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School of Management
Course Code: COMP1115
Applicable Program(s): Multiple Programs
Pre-Requisites: COMP1010 OR ACCT1031
Course Description
Students learn the basics of Project Management and how to apply them using Microsoft Project 2016. They learn how to plan and manage basic Projects and their schedules, resources, budgets and reports throughout the Project Management cycle with a focus on real business issues. In addition, students learn the fundamentals of Database design and management using Microsoft Access 2016. They learn how to create and apply basic tables, queries, forms and reports to real business issues.
Essential Employability Skills
This course contributes to your program by helping you achieve the following Essential Employability Skills:
EES 1 COMMUNICATION: Communicate clearly, concisely and correctly in the written, spoken and visual
form that fulfills the purpose and meets the needs of the audience. (P,)
EES 2 COMMUNICATION: Respond to written, spoken or visual messages in a manner that ensures
effective communication. (P,)
EES 3 NUMERACY: Execute mathematical operations accurately. (T, P, E,)
EES 4 CRITICAL THINKING & PROBLEM SOLVING: Apply a systematic approach to solve problems. (T,
P, E, C,)
EES 5 CRITICAL THINKING & PROBLEM SOLVING: Use a variety of thinking skills to anticipate and
solve problems. (T, P, E,)
EES 6 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT: Analyze, evaluate and apply relevant information from a variety
of sources. (T, P, E,)
EES 7 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT: Locate, select, organize and document information using
appropriate technology and information systems. (T, P, E, C,)
EES 8 INTERPERSONAL: Show respect for diverse opinions, values, belief systems and contributions of
others. (P,)
EES 9 INTERPERSONAL: Interact with others in groups or teams in ways that contribute to effective
working relationships and the achievement of goals. (P,)
EES 10 PERSONAL: Manage the use of time and other resources to complete projects. (P, E,)
EES 11 PERSONAL: Take responsibility for one's own actions, decisions and consequences. (P, E,)
Course Learning Outcomes
When you have earned credit for this course, you will have demonstrated the ability to:
CLO 1 CLO1. Understand the basics of Project Management and its key concepts and terminology.
CLO 2 CLO2. Demonstrate the ability to plan and develop a Project on paper and then with MS Project 2016.
CLO 3 CLO3. Prepare Project Management schedules, work breakdowns, charts and reports with MS Project 2016.
CLO 4 CLO4. Demonstrate the ability to assign resources and determine costs and budgets with MS Project 2016.
CLO 5 CLO5. Demonstrate the ability to integrate Project information with other applications.
CLO 6 CLO6. Understand the basics of Database design and management and key related concepts and terminology.
CLO 7 CLO7. Demonstrate the ability to create, maintain and query a database using MS Access 2016.
CLO 8 CLO8. Prepare forms and reports to manage and display data in MS Access 2016.
Delivery Methods/Learning Activities
This course is delivered by week-to-week demonstrations, case studies, online training components and/or hands-on activities at the computer. Course participants should be prepared to allocate a significant number of hours to both the learning process and the production of application projects and assignments. The Professor will be available during office hours, to provide guidance and additional assistance as required by individual students.
Learning Resources
Tests must be written on the scheduled dates on campus or as determined by the Professor.
A score of zero will be recorded for a missed test, unless the student can defend his/her absence with a medical certificate, or other appropriate documentation as determined by the Professor.
An opportunity will be provided to take a make-up test, to replace a missed test, provided the student has supplied the Professor with appropriate documentation.
Online assessments must be submitted by the assigned due date; otherwise, a score of zero will be recorded. The Professor will provide a schedule of quiz and test dates.
A student, who misses a class, is responsible for obtaining any handouts and information on course content.
Assignments must be submitted on or before the scheduled due dates. Since the assignment grade is given for timely submission and completion, rather than for completion alone, late penalties will levied against late assignments, unless the student can defend his/her tardiness with a medical certificate, or other appropriate documentation as determined by the Professor.
Assignments must be submitted in person, via Blackboard Assignment Drop Box, email and/or other method as determined by the Professor.
Hardware and software failures should be anticipated and cannot be used as an excuse for not submitting work. Each student is responsible for preparing his/her own assignment.
If the wrong assignment is submitted, or the assignment bears another student’s name, all parties involved will receive an automatic zero for that assignment.
Students are responsible for keeping a back-up copy of each document submitted for grading purposes. The Professor will provide a schedule of assignment due dates and submission requirements.