COM1028 Software Engineering

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COM1028 Software Engineering

Coursework Assignment

Personas, Scenarios and User Stories

1.1 Personas

Add your proto personas below (delete comment when done).

1.2 Scenarios

Add one scenario for one of your personas below (delete comment when done).

1.3 User Stories

Add up to six user stories below (delete comment when done).

Critical Analysis and Reflection

2.1 Completed Requirements and Reflection

Update the table below with whether you have completed, part completed or not done each task (delete comment when done).


M.1:  Retrieve a list of all the movies in the database


M.2: Retrieve a movie by its ID.


M.3: Retrieve a list of all the people in the database

completed/partly completed/not done

M.4 Retrieve a person by their ID.

completed/partly completed/not done


S.1: Retrieve a list of stars by a specific movie.

completed/partly completed/not done

S.2: Retrieve a list of movies by a specific star.

completed/partly completed/not done


C.1: Add the parameter 'limit' to `list movies` and `list person route, ratings` route.

completed/partly completed/not done

C2: Retrieve a list of movies ordered by average rating in descending order

completed/partly completed/not done

Add your reflection on the above tasks above (delete comment when done).

2.2 Professional Aspects

Add a concise description of professional aspects of software engineering related to the project and, such as code maintainability, system architecture, legal and ethical issues, and sustainability. Consider these ideas in the context of the current system and the application interacting with the back-end you created. IMPORTATN: 2.2 and 2.1 should not exceed 500 words in total (delete comment when done).



4.1 Wireframe Prototype Images

Insert images of your prototype below. Ensure they are clearly visible, and we can make out all the features.

Extended Entity Relationship Diagram (EERD)

This section should be an EER diagram showing every single detail of your EER model.

You should use the crows-foot notation for the EERD. Please have a look at the sample diagrams provided (e.g., University ER Diagram and the sample coursework). Your EERD should fit on this one page.

A drawio file has been provided for you with the course entity type and a student specialisation hierarchy as a starting point. Please state which drawing tool you used and save it as an image and copy it here.

Logical Relational Database Schema

In this section, you should show the conceptual/logical relational database schema translated from the EER model. You should include a relational schema showing all primary keys and foreign keys of all relations either using arrows as shown in the lecture slides or in the format shown below, which you might find easier. Note that currently there is no FK in Student but this could change after you add your entities.

Course(Crs_Code, Crs_Title, Crs_enrollment)


Student(URN, Stu_FName, Stu_LName, Stu_DOB, Stu_Email, Stu_Course, Stu_Type)


FOREIGN KEY: Stu_Course REFERENCES Course(Crs_Code)

Postgraduate(URN, Thesis)



Undergraduate(URN, Total_credits)



Website Working with MySQL Database

In this section, you should give a list of all files of your website with a description of what it does.

Advanced Tasks

In this section, please list what extra challenge advanced tasks you have done. If you did some advanced tasks but forgot to include them in this section, you might bear the risk that such advanced tasks may not be noticed by the marker and thus additional marks may not be awarded. If you did not attempt any advanced task, still include this section but just say you didn’t attempt any.


Put the links of the websites you used for eliciting the business rules and any other references. Make sure you cite every reference in the main body of your report. You are recommended to use Harvard or IEEE referencing.

If you used a CSS template or any external libraries in your website, make it clear in the main body of the report and add proper references (with URLs if relevant). Make sure you have the needed permission to use such templates and libraries as well (you should be aware of such legal issues and what are your responsibilities).

10 Appendix: Screenshots of Website

Show the screenshots for your website.


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