the group projects will cover all aspects of the software life cycle, from development team management, problem specification and analysis, system design techniques, implementation and documentation practices, testing, to maintenance and evaluation of the final product.
Where does this fit in with the rest of my computer science courses?
Many computer science classes deal with taking complex domain-specific problems and deriving solutions from the appropriate mathematical and computational theories. In an AI course, you reason about intelligence problems and design software that solves such problems.
Software engineering is the study of software itself. It is focused around designing, developing, and documenting reliable, functionally complete, and usable software. In software engineering, you will learn to reason about software itself, and will learn lessons that apply to any program you design in the future 1 .
Learning Outcomes
■ An electronic version of this textbook is available from 3943030
● UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language. Martin Fowler. Third Edition.
All three books are purely optional, and serve as reference books for course content. I do not assign homework directly from any single book. These books are used as additional reading and back-up. Therefore, you do not have to purchase a copy of any. I recommend at least purchasing a copy of “Head First Design Patterns”.
Additional readings will be assigned as the course progresses. These readings will be available on the course web page or handed out in class.
2: Course Requirements and Grading
Assignments and Group Participation
We will assign several homework assignments throughout the semester. A core project, composed of approximately six individual deliverables will be completed in groups. There may be additional assignments to be completed individually.
You need to pull your weight on all group assignments. Substandard work is obvious to your fellow students and the instructor and will be reflected in your grade. Peer evaluations will be turned in throughout the semester, and will be used during grading. Additionally, the exams will reflect project content. If you have not done the project work, you will do poorly on the exams.
40% of your grade will be based on the individual assignments and group project. You are graded on the quality of the work you produce, not on how many hours a week you spend. The details of how much each deliverable is worth will be announced with the projects and assignments. The midterm will be worth 20%, and the final will be worth 30%. The remaining 10% will be awarded based on in-class activities and participation in the group.
Students are required to perform satisfactorily on both exams and assignments to receive a passing grade. All assignments and tests will be awarded 100 points. A general guideline for grading will be the following:Total Score
Total Score |
Letter Grade |
100 >= score >= 90 |
A |
90 > score >= 87 |
B+ |
87 > score >= 80 |
B |
80 > score >= 77 |
C+ |
77 > score >= 70 |
C |
70 > score >= 67 |
D+ |
67 > score >= 60 |
D |
60 > score >= 0 |
F |
3: Policies and Procedures
Integrity and Ethics
Classroom Climate:
The midterm (held during regular lecture hours) and final are required. If any of the tests fall on a religious holiday, the tests will be rescheduled.
Make-ups for graded activities may be arranged if your absence is caused by a documented illness or personal emergency. A written explanation (including supporting documentation) mustbe submitted to your instructor. If the explanation is acceptable, an alternative will be arranged. Whenever possible, make-up arrangements must be be completed prior to the scheduled activity. A student not taking an exam or not turning in an assignment will receive a score of 0. Alternative times for the final exam will be arranged only under university criteria for rescheduling a final exam.