CMPUT 301 Software Engineering Assignment 0: Getting Started

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Assignment 0: Getting Started

Learning Objectives

  • Learn how to use Android Studio on your computer.
  • Learn to create, build, and run a simple Android app.

Problem Description

Install Android Studio on your own computer.

Make and run a simple hello world app according to the Build your first app in this tutorial. Ensure you do all of this tutorial, including the final section on Fragments.

In Section 6 step 10 where it says change the text of the TextView to 0, type in your student number instead. So the count button will increment your student number. Do not prefix your student number with zeros. Deliverables Screenshots:

First screenshot: Take a first screenshot of your running app before you press the count button, it should show your student number. Second screenshot: Take a second screenshot of your running app showing the activity after you tap the Count button 7 times. The result should be your student number + 7 Each screenshot should not show the development environment, just the device display with the user interface of the running app. Capturing the frame of the emulator window is fine.

Submission Procedure

Use a non-lossy image format for the screenshots (like PNG with usually lossless settings, and not JPEG with usually lossy settings).

Do not use a phone camera to take the images.

Name the two screenshot files with your CCID (e.g., kennyw-1.png, kennyw-2.png). Zip the files (e.g., and upload the archive using eClass.

The maximum upload size is 5 MB.

Proper completion of this assignment is considered as part of course participation.

Upload your zip file to eClass under "Assignment 0".


IF you have build.gradle.ktx files, for the last step instead of

def nav_version = "2.3.0-alpha04"
classpath "androidx.navigation:navigation-safe-args-gradle-plugin:$nav_version"

in your build.gradle.ktx (Project: My Frist App), You need

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        val nav_version = "2.7.6"

And instead of:

apply plugin: 'androidx.navigation.safeargs'

You need in your build.gradle.ktx (module: app):

plugins {

There is also an error step 8 of task 9 that if you get an error about an unresolved inport

"import androidx.navigation.fragment.navArgs"  

but you can just remove that import its not needed for Java code.


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