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Programming II
Assignment II – Inheritance
Inheritance allows you to use existing classes to build a new class that will better able to solve your problems.
In this exercise you will be implementing the following inheritance hierarchy. Remember the arrow point to the parent class.
The Sphere class
This class serves as the base class of our hierarchy.
Description of the members:
There are no fields
Length: this double auto-implemented property has public read and private write access
Volume: this double property just has a get accessor. It is declared virtual and it returns the volume of this object based on its dimension.
There is one constructor that takes a single argument. This argument is assigned to the relevant property.
There are no methods
The Cylinder class
This class derives from the Circle class. It also serves as the base class of the Cone class.
Description of the members:
There are no fields
Height: this double auto-implemented property has public read and private write access
Volume: this double property replaces the member of the same name in the base class. It returns the volume of this object based on its dimension.
There is one constructor that takes two arguments. It invokes the base constructor with the first one and the second one is used to set the property.
There are no methods
The Cone class
This class derives from the Cylinder class.
Description of the members:
There are no fields
No additional properties are defined
Volume: this double property replaces the member of the same name in the base class. It returns the
volume of this object based on its dimension.
There is one constructor that takes two arguments. It invokes the base constructor with the two
There are no methods
The Cube class
This class derives from the Sphere class.
Description of the members:
There are no fields
No additional properties are defined
Volume: this double property replaces the member of the same name in the base class. It returns the
volume of this object based on its dimension.
There is one constructor that takes one argument. It invokes the base constructor with this argument.
There are no methods
Test Harness
Insert the following code statements in your Program.cs file:
List<Sphere> shapes = new List<Sphere>();
shapes.Add(new Sphere(2));
shapes.Add(new Cylinder(1.5, 2));
shapes.Add(new Cone(.75, 1.5));
shapes.Add(new Cube(1.2));
foreach (Sphere shape in shapes)
Console.WriteLine("{0:f2}", shape.Volume);
Additional tasks
Add a method public double GetMass(double density) to the Sphere class to return the product of the argument (i.e. density) and the volume
Insert the proper code statements in your main to show the operation of this new method.
N. B. Although the method was implemented in a different class, you are still able to use the logic. This is the power of inheritance
You need to record a video to demonstrate your assignment, explain the program design, execution process and execution results.
Submission requirements
Create a console project named “Assignment2+yourlastname”(e.g. Assignment2Maggie)
Name your submission compressed file according to the following rule: studentID(yourlastname)_Assignment2.zip, which include:
Project sourcecode
Demonstration video