introduction to the skeleton of a 2D game

Checklist for Assignment 1: introduction to the skeleton of a 2D game.
The maximum number of points for an item is between square brackets [ ]. The numbers that appear in the assignment feedback follow this breakdown.
Note that, if the code does not compile or run, the assignment will receive a grade of zero.
1. CMake and project structure.
1.1 [ 1 ] The submission includes a properly-modified CMakeLists.txt defining the project "Assignment1". Running cmake sets up the project as expected. Source files are in their correct location. Textures are not missing. The submitted zip file does not include binaries.
1.2 [ 1 ] The submission includes a readme.txt file providing some description of how the code was implemented.
2. Modification of sprites and game objects.
2.1 [ 0.5 ] The sprites of the player and enemies were modified to something different than the textures provided in the demo.
2.2 [ 0.5 ] Credit was given to the sprite sources.
3. [ 1 ] Timer class. A timer class was implemented according to the provided code skeleton and described functionality.
4. Circle-to-circle collision detection and resolution.
4.1 [ 1 ] The collision implementation works properly, that is, the code detects collision between the player and enemy game objects using circle-to-circle collision and an appropriate threshold.
4.2 [ 1 ] When a collision is detected, the game shows an "explosion" object with a properly-chosen sprite, and the object can’t be collided with anymore.
4.3 [ 1 ] After 5 seconds, the object that exploded disappears from the game and is deleted from memory.
4.4 [ 1 ] After three collisions (three damage points), the player object also explodes (an explosion sprite is shown for 5 seconds).
4.5 [ 1 ] After the player object is removed from the game, the game window is closed and a “game over” message appears.
5. [ 1 ] Enemy spawning. Enemies are spawned every 10 seconds at a random position of the screen with the timer class.
6. [ 1 ] Bonus: audio. An audio of an explosion is played when objects collide, and background music plays during the game.
Total: 10 points + 1 bonus point.


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