CSCE 311 Operating Systems

CSCE 311 Operating Systems(2019)


Hardware and architecture support for OS
Process description and Control
Memory Management
File Management
Distributed Systems and networks
Real-world examples of implementations
For more details, stay tuned.

Course Outcomes

  1. Describe the major components of an operating system and state theiri functions and purpose.
  2. Implement and use algorithms for the management and programming of concurrent processes.
  3. Implement and use algorithms for resource allocation and management in computer systems.

Final Exam

April 30, Thursday at 9am.

Reading and Lectures Policy

Attendance at lectures is mandatory. Students will be expected to have read the material for each lecture prior to the lecture and to be able to actively participate in discussions during class. In order to motivate you in this regard, there will be pop quizes every week and possibly every class. The first 5-15 minutes of the class will be spent on a pop quiz based on the assigned reading material with. You will be allowed to use notes that you have taken, however, you may not use the text book during the quiz. Keep in mind that pop quizes constitute 10% of your grade, if you are habitually late and miss these quizes you will have forfeited one letter grade.

Assignment and Project Policy

This class will entail a great deal of effort on your part. There will be four significant programming projects. You will have two-three weeks to work on each project. In addition, there will be five written homework assignments. Homework assignments must be turned at the beginning of lecture (8:30pm) on the specified due date. Likewise, projects will be submitted using the dropbox program on the specified due date. We will be covering a large amount of material, and you will have a significant work load. Keep in mind:

  1. Late projects or assignments will be penalized 10% per day.
  2. No projects or assignments will be accepted after 5 days.

Obviously, in the event of an unforeseen emergency or serious illness such as lycanthropy, there may be an exception made. It is your responsibility to notify me of emergencies and serious illnesses in a timely manner.

Grading Policy

Quizes				10%
Programming Projects		35%
Homework			10%
Midterm Exam			15%
Final Exam			30%

Grade ranges

A 90 - 100 B+ 86 - 89 B 80 - 85
C+ 76 - 79 C 70 - 75 D+ 66 - 69
D 60-65 F below 60
Grades will not be curved. You will receive the grade that you have earned. N.B. If you want to receive a passing grade, then you must earn it during the semester. There will not be any extra credit assignments.

Cheating Policy

... Injures, therefore, should be inflicted all at once, that their ill savor being less lasting may the less offend... Niccolo Machiavelli

Cheating is defined as giving or receiving unauthorized aid on an assignment, quiz, test or project, or not documenting an outside source of information should one be used. It is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. All offenses will be reported to the dean in accordance with the Carolina Community student handbook.

Students are expected to do their own work. While discussion of general aspects of the material is encouraged, collaborative efforts are grounds for receiving a failing grade. Academic sanctions are as follows. For the first cheating offense a student will be docked twice the number of points that assignment is worth. So for example a student cheats on a 10 point quiz, that student will receive a -20 as a grade on that quiz. For the second offense the student will receive an F as a grade for the course.
Note: If the cheating offense is on a programming project or exam, then the student will receive an F as a grade for the course even if this is the first offense.


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