ACTL3143 Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning Models for Actuarial Applications

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ACTL3143 Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning Models for Actuarial Applications

Course Details & Outcomes

Course Description

Advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning - especially in deep learning methods - are creating products and services with the potential to change the insurance industry and actuarial work. This course will introduce students to concepts in Artificial Intelligence (AI), with particular focus on deep learning models, and their applications to risk and insurance.  A particular focus of the course will be on how those AI models can be combined with other actuarial techniques in order to solve business problems in insurance and risk management including pricing, reserving and capital management, and insurance business processes. Students will be expected to understand the theory behind the models considered and their relationship to other actuarial techniques, and to fit and evaluate various deep learning models using appropriate software.  

Course Aims

There are two main differences between this course and generic computer science treatment of deep learning. Firstly, the course will highlight deep learning models which can be combined with other actuarial techniques (e.g. claim frequency modelling with GLMs, mortality forecasting). Secondly, the assumed knowledge for the course is tailored to actuarial students. Only a minimal coding experience is assumed (e.g. the basics of variables, control flow, functions), and the required coding concepts in Python will be taught in the lectures.

This course will complement the machine learning methods covered in ACTL3142 Actuarial Data and Analysis.

Course Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes Program learning outcomes
CLO1 : Develop an understanding of artificial intelligence techniques and their potential application in insurance business processes
  • PLO1 : Business Knowledge
  • PLO2 : Problem Solving
  • PLO3 : Business Communication
CLO2 : Understand and explain the key features of various deep neural networks and their applications to various specialist areas of actuarial studies and insurance tasks, including highlighting their differences and limitations
  • PLO1 : Business Knowledge
  • PLO2 : Problem Solving
  • PLO3 : Business Communication
  • PLO5 : Responsible Business Practice
CLO3 : Implement deep neural networks using deep learning software and real world datasets
  • PLO2 : Problem Solving
  • PLO3 : Business Communication
CLO4 : Combine deep neural networks with other actuarial techniques to solve problems in various types of insurance business, including pricing, reserving, and capital management
  • PLO1 : Business Knowledge
  • PLO2 : Problem Solving
  • PLO3 : Business Communication
  • PLO5 : Responsible Business Practice
CLO5 : Apply effective communication, discussion and report writing skills when interpreting results from deep learning algorithms and artificial intelligence systems
  • PLO1 : Business Knowledge
  • PLO2 : Problem Solving
  • PLO3 : Business Communication
  • PLO5 : Responsible Business Practice
CLO6 : Understand the ethical considerations related to the data colllection, design and implementation of various AI and deep learning models for actuarial and insurance applications
  • PLO1 : Business Knowledge
  • PLO3 : Business Communication
  • PLO5 : Responsible Business Practice

Course Learning Outcomes Assessment Item
CLO1 : Develop an understanding of artificial intelligence techniques and their potential application in insurance business processes
  • Storywall Discussion forums
  • Assignment
  • Final Exam
CLO2 : Understand and explain the key features of various deep neural networks and their applications to various specialist areas of actuarial studies and insurance tasks, including highlighting their differences and limitations
  • Storywall Discussion forums
  • Assignment
  • Final Exam
CLO3 : Implement deep neural networks using deep learning software and real world datasets
  • Storywall Discussion forums
  • Assignment
CLO4 : Combine deep neural networks with other actuarial techniques to solve problems in various types of insurance business, including pricing, reserving, and capital management
  • Final Exam
  • Storywall Discussion forums
  • Assignment
CLO5 : Apply effective communication, discussion and report writing skills when interpreting results from deep learning algorithms and artificial intelligence systems
  • Final Exam
  • Storywall Discussion forums
  • Assignment
CLO6 : Understand the ethical considerations related to the data colllection, design and implementation of various AI and deep learning models for actuarial and insurance applications
  • Final Exam
  • Storywall Discussion forums
  • Assignment

Learning and Teaching Technologies

Moodle - Learning Management System | Zoom | Echo 360 | EdStem

Learning and Teaching in this course

This course consists of:

- Self-study course material available on the course Moodle website (e.g. textbook chapters, lecture notes, exercises),

- Weekly lectures,

- Weekly labs, and

- Weekly consultation times.


