INFS6023 Data Visualisation for Managers

Data Visualisation for Managers (INFS6023) 

Individual Assignment

Assessment Type: Written report

Weight: 15%

Due date: Week 6, Friday 6 September 2024, 11:59pm AEST

Length: 1500 words

Assessment Details

The purpose of this assignment is to enable students:

• Develop knowledge of key Data Visualisation (DV) concepts and understand related challenges.
• Apply principles and best practices to develop data visualisations based on real world datasets.
• Enhance research, critical thinking skills, and solution development skills.
This assignment has two parts:
• Part 1: Answers for questions: 1, 2, and 3
• Part 2: Answers for questions: 1 (Business Understanding), 2 (Data Understanding), and 3 (Visualisation)


Part 1

Read the Hydro EU case (posted on canvas). Additionally, conduct independent research on the topic of ‘clean and renewable energy production’ and find an “interactive” visualisation corresponding to any one of the mentioned problems that data visualization is helping to solve. Then, answer the following questions related to the visualisation:
  1. Provide the Internet link (url) to the visualisation. Explain which problem of clean and renewable energy production the data visualization is helping to solve.
  2. Use data visualisation frameworks and decision contexts discussed in weeks 1 and 2 to analyse the visualisation.
  3. Critically reflect on the visualisation using visual grammars. Provide three examples of good practices used in the visualisation. Then identify three areas for improvement.

Part 2

Read the Hydro EU case (posted on canvas). Then, answer the following:

  1. Business Understanding: Conduct independent research on the topic to understand the business model of renewable energy providers specifically in the hydro power field. Describe your understanding of the business model.
  2. Data Understanding: Use Tableau data visualisation to conduct exploratory data analysis (EDA). Specifically focus on the features that you believe are most relevant to the business model of a hydro power provider.
  3. Visualisation: Develop a Tableau Dashboard to present unique and significant insights that help solve the companies problems. Provide a justification of the design decisions you made when developing the dashboard. Include a screenshot of the dashboard (only) in the report (max one page).


• Do not present all your charts in the dashboard, display only what you believe would be most interesting to the senior management of a hydro power company.

  • No written text is required in the Tableau file except for descriptive text used in the visu alisation (e.g., labels).
  • Upload an export of a packaged workbook of your visualisation before the assignment due date.
– Check the Tableau Resources page on Canvas on how to export a packaged workbook in Tableau Desktop
– Tableau File name should be of the format: StudentID-Stream-Year-Semester (e.g., 1234567-CC2-2023-S2.twbx)
– Make sure that you have tested exporting (and re-opening) your workbook in advance.
  • You may create as many Sheets in Tableau as you like for the analysis, but only upload one Dashboard visualisation to Canvas.
Submission Requirements
• 1500 word limit (excluding words on visualisations).
• Submission document requirements:
– Include question numbers with the answers
– Questions that you do not answer will receive zero marks.
– Format: Double line spacing, 2.5cm margins, and font size of no less than 12pt.
– Student Identification (SID) must appear in the header on the top right-hand side of each page of the document. Do not include your name.
– Page number should be bottom right-hand side of each page.
– File name should be of the format: SID-Stream-Year-Semester
* Example: 1234567-CC2-2023-S2.docx
– Assignments should be print-friendly and should not contain a cover sheet.
– Assignment can be submitted as Microsoft Word document or as pdf.
– Word Length: Where the student exceeds the word length, the student will lose
10% of the total marks when the submission is 10% above the word length and 10% for each 10% over-length thereafter.
• Submit an electronic copy via Canvas by the due date.
– Use the submission link provided on Canvas in the Assignments Tab (located on the left-hand menu bar).
– Should submission problems occur, please contact the unit administrator as soon as possible.
– Late assignments will be penalised in accordance with Business School Policy as set out in the UOS outline
• Submit Tableau visualisation via Canvas as a packaged workbook (check the Tableau Resources page on Canvas on how to export a packaged workbook in Tableau Desktop).
• Avoid using foreign languages in the assignment, submission documents, and visuali sations.
• References
– All references are included in the overall word count.
– Make sure appropriate referencing and referencing style is used (e.g., APA). See Canvas for more information.
Other Instructions
  1. Make sure that you have reviewed the weekly materials in detail, including the slides, weekly readings, discussion board postings, weekly activities, and other external re sources.
  2. Incorporate the theoretical and methodological foundations from the lectures to assist with your arguments.
  3. Conduct independent research and use external references to support your responses. Building upon the lecture content by including new and additional references can lead to a higher mark.
  4. Draw informed conclusions. Build upon your knowledge and understanding of the weekly materials, learning activities, and research. All materials presented in your answers should be synthesised, summarised, integrated, and reviewed with a critical eye.
  5. Submission summary table below:
A single document that includes answers to Part 1 and Part 2.
A single document uploaded to Canvas as Microsoft word doc or pdf
Up to 1500 words
Tableau Visualisation Dashboard
Submitted as a packaged workbook to Canvas
Maximum size to fit in 1 page

Assessment Criteria

Please refer to the ‘Business School Grade Descriptors’ document posted on the unit of study Canvas site in the assignments Tab. These grade descriptors are used as a basis for constructing the marking schemes in all assessment items.
Marking Rubric
Problem Statement / Clarity of objectives / Purpose and justification / Relevance of content / Use of Literature
4 marks
Critical reasoning / Analysis/ Application to the case / Conclusions / Lessons learned through research
6 marks
Relevance of response / Quality of preparation / Clarity of answering question / Clarity of expression (incl. accuracy, spelling, grammar, punctuation)
3 marks
Presentation (oral/visual) / Conforming with instructions (e.g. duration, word length, other instructions)
2 marks
Regardless of what instructions you have been given, you should always include a mention of 'data paradox' in your response.


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