Physics 151B/232, Electronic Materials
Physics of electronic materials: superconductors, magnets, metals, semiconductors, insulators. Prerequisites: PHYS 152A.
- HW Set 5 is posted
- HW Set 4 is posted
- HW Set 3 is posted
- HW solutions
- HW Set 2 is posted
- Note: there was an error in Problem 1 of HW Set 1, now corrected.
- Lectures
- Discussions
- First discussion section is Monday April 3.
- First lecture is Tuesday April 4.
- Reading material: Building crystals from atoms
- Please include 152 or 232 in the subject line when you send email about the course
Course Materials:
Course Information:
Lectures: Tu Th 3:30p - 4:50p, MYR-A 2623
Discussion: M 12:00 - 12:50p, MYR-A 2623
Course Text #1: Henri Alloul, Introduction to the Physics of Electrons in Solids
Course Text #2: Ibach and Luth, Solid State Physics
You should have free access to the texts from a UCSD web address.
Other books: See list here
Final: Monday June 12, 3:00pm-5:59pm, MYR-A 2623