Assessment Structure

Assessment Item Weight Relevant Dates Program learning outcomes
Storywall Discussion forums
Assessment FormatIndividual
Start DateWeek 1
Due DateThroughout term, see Moodle for details
  • PLO1 : Business Knowledge
  • PLO2 : Problem Solving
  • PLO3 : Business Communication
  • PLO5 : Responsible Business Practice
Assessment FormatIndividual
Start DateWeek 2
Due DateThe milestones will be due around weeks 5, 8, and 9 respectively, though see the Moodle page for the specific dates.
  • PLO1 : Business Knowledge
  • PLO2 : Problem Solving
  • PLO3 : Business Communication
  • PLO5 : Responsible Business Practice
Final Exam
Assessment FormatIndividual
Start DateNot Applicable
Due DateNot Applicable
  • PLO1 : Business Knowledge
  • PLO2 : Problem Solving
  • PLO3 : Business Communication
  • PLO5 : Responsible Business Practice

Assessment Details

  • Storywall Discussion forums
    Assessment Overview

    These are aimed at encouraging students to keep up with the course materials.

    Course Learning Outcomes
    • CLO1 : Develop an understanding of artificial intelligence techniques and their potential application in insurance business processes
    • CLO2 : Understand and explain the key features of various deep neural networks and their applications to various specialist areas of actuarial studies and insurance tasks, including highlighting their differences and limitations
    • CLO3 : Implement deep neural networks using deep learning software and real world datasets
    • CLO4 : Combine deep neural networks with other actuarial techniques to solve problems in various types of insurance business, including pricing, reserving, and capital management
    • CLO5 : Apply effective communication, discussion and report writing skills when interpreting results from deep learning algorithms and artificial intelligence systems
    • CLO6 : Understand the ethical considerations related to the data colllection, design and implementation of various AI and deep learning models for actuarial and insurance applications
    Detailed Assessment Description

    The course offers formative activities to practice the concepts you have learned each week and aim at encouraging students to keep up with the course materials. These activities will reinforce your learning and help you identify the areas you need to focus on.

    Submission notes

    On Moodle

    Assignment submission Turnitin type

    Not Applicable

  • Assignment
    Assessment Overview

    Project involving application of course concepts.

    Course Learning Outcomes
    • CLO1 : Develop an understanding of artificial intelligence techniques and their potential application in insurance business processes
    • CLO2 : Understand and explain the key features of various deep neural networks and their applications to various specialist areas of actuarial studies and insurance tasks, including highlighting their differences and limitations
    • CLO3 : Implement deep neural networks using deep learning software and real world datasets
    • CLO4 : Combine deep neural networks with other actuarial techniques to solve problems in various types of insurance business, including pricing, reserving, and capital management
    • CLO5 : Apply effective communication, discussion and report writing skills when interpreting results from deep learning algorithms and artificial intelligence systems
    • CLO6 : Understand the ethical considerations related to the data colllection, design and implementation of various AI and deep learning models for actuarial and insurance applications
    Detailed Assessment Description

    There will be a major assignment task involving the practical application of deep learning concepts in the course. It will also assess critical analysis and problem solving skills as well as communication skills, and correspond to course learning outcomes, and program learning goals.

    The project will be submitted in stages:

    1. Report Part 1 (10%),

    2. Recorded Presentation (15%),

    3. Report Part 2 (15%).

    Assessment Length

    5 pages

    Submission notes

    See lectures and Moodle for specific instructions.

    Assignment submission Turnitin type

    This assignment is submitted through Turnitin and students can see Turnitin similarity reports.

