· Assignment Type : Group Assignment (accounts for 100% of the final grade)
· Assignment File(s) Type and Number : 1) 12 slides presentation (PDF/PPT) 2) Jupyter notebook code (IPYNB).
· Instructions for students: Please find detailed instructions below.
Assignment Instructions:
Goal: The final project is designed to give an opportunity for students to apply knowledge of Python to real-world cases in finance.
1. Choose the field of finance where you would like to apply knowledge of Python. I recommend to choose the field where you would like to build a career, in order to be able to use the project code in your everyday work.
Warning : Be careful with the size of the project. I do not expect that you will write the entire financial library for Python. However, I expect the median size of the project code be like Lesson 4 by size.
Some typical examples of projects :
· Market risk management in Python
· Porfolio theory
· Derivatives pricing
· Monte Carlo method for NPV and/or firm valuation
· Trading algorithms : forecasting the stock price
· Real options
If you are unsure about what to choose, feel free to contact me via email :
We can arrange a short call and discuss all your doubts.
Important : you can use the code I provided or any code from internet, but you should provide a link on the source, if you use the code from internet.
Your original code should be not less than 20% of the entire code of the project. However, I do not expect those number to be 80% or 100%.
2. Once you defined your field, before going into coding business create the plan on the piece of paper, with deadline dates. Keep in mind, that we (humans) tend to sistematically overestimate our productivity.
3. The code should have a reasonable amount of comments, variables should have informative names, for functions, please, specify input and output parameters.
4. Presentation preparation :
Slide 1 : Title
Slide 2 : Goal of the project
Slide 3 : Details of the project
Slide 4 : Data description
Slide 5-10 : Description of main results. What kind of problems you have solved in your project.
Slide 11 : Consluding remarks : what can be done next.
Slide 12 : State all the sources of information/code you have used.
5. There will be live presentations.
6. Jupyter notebooks could be in any style and format only point 3 of these recommendations should be respected.
Good luck to everyone and have a good coding experience !
Vladimir ([email protected])