Project 1: Practice And More Practice
Within your 214 directory, create a projects directory in which you can store each of the homework projects for this course. Then create a 01 directory inside projects, in which to store the files you create for this project.
For this week's project, you are to create Java, Ada, Clojure, and Ruby programs that compute the area of a rectangle. Each program should be named appropriately (e.g., RectangleArea or rectangle_area), and you should give its file the appropriate extension (i.e. .java for Java, .adb for Ada, .clj for Clojure, and .rb for Ruby).
Your programs should be patterned after those of the lab, providing a function that computes the area of a rectangle from its width and height, and another component that gets the input values from the user, passes them to the function, and displays the result.
Make sure to document each file at the same level of detail as was shown in lab exercise. You do not need to document each line of your programs, but make sure you (and the grader) can understand what you have done.
Test your programs thoroughly. With each language, use script to list your program, show that it is free of syntax errors, and that it produces correct results.
Turn In: Using an approach like what we did in the lab, make a single script file named proj01-results. Then submit your project by copying that single file into your personal folder in /home/cs/214/current/:
cp proj01-results /home/cs/214/current/yourUserName
replacing yourUserName with your login name. The grader will access and grade your project results from there.