  • Final Exam
    Assessment Overview

    The examination will aim to assess the achievement of the learning course outcomes.

    Course Learning Outcomes
    • CLO1 : Develop an understanding of artificial intelligence techniques and their potential application in insurance business processes
    • CLO2 : Understand and explain the key features of various deep neural networks and their applications to various specialist areas of actuarial studies and insurance tasks, including highlighting their differences and limitations
    • CLO4 : Combine deep neural networks with other actuarial techniques to solve problems in various types of insurance business, including pricing, reserving, and capital management
    • CLO5 : Apply effective communication, discussion and report writing skills when interpreting results from deep learning algorithms and artificial intelligence systems
    • CLO6 : Understand the ethical considerations related to the data colllection, design and implementation of various AI and deep learning models for actuarial and insurance applications
    Detailed Assessment Description

    The exam will test the concepts presented in the lectures.

    Submission notes

    See lectures & Moodle for further details.

    Assignment submission Turnitin type

    Not Applicable

General Assessment Information

As a student at UNSW you are expected to display academic integrity in your work and interactions. Where a student breaches the UNSW Student Code with respect to academic integrity, the University may take disciplinary action under the Student Misconduct Procedure. To assure academic integrity, you may be required to demonstrate reasoning, research and the process of constructing work submitted for assessment.

To assist you in understanding what academic integrity means, and how to ensure that you do comply with the UNSW Student Code, it is strongly recommended that you complete the Working with Academic Integrity module before submitting your first assessment task. It is a free, online self-paced Moodle module that should take about one hour to complete.

Grading Basis


Requirements to pass course

In order to pass this course students must:

  • Achieve a composite mark of at least 50 out of 100
  • Engage actively in course learning activities and attempt all assessment requirements
  • Meet any additional requirements specified in the assessment details
  • Meet the specified attendance requirements of the course

Course Schedule

Teaching Week/Module Activity Type Content
Week 1 : 27 May - 2 June Lecture

Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, and Python

Week 2 : 3 June - 9 June Lecture

Keras Deep Learning for Tabular Data

Week 3 : 10 June - 16 June Lecture

Computer Vision

Week 4 : 17 June - 23 June Lecture

Natural Language Processing

Week 5 : 24 June - 30 June Lecture

Recurrent Neural Networks

Week 6 : 1 July - 7 July Other

Flexibility week - no classes

Week 7 : 8 July - 14 July Lecture

Advanced Topics

Week 8 : 15 July - 21 July Lecture

Advanced Topics

Week 9 : 22 July - 28 July Lecture

Advanced Topics

Week 10 : 29 July - 4 August Lecture

Advanced Topics and Exam Preparation

Attendance Requirements

Students are strongly encouraged to attend all classes and review lecture recordings.

Course Resources

Prescribed Resources

Course website

The website for this course is on Moodle.

The course will use various digital resources, but they all will be linked from Moodle.

To access the Moodle online support site for students, follow the links from that website to UNSW Moodle Support/Support for Students. Additional technical support can be obtained from [email protected] (02 9385 1333).

All course contents will be available from the course website. It is essential that you visit the site regularly to see any notices posted there by the course coordinator, as it will be assumed that they are known to you within a reasonable time.


There are many books of relevance to the course topics. The following book will be the main text references for a substantial part of the course: Aurélien Géron's textbook Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow (2nd or 3rd Edition), available digitally via UNSW Library's O'Reilly subscription.

Additional readings from the professional actuarial literature will also be used to provided additional context, details, and examples. This will be communicated in the course website.

Course Evaluation and Development

Feedback is regularly sought from students and continual improvements are made based on this feedback. At the end of this course, you will be asked to complete the myExperience survey, which provides a key source of student evaluative feedback. Your input into this quality enhancement process is extremely valuable in assisting us to meet the needs of our students and provide an effective and enriching learning experience. The results of all surveys are carefully considered and do lead to action towards enhancing educational quality.


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